
Qiu Qiu Perseveres : Her Red Face Diary

Go to a soccer game with the male god I have a crush on. When we were projected onto the big screen, he refused to kiss me. On impulse, I turned and angrily kissed the school bully next to me. Because of this, the school bully's girlfriend ran away and he wants me to compensate him with a girlfriend. "How...how about me?" I asked, trembling. He glanced at me and said with a smile, "Yeah, but I, Zhou Juan, eat meat but not vegetables." Me????

Hayden_Y_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs


She went to England.

Upon hearing this news, I wasn't surprised.

But that night, after getting drunk, I suddenly missed her so much.

I shamefully wondered if I could ask her if we could start over again if I was willing to wait for her.

However, when I impulsively tried to message her, I realized I didn't have her contact information.

I was stunned, and I had even deleted her number from my own hand.

I really didn't leave myself any way out.

I sighed, it's better this way.

She'll be there for two years, maybe even five if things go well, and she might even marry a talented student and never come back.

That's great.

After graduation, I went to intern at my dad's company.

I started living alone, bored out of my mind every day.

At night, I started frantically searching for news about her again.

I wandered between her Weibo accounts, both the small one and the big one. She really doesn't like to post updates.

I started following the weather and news there.

Sure enough, when it snowed, she made a snowman that was so ugly.

She must have been freezing and probably didn't wear gloves, her hands must have turned red.

If I were there, I could have warmed her up.

No, it's also possible that she made it with her current boyfriend and someone else warmed her hands.


I turned off my phone.

I didn't sleep all night.

I didn't know what I was thinking, why was I hoping for her to come back?

I even had the impulse to go and find her.

Then, the impulse lasted until morning, and I booked a weekend flight to England.

But when I got off work, I saw someone in the crowd.

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Turns out, it was really her.

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to embrace her tightly and kiss her until cried.

But I was afraid of scaring her, so I just stood quietly behind her. I stood there for half an hour, and it helped me calm down.

She's back, and she asked me if I was single.

I said yes.

I took her home.

Like a dream, I finally had her, she was mine.

I looked at her sleeping face and couldn't get enough of it.

Why is she so obedient and so touching to my heart?

Dangerous and charming little thing!

Is she mine for the rest of my life?

I couldn't help but secretly kiss her a dozen times while she was asleep, holding her hand, feeling a little more real.

I've made up my mind, I won't let her go this time she's back.

She's mine, and tomorrow morning I'll take her to get our marriage certificate, let's see how she'll run!

I feel ridiculous, I never thought I would have a day like this, fearing that someone would run away, and having to use the law to protect my rights.

Damn, I love this marriage law!

I love her, and I love this world with her in it.

It's really wonderful.