
Pure or Toxic Love?

have you ever wondered if your love is pure or toxic?, this story is a story of a Boy in his freshman who is hopeless in love, his past relationships are filled with Toxicity. Now that he's starting to have a new life to a new University. Unexpected Drama,Romance,and trauma will come to his way. Gem a cute chic freshman who went through a lot of bad relationship making him hopeless in love has another break up once again. his relationship doesn't last long whether he dated a man or a woman and everything he does always ends up bad. His 3 Best of friend, Max,Luis and Rosa are always there to support him. the 4 friends are finally freshman having their story begins in the university. As they walk Gem saw a handsome man who is completely surrounded by people made his heart beats fast. Is this fate?. The Man noticed Gem and his friends making him go towards them, but soon after a girl suddenly clinged on him.whats going to happen next?, will Gem get heartbroken again? Trigger warnib: This book contains explicit SA, Toxic , Cyber bullying , Abuse , Etc. This is my first time making a story so hopefully you will like it . (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)I'm not really good at grammar at story description hehe but I try my best

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10 Chs

Chapter 3

When he returned to class, he appeared disoriented and kept reflecting on what Neil had just said.

Gem thought, "Goodness me, why am I acting like a fucking girl? But his voice sounded hot," as he continued to smile, causing those seated nearby to scoot back a bit.

Gem eventually recovered and resumed hearing the orientation.

As the orientation was about to end, someone yelled out Gem. "A senior wants to meet with you, Gem!."

He got to his feet and left after turning to face the source of the voice.

Gem went outside of his and saw Jun,waiting for him

"Hey Gem, I apologise for interrupting you", Jun replied with an apologetic expression.

When Jun went looking for Gem in the middle of the orientation, Gem was both perplexed and surprised.

"Oh, it's fine. What's going on?" Gem stated

'It's better if we discuss in private" Jun says as he grabs Gem by the arm after scanning left and right. Jun then dragged Gem from the structure.

"Hey, what?" Is it even permitted for you to take me out?" Gem stated that he is worried about what the professor will say if he returns to that class.

Jun gazed at Gem and then released Gem, sighing, "Don't worry, I got permission from the professor, but enough about that, I wanna ask something."

"What's that?" , Gem said As he put his hand in his pocket

Jun paused for a moment.


When Jun was about to say something

'You wanna learn more about Luis right?' Gem said making Jun Looked surprised and flustered

'wait!, How did you know!?, Was I that obvious!?' Jun said, His pale ears became red as he blushes on how Gem knows about it

('you were kind of staring at him when you were talking to us earlier') Gem thought

'Well, Instinct but I have to tell you Senior Jun, Luis is Blunt,oblivious, he says whatever comes to his mind, loud and obnoxious, and literally loves to tease you can you even handle that?' Gem said as he looked curious on how he's going to respond to all the negatives about Luis


Luis sneezes out loud

'is someone talking behind your back Luis?' Rosa said

Luis rubbed his nose and frowns 'its obviously Gem' Luis said

Rosa then giggles and continued to listen to the professor


Jun then laughed 'hahahaha y'know what, the things you just mentioned right now makes me want him more hahahah'

Gem looks surprised and concerned as to why Jun said that ('his preference is kind of weird, most of Luis' partners couldn't even handle his personality, is he just saying all these because I'm his friend or what, either way, I'm still going to test this senior') he thought to himself

'well you should totally look at your face Gem, you looked like youre going to kill me with that stare of your's Jun said with a sarcastic tone and gave Gem a smile

'well I'm just concerned about my friend Senior Jun, if you are just messing with me and my friend then this is just a waste of time' Gem said with a serious face

Jun places his hand to Gem's shoulder 'look , it's obvious that you won't believe me right away because the things you have just said about your friend right now is all bad and 'unlovable' but that makes him more cute for me' Jun said

Gem looked at where Jun's hand is and looked at Jun 'okay okay, I get it I believe you since you did keep on staring at him earlier' Gem said as he sigh

Jun gave him a smile

('so? Is that all you're going to say? It's kind of a waste of time!, You couldnt even wait when the orientation is over!?'

..of course I can't say that to him) gem thought and scratches his head

'well Senior Jun, what am I supposed to do then?, Do you want me to tell Luis about you crushing on him?' Gem said as Jun coughed because he got surprised

Jun shakes his head in disagree 'no no!, The reason why I went looking for you, wasn't because of that!, although I was going to ask you his phone number,I went to see you because Neil asked you, your phone number' Jun said as he removed his hand from Gem's shoulder and giving Neil's phone to Gem

'oh is that so? Why didn't you say so? But I can't just give away my friend's phone number without his permission Senior Jun, I'm sorry' Gem said as he Grab Neil's phone thinking it was Jun's and put his own phone number

'oh what..' Jun said as he click his own tongue and sounded disappointed but he immediately shrugged it off

'youre right I'll just ask him personally instead' Jun said with a low voice

Gem then gave The phone to Jun who seems to be lost in thoughts

Gem stared and waves his hand Infront of Jun's face 'hey, snap out of it! Is that all you're going to say senior Jun?' Gem said

Jun blinked and moves away for a bit 'oh sorry I was just thinking for a moment there, anyways! Thanks for giving your phone number, Neil's definitely going to be happy for it' Jun gave Gem a bright smile and patted Gem's head

'i shall go now, I took to much of your time' Jun then moved away and went ahead, making Gem completely dumfounded

As Gem's eyes were following Jun as he goes, he tried to rethink about what Jun said making his arm cross. Suddenly, Gem's eyes that is originally big became wider

'did senior Jun just say' His pale face started to turn red especially his ears, his body started to heat up thinking that Neil asked for his number.

'i can't believe this' He said as he smiles cheerfully


Finally the day ended Gem went to find his friends and tell them what happened during the orientation. As he walks towards Max's building he bumped to A tall figure

'oh im sorry about that' Gem said as he slightly lowers his head

'dont worry about it, just watch where you are goi-' the tall figure stopped mid sentenced and pushed Gem away

As Gem got pushed he immediately pushed back the tall figure 'what the fuck did you do that for!? You looking for a fight piece of shit!'  realizing that it was Neil, making him surprised

Neil frowned and looked at where Gem touched him when he got pushed. He notices that people are looking at them and grabs Gem's hand and whisper to his ears 'Come with me' He dragged Gem making everyone look at them including Max

Max's  eyes follows Gem and Neil on where they go (what is going on, is Gem and senior Neil perhaps close?) He thought and went to look for Rosa and Luis

('what the fuck is going on!?) Gem mumbled as he's still getting dragged and looked around, It looks like they entered a room an empty club room. Neil doesn't release Gem's hand and suddenly


Neil pushed Gem against the wall, holding both of Gem's hand above his head 'Are you trying to piss me off or what???!' Neil said as his eyes is filled with hatred

Gem tried to push Neil or even try to kick Neil but Neil immediately stepped on Gem's foot making Gem unable to move.

'What the fuck did I do to you!?, You suddenly pushed me back there so of course I had to push you back!' Gem said but with a calm tone even when his face shows that he's mad.

Neil started to feel more furious 'i only pushed you because you were close to me!' Neil said. Gem thought that he wasn't even that close to Neil that time but he wouldn't argue with him because he's sure that if he keeps on  'okay! I'm sorry that I pushed you, And I'm sorry that I was close to you, So can you please let me go Senior Neil? It hurts!' Gem pleaded

Neil then grab Gem's face with his cheeks and make Gem look at him in the eyes. He then smirked 'i didn't expect this mouth of yours knows how to apologize after calling me a piece of shit'  Neil then let's go of Gem and backs away.

Gem touched his wrist and saw red hand mark, He clicks his tongue and tried to calm himself ('Whats up with this guy!?, First he was kind and then suddenly became an asshole! Now that I think about it why is it only me!?) Gem mutters

Neil looked at Gem 'what are you rumbling about there' he said as he uses his phone

'oh it's nothing' Gem said and gave a forced smile to Neil. Neil shakes his head and uses his phone and smiled

Gem sighed 'Senior Neil, if you don't mind me asking' Gem said as he looks at him

'what?' Neil said as his smile disappeared and gave him an annoyed look

Gem tried to resist the urge in punching Neil 'why are you being an ass-..mean to me? What did I do to you' Gem said with a polite tone

Neil sighs and put his phone away 'i told you, you keep staring at me as if you wanna get fucked, you didn't even try to deny it' Neil said as he leans on the wall

'well I did wait  no I don't and I don't want to get fucked or be fucked you crazy bastard! I was only staring at you because I was admiring on how handsome you are gosh!!' Gem said

Neil went silent and started to chuckle covering his mouth trying not to laugh 'so you're saying I'm misunderstanding you' Neil said as he tilts his head smiling at Gem

Gem became flustered and looked away ('omg if you suddenly smiled at me like that I'm going to melt wait fuck I'm acting like a girl..fuck it') he inhaled and exhaled 'yes, you're 100% misunderstanding me' As he stutter

Neil became relief and has this apologetic look 'i see, well sorry about' he approached Gem and grabs his hand, checking The marks 'fuck I didn't even realized how sensitive your skin is, I'm really sorry about this' Neil said with an apologetic look

Gem suddenly punched Neil's arm 'ouch' Neil said and grunted

'just a little pay back, so we're even senior Neil' Gem smiled and backs away

Neil then gave Gem a frightening look and sighs 'mmm' he said

'by the way, Senior Neil, Senior Jun told me that you wanted my phone number hence to why I gave it to you, what was the reason?' Gem said

Neil facepalmed 'that idiot' Neil mumbled

Gem looked confused and try to say something but got cut off 'Nothing in particular, Jun always does that when he's interested in someone, he's going to use my phone or use my name to cover him up, he's just messing with you' Neil then started to use his phone and showed the screen to Gem

There Gem's phone number is now gone, Gem looked abit sad and disappointed, now knowing that Jun was messing with him. Suddenly there's a call ('An') with a Heart besides the name.

Neil immediately answered the phone and showed a gentle smile 'An,..yeah, alright I'll be going ... Mmm.. see you then' Neil's Deep voice sounded so Gentle yet sweet, compared to talking to Gem that sounded harsh and annoyed

Neil started to walk reaching to the door 'Oh right, Freshman, don't tell anyone about this things, if you do I'll bite your tongue off' He then left

Gem couldn't say anything and just stare at the door completely being left alone in the room.


When Gem got out  the room and went to look for his friends, he immediately called them 'you won't believe on what I'm about to tell you guys' Gem said with a troubled look.

📱 'what?, Max just told us that you got dragged somewhere by the senior you were crushing on!' Luis spoke with a loud voice


Max smacked Luis' back of his head

'you don't have to be so loud shithead' Max said

Rosa just can't help herself sigh thinking on why she's friends with an idiot, but that makes her want to be friends with them because everything becomes interesting

'i don't even know if I should continue crushing on him or not!, His personality doesn't even make sense!' Gem exclaimed

'okay, okay, calm down, Gem were in the car park right now near where you have parked, it's better to talk in person than in call so we can comfort you' Rosa said

'alright' Gem then hangs up and suddenly went to run

As Gem reaches the destination his friends saw that Gem was frowning.

They went in, in Gem's car

'so tell us, what's troubling you' Max said as he taps Gem's shoulder sitting on the passenger sit

'Senior Neil is just so confusing!, First he got mad at me for staring at him, secondly he dragged me to a room and Got mad at me yet again because I pushed him back!, And the thing is! As soon as we talk about the misunderstanding he was having towards me He was finally got nice but then it escalated quickly threatening me that if I told anyone of what just happened he will bite off my tongue!, he just doesn't make any fucking sense!' Gem vented out his anger towards Neil making his friends comfort him

'did you even asked whats up with him for being mad at you?' Max said with a concerned tone

'mhm, I did but like I said it was all a misunderstanding that's why he apologized to me for hurting me' Gem looked at his wrist the mark already faded away

'yknow it's best if you just avoid him, shitty things always happen to you if you're around him' Rosa said

'shes right Gem, tell you what, let's go and have some drinks, y'know just think of it as a celebration for being the start of our freshman year and maybe you'll hook up with someone' Luis said trying to lift up the mood

'oh yeahhh let's go for it while your friend here is still having a bad mood bringing up about hooking up!' Rosa scoffed

Luis' eyes gave Rosa the side eye and clicked his tongue 'i was just trying to lift up the mood okay!?' He moves away from Rosa facing away and looked at the window pouting

'... You're right, let's just go have some drinks , when I was driving I saw some club near where I stay so it's better to go there' Gem said as he ready's himself to drive

'Great! let's go!!' Luis' mood suddenly became cheerful

They all went and change their outfit, it was getting dark and they finally reached where the club is,Rosa,Max,Luis got off the car

'thanks for inviting me in guys' Lin said with  a respectful tone as she gets off the car

'no worries the merrier the better am I right!?' Luis said as he placed his arm around Lin's shoulder

Max just nodded and smiled 'well it's out first time getting in a nightclub so this is going to get interesting'

'oh wait it's your first time!?, Dang dude you're totally missing out!, Me and Gem always sneaks in just so we can get drunk and fuck around!, You're such a good guy Max' Luis said as he mocks Max

'wait since when did you guys even do that?!' Rosa said as she raise her eyebrow

'haha when we were in 11th grade' Gem said giving them a smile

Max then grabs Luis' arm making him move away from Lin 'You older guys are literally a bad toxic people that might corrupt her' Max said with a sarcastic tone

Luis whistles 'oh come on, let Lin have fun too, don't worry about your boyfriend Lin, just go and have fun he won't know cause I'm here' he winked at Lin making her Smile and laugh as well as the others

They finally went in, and the club seems to be packed

'Lets go wild bitches!!!' Rosa said and immediately grabs Lin leaving the gang behind

'Rosa! Wait! We're going to lose them!' Lin said with a worried look

'oh come on Lin, don't worry about those guys!, Let's just have fun and besides it's also a girls nights out, your boyfriend wouldn't mind as long as I'm here!' Rosa said with a smile

Lin then proceed to sigh and smiles at her

'and they're gone' Max said and sigh

Luis uses his elbow to hit Max's arm

'come on stop being a worry rat tough guy, like I said were here to BE FUCKED!' Luis clenches his fist and punches the air up

'fuck yeah we will! Let's go!' Gem said

They all went to have a drink moments later , they start to feel tipsy and went to have fun, they danced drink and dance again, no one was there to stop them

Suddenly girl went to approach Luis 'hey are you perhaps alone?'

Luis immediately looked at the girl 'oh sorry, if you're trying to flirt with me I'm not interested' He then continued to dance

The girl still try to pester Luis making Luis not to notice because he's emersed to his dancing

Gem saw what is going on and approached the girl 'excuse me, are you perhaps trying to flirt with my friend here?' He said as he look down

The girl turned around and looked at Gem making her blush, seeing a cute chic guy 'oh you're friends with him? No wonder a cute guy is friends with a sexy guy' the girl said with a flirtatious look

Gem smiled at her 'mind if I get close to you?' Gem said

The girl nodded and grabs his hand 'i don't mind'

Gem then get close to her ears and whisper 'sorry but my friend over there is gay, why not flirt with me instead?'

The girl looked at Luis feeling flustered discovering that Luis was gay but she didn't mind it since Gem was there

They decided to go and have a sit and drank more alcohol, making Gem become drunk

After a while

Max notices that Gem wasn't with them 'Luis! Where did Gem go!?' Max shouted

Luis just don't give any fucks about anything anymore and decided to flirt to a guy dancing with him and started to make out

Max sighed and tried to call Gem but no one answered, he then went to where Rosa and Lin, Rosa feels tipsy but she's still trying to take care of Lin while they hang out

'oh babe, are we going now?, I'm a little tired and I still have class to attend to, don't you have one as well?, It's your first day tomorrow' Lin said (Creator's Note: Lin talk to those who are older than her In a respectful way or in a formal way, she sometimes call them older brother or older sister).

Max nodded and told Rosa that he's going to leave with Lin

Rosa gave an okay sign

'And Rosa, Gem's not answering his phone and I can't find him anywhere, if you ever see him tell him me and Lin already went home' Max said as he hold Lin's hand

'ahhh alright alright got it big man I'll try to talk to Luis' Rosa said while swaying left and right

'dint bother Luis, he's already making out with a guy who knows they might be somewhere fucking' Max said and laughed

Rosa and Lin also laughed, after that Max and Lin left the club


After a while when they were about to get home they couldn't find where Gem was, they thought he already went home without them knowing

The next morning

Gem was at a bed sleeping, the ray of sunlight shines to Gem's face making him turn around and grunted, when he tried to open his eyes he saw a figure sleeping besides him