
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs


As the necromancer kept rolling on the floor, he knew he was going to die soon as his one lifeline had been taken from him. He saw his life flash before his eyes.

(Necromancer's POV)

"Julio!! Julio!!" A beautiful voice was heard as a handsome, scholarly man slept under a tree. Roused up from sleep as he heard the beautiful voice.

He groggily opened his eyes and saw a pretty girl, she looked like she had just recently gone through adolescence, she had peach-like bumps on her chest and her face had freckles, she was red-headed with a bob cut, having that shy girl personality.

The scholarly man called Julio saw her and smiled "Lisa, how are you doing? I thought I told you not to come to the hill looking for me. It is very dangerous"

The girl, Lisa pouted and said "It is not fair what the people in the town are saying to you. You have no friends, shouldn't you be happy I keep you company? This is an injustice to me and you"

Julio just laughed at the adorable girl as she pouted and spoke. He tapped the spot beside him showing she should sit. She smiled and then sat right beside Julio.

They stayed for a while as they stared at the clouds pass till it was getting late. Julio got up and said "Okay, let us leave. We don't want those beasts to get us now, do we?"

Lisa looked at Julio and nodded, she was pulled up by Julio and they departed from where they sat.

As they got closer to their town, Julio stopped and looked at Lisa "You need to go in before me so they would not associate you and me together."

Lisa looked at Julio teary-eyed "Brother Julio, I do not care what these nonsense people in the town think."

Julio laughed and patted her head "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. After ten years of this, eventually, a person becomes numb"

Lisa cried more as she heard what Julio said. She felt it was not fair to a boy of fifteen years to not be able to feel love from others but was instead being fed with constant judgemental stares and looks of disgust and ire.

Ten years ago, Julio was just five, he went into the forest and accidentally attracted a horde of goblins to the town. Julio's parents were at the forefront and ended up dying during the intrusion. A few other people died and since then they all looked at him like he was the devil's spawn.

He would have died a long time ago if it weren't for the nice old woman that was a friend to his parents. She fed him and kept him safe from people in the town. When he was eleven years of age, she died so he has been alone since then. People of the town remembered what he did but six years had passed so they did not actively go out of their way to kick him out of the village but they made his life a living hell.

Since then, people stayed away from him to avoid anyone branding them as his friend. Lisa was a girl that saw his situation and felt pity for him but after getting to know him, she felt he was the nicest person in the entire town.

From that moment onwards, she began hanging around Julio but he made her promise that no one would know that they were acquainted. She reluctantly agreed but she also made a promise to herself that she would make people like him but till now no one liked him or even attempted to know him.

Lisa reluctantly agreed and then left. Julio waited for a while before he went back in. As Julio was walking down the streets, people stared at him with venom in their eyes. Some children even threw pebbles at him but he did not mind as he told Lisa he was already used to such a thing.

Julio got to his parent's old house. He had sold the old woman's house for a very cheap price but it was still a lot for a single person which he had used to survive for more than 4 years and now the money was almost exhausted. The house was nearly empty as he also sold most of the furniture leaving only a chair and table with a bed. He lived a wretched life and deep down Julio was sad and envious of people who had great lives. He often looked out his window and saw children giggling and playing with parents that loved them, and yet he was alone, well not completely alone as there was one person that gave him happiness which was currently Lisa.

One day, Julio was sitting in his house, just staring into space when he heard a noise in the town square. He looked out the window and saw Lisa in the center shouting.

"I don't get why you all are so mean to Julio. Sure when he was a little boy, he accidentally attracted a horde of goblins to the town but he was still young. He made a mistake, you shouldn't blame a child for such a thing he did when he was little" She kept yelling "Since you all do not want to talk to him, I will let you all know that Julio is the nicest person ever but only if you get to know him so give him a chance"

Everyone stared at her but the disgust was now being pointed at her. She was downcast but she did not let it get to her. She looked at Julio's house and sent a smile at him as she saw him at the window. Julio was so touched and worried she did such a thing but she did not mind.

Everything went back to normal except the fact that people now looked at Lisa and her family with disgust too. Lisa was sad at first but after a while, she forgot about it as she got to openly hang out with Julio.

A fateful night when Julio went to the hill he normally went to, he fell asleep on the hill and could not go back to the town and Lisa could not come to see him because she was busy at home. In the morning, Julio went back to the town and was met with a sight that destroyed him. His house was smoking like a fire was just put out but that wasn't what broke him. On another side, a house was also smoking, this was the home of Lisa. He ran toward the house and saw three bodies placed outside burnt beyond recognition and instantly knew it was Lisa and her parents. He knelt before her body and bawled like a baby but many people did not look at him with pity.

"I knew that boy was bad luck"

"Serves the girl right for being his friend"

"Maybe after this incident, he would finally leave our town"

People murmured. Julio looked at them with hate in his eyes. He got up, dug a hole, and buried Lisa and her parents. As he stared at the grave, he said with a sad smile "You idiot, I told you not to associate with me but you did not listen but do not worry, I'll make them all pay"