
Waking Up


"It's time to wake up Max."

A glaring sun greeted Max as he opened his eyes, rubbing them before sitting up and looking around.

'Last time I checked I didn't go to bed in a forest.'

Finding himself surrounded by large firs and ferns Max slowly stood up, stretching after laying on the ground for what felt like years.

"Good morning Max."

The sudden voice made Max jump as he quickly looked around the clearing, unable to find an owner to the voice.

"Who is that?" Max said while picking up a nearby stick and wielding it like a bat.

Chuckling could be heard all around Max as he spun around trying to find its source.

"Oh Max, I can tell we are going to have fun together."

A bright light suddenly flashed as a beautiful woman with flowing black hair appeared in front of him, a silk dress hung loosely from her form.

"Is this better?"

Max gulped but didn't lower his stick, slowly glancing around.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" The woman tilted her head in confusion.

"Don't 'what' me! You just appeared out of thin air," Max raised his voice as he prepared to take a swing at the woman.

"Oh that." The woman sighed before raising her hands in a defeated manner.

"Don't be afraid of me Max."

"Just think of me as your…. Guardian Angel."

"Guardian Angel?"

"I was sent here to watch over you. Great challenges are on your horizon, but I am here to make it a bit more bearable."

"So you are more of a guide than anything right?" Max lowered his stick.

"But how did you appear in that flash of light? Are you a spirit?"

"Not quite. As I said I am your Guardian Angel."

"Right…" Max looked around the clearing before glancing at the woman.

"What should I call you anyway?"

"Call me Anaya." The woman bowed.

"Alright then Anaya, would it be too much trouble for you to guide me out of this forest?"

"I would be happy to." Anaya smiled at Max.

"Walk in that direction. We should reach a village in a few days."

"Alright then," Max said as he started to walk in the direction Anaya gestured towards.

"While we are walking Anaya would you be so kind as to explain how I ended up in the middle of


"I cannot explain completely as I myself do not know. All that was revealed to me before arriving was that I am to help guide and protect you until you are ready."

"Ready for what?" Max glanced at Anaya.

"That will be revealed at the proper time."

"Cryptic," thought Max as he followed Anaya.


"Enough Anaya," Max gasped as he leaned against a tree to catch his breath.

The pair had been walking for around 5 hours before exhaustion, hunger, and thirst forced Max to stop.

"As you wish." Anaya bowed low before waving her hand through the air.

To his amazement sticks and branches began to fly through the air, forming a perfect teepee on the ground.

Anaya waved her hand again, causing the teepee to burst into flames, lighting up the surrounding area in warm light.

"What was that?" Max shouted, falling to the ground in surprise.

"This is magic," Anaya said before gesturing again.

A squeal could be heard in the distance followed by the sound of something approaching quickly. A struggling rabbit floated through the air towards Anaya and Max, an invisible hand gripping the small creature.

Anaya worked quickly, gutting the rabbit and skinning its hide. The meat was then skewered and

propped against the fire while Anaya wrapped the fur up and handed it to Max.

"You can trade this when we reach the village."

Max slowly nodded while taking the fur, his mind filled with questions.

"So magic is real in this world then." Max looked at Anaya, "Can you teach me?"

Anaya face broke into a smile.

"Of course Max! It would be my pleasure."

After cooking the rabbit and Max filled his belly with food and water from a nearby stream he sat down on a log while Anaya cleared away some ground and picked up a stick.

"There are 4 major types of magic."

Anaya drew four circles and labeled them.

"The first is elemental magic: fire, water, earth, air. Elemental magic is most common in this world with pretty much everyone having access to it. Now more experienced casters can combine these elemental types to create different types of magic. For example air and water, when combined, creates ice magic."

Anaya then pointed to the second circle.

"Next is celestial magic: void and light. Celestial magic is more rare than elemental magic but there are quite of few practitioners. Not many can improve this type of magic use. In fact there is a master of void magic in a nearby town from here."

Anaya looked at Max and smiled.

"You are able to cast void magic and your 'cultivation level' for it is impressive to say the least."

"The fourth magic type is known as miscellaneous magic: magic that has everyday usages but is not widely used for much else."

Anaya snapped her fingers causing a stick in the fire to fly towards her hand.

"This is such an example. I used the spell 'Return' to force a small object back to my hand. Throughout the world you will find people who use this type of magic to make daily tasks easier."

"Now I said that there were four types of magic, but there is one more type that is a powerful as it is rare."

Anaya drew a fifth circle.

"Bloodline magic is the rarest of all types. Only seen in pure-blood families or in a select few,

this kind of magic only appears in certain circumstances. When a person with a bloodline experiences great loss or defeat their body will activate their bloodline capabilities. Now bloodlines differ from family to family. One might be a nature type of magic while one of the more powerful types of bloodline magic involve altering space itself."

"Now when it comes to magic usage the only type that is not regulated is miscellaneous as it is seen as not being a threat to public safety. But for the other types of magic the kingdoms of the world heavily monitor their citizens. In order to use such magic one must be registered with a guild or military, or have graduated from a magic academy. Because of this many people join military service before starting a family so that their magic can help support themselves."

"Does this mean I have to as well?" Max asked while looking at the magic symbols.

"If you don't want to alert others to your presence, yes. You are young here, about 16 years by this world's standards."

"Wait I'm that young? I was…." Max stopped as he thought back to before he awoke in the forest.

"I… I can't remember."

Anaya looked at Max with a mixture of pity and sadness.

"You lost your memories when traveling to this world."

"Is there a way to regain them?"

"I believe all will be as it was once you accomplish the task set out."

"The task that I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing."

Anaya clapped happily.


Max was about to retort strongly before a large explosion rocked the hill.

"What was that?"


Hi guys! This is my first time writing in what feels like years. I'll be regularly updating this story and hopefully I learn from early mistakes to make this a story worth reading.

Thank you for giving it a shot and stay tuned for more!

RaelinXoverncreators' thoughts
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