

A soul is classified according to the sins or good actions that one being has committed throughout his life, in three different colours: white, gray and black.

But depending on the situation, there are two special cases: white with a golden halo, when it has committed actions that have helped or saved countless lifes and beings; and when the opposite happens, its a pitch black soul with red veins across the soul.

In an unknown place, where only souls can enter when they fulfiled the requirements, there is a pitch black soul that instead going to the hell or any other realm to accomplish its punishment, is here, ready to reincarnate without pain.

"Where I am, I was sure I died when I cause this spatial rift" said the soul confused.

[Welcome host. You are the chosen of the Tyranny System and you are going to reincarnate in a Primordial-rank Universe, Astray, which have 7 different layers. Your goal is to reach the apex of the existence when dominating the universe] a cold and mechanical voice sound.

He was shocked at first, but when he later remember that he saw some kind of path when he fell through that crack, he thought it might make sense and he didn't think much of it, since he had a shitty life, why not take advantage of this and do what he wants.

But I also knew there had to be something behind it, power couldn't come for free.

"Whoah whoah wait a moment, I can accept that I will reincarnate and such things. But what are the conditions, I mean, I know I have sinned too much, and I'm sure I've gain too bad karma so it can be so easy to just gain power like this" the soul said with hesitation.

[You are right host. The consequence to not break any universe law and cleaning some karma to reincarnate you, is that you automatically will be pursued by all beings that belongs to the neutral and good factions.

First of all, you have to know that there are three factions, as you imagine good, neutral and evil. And you, will belong to the rare faction, Primordial evil, that will cause that persecution.

But not all is bad, members from the evil faction, if you do well they can become your followers, but also can kill you because of egoistical reasons or only fear and envy.

In this universe everyone have a system and your arrival in that world will be announced to everyone, but they will only be able to have the opportunity to know where you are and maybe who you are, as long as you don't expose yourself before, when you reach the status of a Supreme God]

"Well so, what I have to do now?" the soul said with impotence after hearing that basically will be pursued until his dead, or by the time he becomes the most powerful, strong determination showed in his eyes when he thought about this last thing.

[Answering the host. Now you can choose about some things such bloodline, skills, etc. But it will be restricted according to the rules and the charge your soul can support. Choose wisely host]

"Well shit, I suppose I have to restrain myself a little…"


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I surely will publish around 2-4 to 10-14 chapters depending on the week.

Exams and that things, you know...

Have a nice read :)

vortexx02creators' thoughts
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