
God of Reincarnation

In the void we can see a long line of light balls and a humanoid figure was sitting at a table named God of Reincarnation. The humanoid figure have galaxies as it's body, after it was done with one of the souls it said "Next." When the God said that the light ball in front of disappeared and another one of the light balls came forward.

"Hello, for your information, you're dead."

"I'm dead?"



"Well, you were shot to death."


"As you were sleeping in your bed at your home,some men entered the house to rob it,hearing the sound you woke up and went find what was happening,but got shot by one of tue intruders."

"How come I can't recall that incident?"

"Well, the dead will not remember their death in anyway, only the prior things."

"Okay, so I'm really dead huh?"

"Yes you are, but this is not the end."

"What do you mean?"

"Well as you've heard from the myths, reincarnation."

"So it's real!!"


"Cool, where do I go?"

"That's upto you and you will get five wishes. So go on, where do you want to reincarnate?"

"Woha... I can go to any world?"


"Then I will select My Hero Academia, and as for my wishes, first wish is to have Conquer Haki. Second wish is to have the Green Lantern's power's as quirk. Third wish is to have the Super Soldier Serum from birth onwards. Fourth wish is the experience of Karate Kid and Batman from DC Comics. Fifth wish is that no one is able to steal my quirk in any way, that's it."

"That can be done. You will be able to do most of the things a Green Lantern's ring can do, but some of them will be only available for you after the awakening of your quirk. Then there's the experience of Karate Kid and Batman, you'll be trained by them in your dreams for eight years in total. That means four years for each of them, and the training will start at the age of six."

"Yeah got it. But how will they train me?"

"Both of them will train you in your sleep,in your dream state, that's why it'll take four years for each of them to train you, up to their experience."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, now you'll go to your new world and new family."

"And who would that be?"

"You'll know when you get there. And you will only get your memories back when your quirk manifest."

"Alright. Thnak you."

"You're most welcome."

After that the soul was gone from the void.

"Now then, next!"


As soon as I woke up, I jumped from the bed and looked around. Seeing that I'm inside a room that had a mirror I went to look at myself. I do look cute with my black hair and emerald green eyes.

As I was looking at my reflection I got memories of my life in this world.

My name is Asahi Gojo. My parents name's are Atsushi Gojo(Dad) and Akemi Gojo(Mom), dad have a quirk that is based on light projection, he can make lights from his hands, and mom have a quirk that is based on minor light manipulation, she can't make lights from her body, but she can control other light's slightly.

Both of them are good parents and they own a restaurant chain that is so large, that it spans over the entire country. The name of the restaurant chain is Trident. And we are rich thanks to that, and i live in the area where the rich people live in Aichi Prefecture.

After all the memories were in order I tried to use my power, ans as I willed to make a small knife, a green coloured light knife appeared in my hand looking at it I willed it to disappear and it was gone.

Next I tried out the effects of the super soldier serum by doing some push ups and sit ups. After almost a hundred reps of each I got tired so I stopped it then and there. Then I tried to create a ball out of the light and a green ball appeared in front of me, so I picked it up and went out if my room and ran towards my parents room.

Reaching there I started to knock on the door continuously saying "Mom, dad, I goty quirk."



-----------Chapter 1 End----------