
Purple eyeshadow.

Fantasy Romance
Contínuo · 134 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is Purple eyeshadow.

Leia o romance Purple eyeshadow. escrito pelo autor DJi_Hane_HD publicado no WebNovel. Once upon time , there was a girl living with her parents happy and loved , the day she was born the parents were so excited because they are old and didn't have any child but her , however the doctor...


Once upon time , there was a girl living with her parents happy and loved , the day she was born the parents were so excited because they are old and didn't have any child but her , however the doctor has noticed something strange about this girl she didn't cry when he was holding her in his hands and her eyes weren't open , he thought that she might have a disease , but...... If you want the rest let me know. Enjoy

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