
Chapter 25 Sleepless Night

"What?" I exclaimed, feeling my heart pound heavily in my chest. The anticipation hung in the air, waiting for his next move. But to my surprise, Alex gently placed me back down on the bed, his fingers lingering on my face before resting on my lips. As I eagerly awaited his following action, he settled beside me and spoke, "It's late now. Get some rest, and tomorrow morning I'll call the doctor to come over."


I lay there beside him, stunned and disappointed. Was that it? A wave of mixed emotions washed over me, leaving my voice slightly muffled as I responded, "Yeah, good night."


I closed my eyes, and a sudden question nagged at my thoughts. "Wait! Are you going to sleep here tonight? With me?!"


"Why not? What if something happens to you later? You might get sick or vomit again," Alex explained, his tone carrying a sense of responsibility. "After all, you're carrying my baby."


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