
The Door To Becoming A Spirit Master

The old man was genuinely surprised by Wu Yu's confident answer and asked curiously, "what makes you so confident about this?"

Wu Yu was stumped on how to answer the old man, he can't just upright and say that he has memories of another him where alchemy was more advanced, right?

"About this... all I can say is, I believe I can do it and if I believe it, then I can do it!" Struggling to find an answer Wu Yu just said the most cheesy thing he could think of.

No one would would say anything about a child saying such lines, right? It was normal for kids to want to try new things so the old man just passed off Wu Yu's answer as that.

Qing Guanyu who just stayed silent a moment ago suddenly hooked onto Wu Yu's arm and looked at her grandfather, "grandpa, I believe Wu Yu can do it, so give him a chance, alright?"

The grandfather gave the two kids a suspicious looks and questioned, "are you two sure you just met today? it seems you've known each other for quite a while now."

Wu Yu was already aware of how strangely close Qing Guanyu was but didn't know how to react, Qing Guanyu on the other had immediately got flustered and released Wu Yu.

"I... it was nothing grandpa, it was just a spur of the moment, plus Wu Yu is three years younger than me so there's no way!" Qing Guanyu quickly defended herself.

The grandpa looked at Wu Yu and wasn't sure about him being three years younger, one or even two maybe he'd believe but three?

Wu Yu seemed to understand what the grandpa was thinking about and reassured him, "I really am six senior, im just a little more developed than other kids."

The grandpa nodded in understanding then said, "alright then, you can work here but I'm gonna have you do some homework before you start."

Going up to the pile of books the grandpa scanned through all of them and picked out three, "here, take these, come back when you have read through all of them, then I'll let you work here."

Wu Yu took the three thick books and scanned them quickly then nodded to the grandpa, "all right, I'll be back soon."

Bowing to the the grandpa, Wu Yu thanked Qing Guanyu for her help then left after saying goodbye to the two.

Leaving the shop, Wu Yu had to go back to his dorm and deposit his books there before heading out again to meet up with the headmaster.

Wu Yu entered the office then walked up to the office lady who he had met yesterday and asked, "Excuse me, I'm looking for the headmaster, is he around?"

The lady immediately recognized him and asked him to wait while she went into the headmaster's office to go and notify him.

Shortly after the lady came out again with the headmaster who was smiling from ear to ear, "Haha, little Yu, for what reason have you come today?"

Wu Yu found the headmaster's smile to be a little off putting and disturbing but he kept that to himself, "headmaster, I have come today to talk to you about my spirit."

"Oh? your spirit, that's right, you have a mutated Qilin spirit don't you?" The headmaster immediately understood why he would come here to speak about it with him.

"Yes, my spirit is a little special compared to others, and the spirit master that awakened me said that my spirit had a mutation that could be either good or bad."

The headmaster nodded, "I see, so you've come to me to determine weather this mutation was a good one or a bad one?"

Wu Yu nodded and showed a miniature version of his spirit Qilin on his left palm, "this is what my spirit looks like but this is not its true size, im afraid bringing it out here completely could cause some problems.

The headmaster bent down and looked at Wu Yu's spirit Qilin and was absolutely awed, the beauty and majesty of the spirit completely blew him away.

"You said this wasn't its true size, right? what do you mean by that?" The headmaster collected himself and asked Wu Yu curiously.

Wu Yu nodded and answered, "It's real size is about nine feet to ten feet tall." Wu Yu never really thought about Wu Ji's height but he assumed it was somewhere in that range.

The headmaster still didn't understand, "I still don't understand, why would it's size matter? does fusing with your spirit increase your size?"

Shaking his head, Wu Yu replied, "No, I can't fuse with my spirit, it's like a summon, I can bring it out and it will have an actual physical body."

Hearing it from Wu Yu, the headmaster was shocked and decided he wanted to take a look, "let's go outside, you can bring out your spirit there freely."

Nodding his head Wu Yu followed behind the headmaster as he lead them towards a large open field with no one else around.

"Okay, you can bring out your spirit now and don't hold back." The headmaster said as he stood by the side and watched.

Wu Yu opened his mouth and shouted, "Wu Ji!" Immediately a nine foot tall Qilin appeared and stood proudly before the headmaster and Wu Yu.

The headmaster's jaw dropped when he saw the nine foot tall Wu Ji and exclaimed, "this!" the feeling that Wu Ji gave off was completely different from before.

If the miniature Wu Ji gave off the feeling of standing before a 10,000 year spirit beast, then the feeling that the full size Wu Ji gave off would be the equivalent of a 100,000 year spirit beast or more.

One thing was for sure though, it wasn't the feeling of just any 100,000 year spirit beast but more like a god amongst them.

The headmaster truly felt a scarred when he was met Wu Ji, this was a feeling anyone with spirit power would feel, the aura of a 100,000+ year spirit beast was no joke.

Turning to Wu Yu who looked perfectly fine, the headmaster asked, "do you not feel the aura that your Qilin is giving off?"

Shaking his head Wu Yu honestly answered, "no, I don't feel anything, why? am I supposed to feel something?"

The headmaster shook his head and said, "Nevermind, I don't know much about spirit mutations but I do know someone in this school who might be able to help you to understand your spirit more."

Wu Yu nodded and asked, "then, can I trouble you with helping me find this person?" Wu Yu wanted to make sure he knew as much about his spirit as possible.

"Alright, I can bring you to him right now, I can't really make him do anything so unless you can convince him to help you there is nothing else I can do." The headmaster said.

Walking Wu Yu down a narrow corridor, the headmaster stopped at a door secluded from the rest of the school.

"We're here, remember, the person in here may not help you and if he doesn't, dont trouble him too much." The headmaster said in all seriousness.

Wu Yu nodded in confirmation and waited patiently as the headmaster knocked on the door and stood silently right after.

When the door opened, a man Wu Yu was familiar with showed himself in his baggy clothes and gray scarf, he didn't have his cap on at the moment.

"Ah, headmaster, come in, I'm sorry about the mess, I wasn't expecting to have any company today." The man at the door welcomed the headmaster openly.

The headmaster waved off the grandmasters worries and replied, "Haha, it's alright grandmaster, I'm at fault for not alerting you of my visit beforehand."

Wu Yu was surprised when he saw the grandmaster and quickly said his greetings, "grandmaster! it's nice to see you again, once again, thank you for showing me to the food court."

The grandmaster was also pleasantly surprised to see Wu Yu again and greeted back, "oh, Wu Yu, that's right you were the lost child yesterday, it's nice to see you again."

The headmaster didn't expect that Wu Yu had already met the grandmaster before and asked curiously, "you two know each other?"

The grandmaster and Wu Yu both nodded in confirmation before the grandmaster invited them in so they can have a proper talk.

Entering the grandmasters room with Wu Yu in tow, the two saw that the room really was quite messy. The grandmaster cleared a few papers off his couch, and gestured for the two to sit.

As the two sat down, the grandmaster asked while preparing some tea, "so what brings the two of you to my humble abode?"

Immediately the headmaster spoke up, "we're actually here because little Yu here has a certain issue that someone with your expertise could help with."

Wu Yu nodded and continued on where the headmaster left off, "that's right grandmaster, the headmaster says you have knowledge about spirit mutations?"

The grandmaster nodded and confirmed what Wu Yu asked, "I'm a spirit researcher and spirit mutations do belong in that field so yes I am knowledgeable in it."

Getting a little excited Wu Yu then asked, "then grandmaster, could you please help me understand my spirit a little more?"

Hearing Wu Yu's request, the grandmaster got curious and asked, "what's so special about your spirit that makes you need my help to understand?"

This time the headmaster spoke out since he knew a little bit more about Wu Yu's spirit than he himself, "Grandmaster, little Yu's spirit is a spirit mutation."

The grandmaster shook a bit but stayed silent as the headmaster continued, "little Yu's spirit mutation, it's a little special... he can't fuse with it."

Keeping an eye on the grandmasters reaction, the headmaster noticed him shaking a bit but continued, "his spirit is a Qilin, a very powerful Qilin, at least that's my take on it, other than that we don't know much more."

Calming himself down, the grandmaster poured three cups of tea then brought one to the headmaster and Wu Yu each before taking the last one for himself.

Sitting himself down, the grandmaster continued his questioning, this time directed at Wu Yu specifically, "little Yu tell me honestly, how do you feel about your spirit?"

Wu Yu thought about grandmaster's question then answered him honestly, "truthfully I don't know how to feel about Wu Ji but one thing I do know is that its my spirit, a part of me, my power..."

Wu Yu paused a bit then continued, "...so however my spirit turns out, weather weak or strong, I'll always know one thing for sure, it will always be there for me."

Listening to how Wu Yu answered his question, the grandmaster fell into silence as he thought over Wu Yu's words then thought about his own spirit.

After a long and akward silence the grandmaster suddenly stood up and looked at Wu Yu, "alright, I will help you with understanding your spirit more."

When the grandmaster said this, his eyes seemed to have a little more vigor than ever before, he put down his tea cup and asked, "show me your spirit, I'll take a look."

Wu Yu nodded but then looked at the headmaster. Understanding what Wu Yu's look meant, the head master spoke up and asked, "grandmaster, Wu Yu's spirit is a little big so why don't we head out to a more appropriate area?"

The grandmaster simply nodded and let the headmaster lead them to the open field, "here we are, you can do whatever tests you want here and don't worry about be any damages you may cause."

After doing his part the headmaster had things to do and left Wu Yu and the grandmaster alone on the field.

"Okay, now, show me your spirit." the grandmaster requested of Wu Yu. Not wasting anytime Wu Yu immediately summoned Wu Ji.

No surprise, the grandmaster had the same reaction as the headmaster when he saw Wu Ji, 'what power! what the headmaster said was an understatement.' the grandmaster thought to himself.

"Incredible, the feeling your Qilin gives off is comparable to a 100,000 year spirit beast, no, it's different, it's definitely more than 100,000!" the grandmaster exclaimed.

Wu Yu didn't understand, 100,000 year spirit beast? he didn't anything more than a bit about spirits and spirit rings that are required to get stronger.

"Grandmaster, I don't understand, what's a 100,000 year spirit ring?" Wu Yu asked as he was quite curious about why people felt so afraid of Wu Ji.

"Right, in our world spirit masters get stronger by gaining spirit rings, you know this, I believe?" Wu Yu nodded then waited for the grandmaster to continue.

"Do you know where the spirit rings come from?" Wu Yu thought about this a bit then said, "I think it was by hunting beasts or something, I don't know much."

Grandmaster nodded then continued, "Spirit rings come from spirit beasts after they die then we spirit cultivators can choose weather we want to absorb them or not to get stronger."

Listening to what the grandmaster was saying, Wu Yu felt as if a whole new door to the world was opening up before him, 'so this is the world of spirit masters!'

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