Dennis is a criminal. His life of crime leads him to be viewed as a disposable lab rat when he was apprehended by the authorities. An infection has spread throughout the world, turning everyone who comes in contact with it into a flesh-eating, slowly decaying corpse. Scientists test on a multitude of criminals in a desperate attempt to find a cure. All but one has yielded no results.
The blinding white lights of the government-owned facility I'm kept in abruptly awaken me from the slumber I fell in on my joyous ride to this God-forsaken place they called a civilized work environment. A few weeks ago on a drug heist gone wrong, the cops captured me and took me to jail.
I had been wanted for years before that, so of course, they were more than happy to have my sorry ass in a cell where I undoubtedly belonged.
I am now here, stuck in a bare white room with nothing but a small bed with pillows, a blanket, and a small bathroom off to the side. I rubbed my face, still groggy from the rough nap I had taken earlier, and decided splashing some water in my face ought to do the trick in waking me up completely.
I stand up from the bed, the weight going into my legs making them wobble a bit from not using them in a few hours. Putting one foot in front of the other, I thankfully make it to the bathroom where I take a look at my reflection in the mirror.
My skin was a caramel color, a little pale in complexion due to lack of self-care. I had wavy black hair that sat atop my head in messy tuffs and my eyes were a golden brown color. They had me wearing some kind of tacky all-white patient outfit to go along with their oh so glorious interior designing.
It really reminds you just how much freedom you don't have. Turning the cold faucet out, I splash my face with the icy temperature water. Once I felt like I was awake, I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around the room.
They really weren't trying to conceal the fact that I was being watched. Their cameras pointed directly at me, shifting with any movement I took. Whoopie.
I plopped down onto the bed, bored. I don't know what they plan on doing with or why I'm here, for the last few weeks I thought I was getting a sentence but clearly, that isn't the case.
I haven't been in contact with anyone from the outside world, getting acquainted or at least, making conversation with any of my captors.
They didn't trust me one bit. I don't hold it against them. I'm not a nice person. I double-crossed my partner in crime, granted he was planning to do the same to me.
I was unaware of that at the time tho, and I still went through it. My only issue was going back to our hideout when he knew exactly where that was.
I wasn't thinking and that was my bad, but it's behind me now. Now, I focus on trying to escape my industrial white prison, however that proved to be difficult.
Speakers in the room that I previously didn't know were there let out a piercing ring before settling, and a voice coming over the com.
"Hello, Dennis," a voice of an older sounding male spoke. "You're being held here because of your transgressions against-," "Yeah, I know what I've done can we get the lecture over with and tell me what I'm going to be doing here? This obviously isn't your normal prison system" I rushed.
The man over the speaker cleared his throat and continue. "Yes, very observant, because of your transgressions like I was explaining before I was rudely interrupted," he hissed. "You're no longer deemed valuable to humanity, and will undergo tests for a recent, outbreak, that has happened in the past few weeks of your captivity." he finished.
"No longer deemed valuable to humanity? Harsh. So when is the testing starting?" I asked. "Now." The speakers shut off and a door that I wasn't aware of beforehand opened. Two extremely buff-looking men dressed in suits pull me out and drag me down the facilities hallways.
I passed by doors with designated signs signifying what they housed, most of them saying equipment related to scientific research.
We reached a door after a few turns and I made sure to try my best at remembering these turns, I had a feeling these idiots would screw up at some point. They're frantic, something is coming and they're struggling to prepare for it.
This was great news for me. The men hauled me through the door and into a medium-sized room with tools seemingly used for dissection and injection. Needles and scalpels, all that good stuff.
There were 3 men, 2 women, and a table with restraints. The men holding me threw me on top and tied up my limbs.
"Hello, Dennis" one of the women spoke, "I believe answers do right? You must be confused as to why you aren't serving a normal trial" she smiled. Her smile was mischievous.
"Yes, I've been stuck in that lame excuse of a sci-fi horror movie room for days, what's going on?" they chuckled at my wits, laughing at me, not with my joke.
"You see Dennis, you are a criminal-" "yes I'm aware." she growled, "let me finish. You are a criminal which means you have no worth to society anymore."
She grabs the scalpel from beside her on a tray and plays with it, a smirk on her face. "Now we, the scientist have had you donated to our work. Now we get to slap a value on you for society."
Great. The men leave the room, closing the door behind them, and scientists gather around me in a circle. They pointed at their boards, chattering amongst themselves.
"Should we waste any anesthesia on this guy or no" I looked at them hoping they'd say yes. "Consider stress would significantly hinder the surgery and implant itself, it's better if we did."
I let out an internal sigh of release, maintaining posture outside of my head.
I couldn't let these fools see that I was actually worried.
They grabbed a mask connected to a canister at the bottom of the floor, placing it over my face and telling me to breathe in.
Soon enough, I was unconscious and sleeping a dreamless sleep.
When I next woke up, I was back in this stupid room, for fucks sake. My entire body was sore, I couldn't even move from the bed.
It took 30 minutes of me lying there and staring at a white wall for the soreness to go down. I got up and started getting the blood flowing through my limbs again.
Something felt different tho, felt off. I feel way sprier than I've ever been in my entire life, especially after not walking around for hours of being asleep.
I walked into the small bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Everything looked fine, nothing seemed off. I still had my looks, I was still gorgeous, but looking closer at my eyes I saw something.
They glowed, a molten orange hue for just a second, and then they returned back to that golden brown.
I jumped back from the mirror confused, my reaction delayed but the effect all the same. The glow didn't happen again after that, so I thought maybe I seeing things. Speaking of seeing things.
I walked into the room once more and stared at the camera for a good while.
"So, are you guys planning on keeping me in here forever?? I'm bored"
The ringing sounded, then the voice spoke out from the speakers.
"No Dennis. We don't plan to keep you in this room forever, we're just waiting for...Something to transpire"
"Great" I sighed, "And how long will that be taking?"
"Well that all depends on your body, you may already be seeing changes occur like the others."
"Others??" I questioned. "Yes," they replied, vague once more.
"Can you elaborate? What's going to happen to me?"
The person over the speakers sighed, annoyed with my questions, sorry but I need answers.
"Fine, I'll tell you what I'm able to disclose to the public as well." "Thank you."
"Ok, we're creating a vaccine, extra protection against the virus. As you know, vaccines tend to have a tiny bit of the disease stored inside of them, so we've been injecting criminals like you with different doses, amounts, concoctions. None have worked so far, let's just say. You're the longest running person."
My eyes widened, I've been infected with a virus?? With how much?? This was alarming news. I got up from where I had to sit down on the bed and began pacing. How long before I turned?? How much did they infect me with? Special concoctions?
"I see you are nervous." I snapped my head up to the intercom, brimming with anger. "If I ever get out of this cell, the first thing I'll do is slit your throat." I seethe.
"Yeah well, that won't happen anytime so-" another voice interrupted them. "Ma'am, we have to leave. A massive case of the virus has flown in and it's overwhelming the city's forces, we can't stay here for much longer."
"Fuck" she swore. The com shut off after that, leaving me to panic inside this now seemingly small room. I was beginning to feel claustrophobic, I was getting crushed by my fears.
The door was slammed open and those same big men have come to try and grab me. "You need to come with us."
I noticed the gun in the second guy's holster, the other was unarmed. If I could snatch it, I could kill them or at least wound them and escape.
I went willingly and waited for an opening. They were frantic, they were ahead of me and not paying attention to the criminal with little morality. Idiots.
Once we had turned a familiar corner, I reach for the gun, grabbing a hold of it and yanking it back to me. The man was fast tho, he turned around and snatched my wrist aiming the gun up as a shot went off, startling the other.
The other man came after me as well, but I kicked his stomach and ended up sending him flying. The man I was struggling with and I both stopped to look at what I had done, astounded to knock such a man off his feet.
I snapped back to reality faster tho, and yanked the gun once more while he was distracted. I shot him in both his legs and he whaled loudly hitting the floor.
His head made a thumping noise, and he was knocked out.
I took my leave, fleeing the opposite way and trying to find an exit of some sort. People were screaming inside the facility, frantically and from pain.
I turned a corner and the screaming got closer, but the exit was this way so I had to go towards it.
I turned one more time, and the scene before me was horrid. The scientist was on the ground, her blood mixing in with the flashing red lights going throughout the vicinity. A male figure propped over her seemingly biting her neck. When it moved I could see that it ripped her neck off, and was feasting on the contents inside.
As if it's hostile appearance couldn't get worse, it let out a growl that was more like a yell with a raspy undertone. It threw itself at me with unseen speed, but I still managed to dodge to the side by dropping down. It landed on its face, recovering quickly to try again.
Before it could turn around I let off 3 shots into its body, just barely hitting its cranium.
"Gross," I whispered watching its lifeless corpse slide to the ground.
I stand up and shake the fear, the exit was right In front of me. I run up to the door, hearing the screams that sounded outside, and got ready to face this chaos.
Em breve