
New Race - 1

Rizevim began explaining to Scathach his desire to change his race and inquired about the process. Scathach listened attentively and then proceeded to show them to their rooms, indicating where they would be staying during their time at Dun Scaith.

Rizevim entered his room and immediately began preparing for the procedure to change his race. He meticulously arranged the necessary equipment and materials, ensuring that everything was in place for the transformation process. With determination in his eyes, he focused on the task at hand, ready to embark on this monumental journey to alter his very essence.

Hours passed by as Rizevim lay unconscious on the bed naked, undergoing the intricate process of changing his race. The equipment hummed softly in the background, each component working in harmony to facilitate the transformation. In his unconscious state, Rizevim's mind was filled with visions of his new form, his desires for power and immortality driving the change forward. Around him, the room remained silent, the only sound being the steady rhythm of his breathing. As time stretched on, the anticipation of what he would become lingered in the air, shrouding the room in an aura of suspense.

Rizevim awoke after several hours, feeling as frail as a human. He summoned a mirror to examine his appearance. The first thing he noticed was his eyes, which had turned a rainbow colour with slightly larger pupils, encircled by a yin-yang symbol encompassing an A-U-M (OM) symbol.

Next, he observed his hair, which had transformed from silver to pure white, and noticed that his beauty had become even more pronounced than before.

Rizevim attempted to conjure a dress using magic but realized that he had little to no magical energy left. He sighed in frustration.

"Zoe, create a new dress for me based on the image I'm projecting in my mind," Rizevim instructed.

Rizevim donned the new dress, which resembled his previous attire: a black dress with a purple robe, but slightly larger and with a straightened collar. On the back, there was a larger yin-yang symbol encompassing the A-U-M symbol. Additionally, there were three A-U-M symbols in white color arranged in a V shape from the collar to the middle of the chest on both the right and left sides. From the V shape, three more A-U-M symbols ran vertically down the dress, forming a Y pattern. Furthermore, there were nine A-U-M symbols encircling the wrists of the black dress on both hands.

In ancient India, the term ā́rya was utilized by the Indo-Aryan speakers during the Vedic period as an endonym, referring to themselves, and to denote a region called Āryāvarta, meaning 'abode of the Aryas,' where Indo-Aryan culture flourished. However, scholars emphasize that from ancient times, the concept of being an Aryan was primarily religious, cultural, and linguistic rather than racial.

Rizevim chose to name his race the Aryan Race, aligning himself with the identity of an Aryan as a tribute to his previous life. It's not that he aspires to be a Sanatani like Rishi Arya, but he acknowledges that without Rishi Arya, he wouldn't exist.

Rizevim contemplated the structure of his new race. He divided the Aryan bloodline and race into three tiers: Royals, Servants, and Generals. The Royal tier represented the highest level of the bloodline hierarchy, followed by Servants, and finally, the General tier at the bottom.

Rizevim possessed complete control over any bloodline within the Aryan Race. Those with the Royal bloodline could control Servants and Generals. Servants had the ability to emit bloodline pressure that demanded submission from those with the General level bloodline.

Rizevim himself could convert any humanoid being into any of the three levels of the bloodline. Individuals with the Royal bloodline could convert others into Servants or Generals. Servants were individuals who had been directly converted by the Royal family and served them. Those with the Servant bloodline could convert others into the General level of the Aryan Race, while those with the General bloodline lacked the ability to convert others.

Under Rizevim's design, specific traits distinguished each tier of the Aryan Race. Royals were identified by their rainbow-colored eyes, a unique feature that set them apart. Servants, on the other hand, possessed blue-colored eyes, serving as a distinct marker of their status. Generals, the lowest tier, could have eyes of any color except rainbow and blue, allowing for variation within their ranks.

Rizevim refrained from imposing restrictions on individuals yet to be born, aside from the prohibition on being born as a Royal. He recognized that each tier represented not only status but also talent and potential, leaving room for individuals to rise within the ranks based on their abilities and accomplishments.

In the scenario where a Royal and a Servant mate, the Aryan race might prioritize the highest tier bloodline available for the offspring, which would be Royal in this case. This could lead to the birth of a child with Royal lineage, inheriting the traits and abilities associated with that tier.

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