
Project Elisa 1811

What if the tragedy buried in the past have a darker story than you thought. Would you still go back? Elisa 1811 is a time machine project led by Prof. Henry Venercheck a well-known scientist of his generation. But despite all his success a part of his soul was trapped in the past that made his life miserable and incomplete. His burning desire to go back in time holds a secret behind the death of Elisa the only girl he loved the most. But one day, Henry was found dead beside a spilled bottle of wine in a built-in wine cellar under his laboratory office. His death left a mission to Louise Venercheck his nephew who is now an orphan to continue the project. Louise found the diary of his uncle that reveals a story in 1954. He opened the first page of the diary and it says: Elisa, "I have returned " Love, Henry

her_ink_1996 · Outros
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Truth

" Why are you still here ? " a voice that stopped Ellie from turning the pages

" Mr. Venercheck, you told me to read the diary aloud "

Louise looked to his surroundings and he couldn't remember why he was sitting there in the office in front of this girl reading the diary. The last thing on his mind was when he was in the meeting room.

He checks his phone to see the date and time three days have already passed and he knows exactly who took over like him. It was Vince, the presence of this personality is even stronger than before Vince doesn't last a day when his personality shifts but not until now that he can stay longer.

" I'm sorry Mr. Venercheck if I have done anything wrong, I will make sure to do my job properly "

Ellie sounded apologetic because he sees how irritated Louise is about her presence. Everything is weird. She thinks her boss changes his moods from time to time. Louise knew her background and kicking her tonight might be the cruelest thing he could ever do to a girl. He can't fire her right away because of the contract and the labor rights binding between them. The only solution he has on his mind is to scare her away by telling her the truth about his disorder.

" Prepare a coffee for me and make something for yourself we need to talk about something "

Ellie's eyes brightened up and quickly walked towards the kitchen to make some drinks. A coffee espresso for his boss and hot chocolate drink for herself.

" Here, Sir " Ellie carefully put the coffee on the table in the living room.

" sit down, " Louise said with authority.

Louise goes straight to the point to end the confusion about their set up.

" First, I know how confused you are right now about me, I hired you and the next thing you know is that I almost fired you "

Louise had a sip of his coffee and he can't deny the coffee was perfectly blended. Then continues.

" I want you to know a secret that I never told anyone except for a few trusted employees here in the company ".

" A secret? " Ellie started wondering what it was when she finally heard him say.

" I have split personality disorder "

Ellie was quiet for a minute recalling the past 3 days that she has been working in the company.

" ahhh , now I understand, " Ellie said while nodding as if a part of her was relieved. While on the other hand Louise was shocked by her reaction. How could this girl not run away and pack her things, usually people get scared of him?

" Why are you not surprised? are you not scared of me? "

" Why would I be? when I was in college I have always loved the psychology subject and I learned that these people who have this kind of disorder needs understanding rather than judgment and besides you are not the first person I met with a split personality"

Now Louise understands that she has background knowledge about these things; a part of him was still uncomfortable but he is at peace knowing that there some people like her who is not ignorant about this matter.

" So the other personality, who is he? I just wanna know more about the other " YOU " for me to understand further.

" His name is Vince ... Vince Venercheck "

" Oh so it's, Sir Louise and Sir Vince .. oh I see "

" Really? calling him Sir Vince in front of me " Louise was annoyed.

" No, I didn't mean it that way it's that I'm trying to figure out how to call you or him when he pops up "

" I hope he doesn't, he ruins my plan every time "

" Can I call you Mr. V for Venercheck? , I'm sorry I take back what I said, please don't fire me . " Elle toned down her voice

" What can I do with you I'm already screwed, I can't terminate your contract with any legit reason unless you give up, " Louise said with a convincing tone.

" No sir, my name is Annabelle Hawkins, " Ellie " for short, just like before I promise to go all-in for this project, giving up is not in my vocabulary " with the optimistic spirit she nailed that pitch.

" well let's see Ellie, it's time for Louise Venercheck to take over, and I don't play games just FYI "

Ellie smiled at him with a positive mindset just like how she always was a bright personality. To see the good in bad and grab every opportunity she has. Living alone for many years she developed a strong personality and ability to endure tough times in life.

Louise finished half of his coffee and left the office for a moment. He went to his condominium to pack some of his important belongings; he wanted to focus his time on the project starting tomorrow.

Ellie's POV:

Ellie was left alone in the office headquarters where she was a stay-in employee for a special project. A lot of things happened today with some truth revealed. First, she knew that Elisa was Henry's, first love. Elisa was the creator of blue rose perfume, and his boss has a double personality. Questions kept piling up in her mind. What's the smell of a blue rose ? Will Elisa and Henry start dating? My boss, tsk I think they were in a rivalry at some point, how am I supposed to know who I'm going to follow orders with?

Ellie was thirsty so she decided to go to the fridge and drink some water.

"ahhh , that was cold, really satisfying ".

She was about to go back to her bedroom when attention was led to Mr. Henry's office table, a lampshade beside it, was on creating emphasis on a diary lying there. Something in the diary that keeps her awake and thinks about Henry and Elisa's story. So what she did was grab the diary and continued reading in her room.

" They kissed .. they kissed .. hmm where did I stop, oops there you go " and she continued reading the diary.

Henry's Diary :

I kissed Elisa last night and it could be the best thing that happened in my life but this morning I never heard of her bicycle bell. Instead, she just left the milk on our doorstep without calling us. Is she avoiding me right now, I must have gone crazy to make this drunken mistake. I don't know how to approach her and I think she's mad at me. I have to apologize to her but for the whole day, I never saw her. I even tried my luck visiting the treehouse lab but she wasn't there. I was worried the whole day thinking of her. Where is she now?

Elisa's POV :

" I want you to know that I'm trying ... trying really hard to resist kissing your lips, but can I give up now? "

His voice was so soft but I felt the electrifying feelings all over my body with each of the words he was saying . He was so close that his naturally pink lips were distracting me and the aroma of wine coming from him gave me the temptation to kiss him. I don't know what I was thinking. I would like to blame that wine and find an excuse that I was drunk. But now I can clearly see every detail of his face trying his best to convince me when I saw tears forming at the corner of his eyes I knew that I was completely out of my league. I lost all my control and closed my eyes and finally half an inch from mine I felt the warmth of his breath and he kissed me with gentleness. Are we in love? how did we fall so fast, I can't even think of anything in that moment. I just felt that it was right.

I saw him peeking in my treehouse lab. He must be checking if I was there but I was so embarrassed about what happened last night. How can I talk to him again when I can't even look at his eyes. I hid in a tall tree for him not to notice me and waited for him to leave. My heart was pounding when I heard the dried leaves cracking as he stepped on them.

" woo ohh that was close finally he is leaving " But with all honesty, a part of me wanted to call him.

She can make an alibi for not seeing him all day but where can she hide for the next few days. Elisa went to Mr. Brentson's flower shop to get the deliveries; it was her second job.

Just like the old times the Constantines is one of their regular customers so she went to the same mansion from yesterday. Elisa arrived at the mansion bringing a dozen white roses she was waiting for the security to come and go pick up the deliveries. Though she was delivering for many times now, last night was her first time to enter Constantine's mansion. The security guards were really strict when it came to people coming in.

At the location where she's at she can see a glimpse of Constantine's garden that same place where they kissed last night it was like a memory that she tries to ignore but it kept on flashing in her mind.

" Ahh ! why? .. why do I keep thinking about that, erase, erase .. erase " she said while hitting her head.

Raven's room :

" I am not God, but I can make you walk again " Words that kept Raven awake for the whole night.

" How can someone say those words as if they can perform a miracle in me? We've been trying for 13 years, no it's impossible " He crumpled the letter that Fred Viregkhe gave him last night.

He pulled his wheelchair near the window and saw someone peeking on the gate holding white roses. He held his telescope and zoomed in to where Elisa was.

" She's here again, who is that girl? "

From a distance Raven was watching Elisa, he saw her hit her own head which he finds so funny and cute.

" That girl might be the same as my age, but look at her she's like a nursery with tantrums " Then he laughed.

" Raven ? " his mom entered the room. His mom was surprised to hear him laughed again after 13 years.

" mom, what are you doing here "

" I am just here to tell you that I will be visiting your dad"

" Alright, take care "

" Wait before I go, you rarely laugh in fact not even in 13 years, My Rae, what made you happy today"

" Oh nothing, I just saw some love birds in the garden they're relaxing to watch" Raven lied because knowing his mom he would surely ask that girl to be near me or hire her anything that could make me happy.

" Would you like to have an aviary in the garden? we can set it up there if you want "

" No mom, The lovebirds I saw just accidentally flew to our garden, they were happy and free. If you would put them in a cage no matter how big it is, the birds will be sad they're meant to fly, as far as they can".

The thought of putting the birds on a cage or aviary that his mom suggested made him sympathize with the feeling of being in prison. Just like him no matter how big their mansion is he can never be as free as the birds. His legs are paralyzed like birds without wings; he will never go far from here.

" What is that smell ?"

" it was a new perfume a gift I received last night, the girl who gave it to me told me that it is called the blue rose, did you like it "

He nodded " Yes, it's perfect spray one more for dad, he would love it "

Security peaked on the door and called Rebecca

" Ms. Rebecca, the flowers that you ordered has arrived "

" I'm coming please prepare the car "

Rebecca kissed Raven's forehead and said goodbye. As his mom leaves she continues to look at the telescope however the girl delivering the flowers is already gone.