
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs


Midas stood up from his previous position. His aura was showing he was clearly in basic red rank. He was full of power and he felt accomplished. He looked at Licht and smiled as Licht also stared at him.

"Master, I have broken through the red rank."He said

Licht nodded. He said "Congratulations. Now let's go meet your junior brother and the others"

Though Licht was also in the basic red rank, Midas did not feel complacent. He still felt an instinctual fear as he probed his master's aura. Licht knew what Midas was thinking but he just smiled and walked into the town

Midas agreed and followed Licht into the town.

They got into the hall and saw Regallas and the others talking to the slaves. They later told them what the slaves wanted to do and Licht agreed as it was their choice.

He brought out several cultivation techniques, skill books, spellbooks, and even weapons enough for the slaves to use. Midas then taught them how to feel for their attributes.

Some of them had fire attributes while some others had water attributes. They all had basic alpha elemental attributes, none of them had beta elemental attributes but it was to be expected.

Some ether stones were also provided to the slaves. The ether stones were of no use to Midas and the others because they were of low quality. As the slaves stayed to cultivate, Licht also provided ether stones to Regallas, Daren, Luna, and Solana. He also taught them new techniques as their old techniques were slow and not as efficient.

Daren already had a technique from Midas but now he was given one from Licht. It was an ancient technique from several millennia ago. There was an assassin that created his own shadow cultivation technique. He called it Lightless. He was an acquaintance of Licht and when he was dying, he gave Licht the cultivation technique to pass to someone worthy. Licht was going to give it to Daren if he had shown promise and he finally did. Daren was over the moon when Licht gave him a cultivation technique because he knew Licht was not simple at all and a cultivation technique from Licht was worth more than gold. Daren quickly went through the technique and was flabbergasted as it was very strong.

"There is no point to cultivate advance poison spells so all we need to do is keep feeding you poisonous and toxic substances to increase the potency of your poison,"Licht said

Daren just nodded with a bit of fear as every time he took poison or toxins, it actually hurt and made him sick till his body adapted to them.

Licht gave Luna and Solana beast cultivation techniques. The cultivation technique was gotten from the three-eyed crow tribe and moon rabbit tribes respectively. He did not know if those tribes still existed but if they did, they were not on the Gregorian continent. The twins were also excited to get cultivation techniques as they were just always learning combat and absorbing ether stones to increase their ranks but this time, they would learn new techniques and skills to be used in combat.

Regallas, on the other hand, got an exclusive tutoring session with Licht as Licht was his master so he had to give him more preferential treatment. He spoke to Regallas and tried brainstorming an effective way to use his metal and wood attributes collectively as a whole. They finally came up with a way that Midas seemed to like. It was a territory-like skill. It enabled him to sense all around. The slightest movement even by an ant will be felt. The area of the territory skill was around a hundred meters but it will continue increasing with every increment in rank. Regallas named it "Ground of arms". There were other skills and techniques excluding that one, some of them to help in close combat battles and some for area of effect damage.

After Licht gave them techniques, he also provided tons of ether stones for them to use to cultivate and breakthrough.

They all sat down to cultivate. Regallas broke through not long after, followed by Daren and then the twins. They all continued having collective breakthroughs as they had fortified each of their cultivation after the battle and they were ready for a mass breakthrough. Licht also helped in improving the twins and Daren's talent. Although they did not have the emperor's potential, they were close. They did not have difficulties breaking through to the basic red rank as the wall that was really hard for Midas to breakthrough did not exist for them and with Licht's help, they swiftly entered the Basic red rank. Regallas was still at the peak of green rank trying to break through the wall, it was difficult but he kept persevering and after three days, he finally broke through and entered the basic red rank.

As Licht saw they were done, he smiled and knew it was almost time for them to leave. He looked at the former slaves and realized that some of them had leveled up to the point of Yellow rank. Licht also reached Priscilla and told her about the slaves. She sent some soldiers to protect the town for a while.

As Licht was ready to leave and head over to the Orc empire, Midas walked up to him clearly hesitating.

"Master, I have something I want to tell you," Midas said as his head was down.

"Oh, speak then," Licht said with a raised eyebrow.

"Master, I have found out that there are several other towns like this and I cannot let this stand. I am not an enforcer of justice but it just does not sit right with me. I would like to go to these towns and rid them of the scourges" Midas said but this time he was looking at Licht.

Licht laughed and said " I figured out would say something like that. Just go, treat it like an exercise. You already have four of your sins ey? Maybe you will get more along the way and besides, you are increasing your inventory of soul soldiers. But when I am leaving the continent, you better be around or I am going to leave you behind"

Midas was surprised that Licht let him go without much of a hassle but what Licht said actually made sense. After the cocoon opened, a young man that was pure black like shadows was released from within it. He looked normal but Midas chose to name him Pride but he was not linked with a beast soul yet. Midas would find one for him along the way.

Midas was ready to depart as he was going in a different direction from Licht. Daren was also with him, as his aide, Daren had to go everywhere with Midas. Licht, Regallas and the twin departed for the Orc empire while Midas went toward another town.

This was the beginning of the legend in the Gregorian continent -Karma.