
1. A New Danger

Garth the Heir to the dukedom of Merith sprinted alongside his father Belren the Duke and one of strongest the continent has ever seen standing at 216 cm tall with a great sword on his back. Sleek black gray hair and a thick braided beard. His whole body bulged muscles on his tanned brown skin. Garth who was large himself was always impressed by his fathers size and strength.

Behind them ran one of his fathers summons. A titan wear wolf. With the current appearance a giant wolf atleast 4 meters at shoulder height. Garth knew it was Able to transform into a humanoid wolf the size of a 2 story home and strong enough to throw it. Terrible site for those that had fought against it.

They were rushing to save his little brother Onyx the 5th born of the family. He was an extremely smart kid, when he was only 7 he had beaten Garth and Their father in chess. His father even invited the Empires greatest Strategist Lemio. Lemio was considered the only Diamond mage in the kingdom stronge enough to level a mountain.

And Onyx Just a snot nosed brat at the time, won every game except the first game, but that game was a tie. His little brother always gave him the Erie feeling that he could read the future, a future that always had the same outcome. Your utter defeate.

Onyx was always the smartest one in the room if you asked him to speak but still wasnt the wisest.

Because of this he never got along well with other royals. Most thinking of him as if he thought he was better than them. Which he didn't.

He just didn't enjoy formalities. And didn't feed into gossip. And not a single royal wants a bastard child to be smarter than them.

Garth who could barely read at 11 was always impressed about how his brother was always in there library studying as well. Instead of playing swords like others his age.

He was gifted in hand to hand combat. Training directly with mixed martial arts master and even a few of his fathers assassins. From the age of 8.

Onyx also made it clear that swords, spears and axes were a waste of time he didnt want to carry them around. If someone wanted to use a weapon on him he would just take it from them and use theres. Of course he couldn't outpace a master yet, but he could spar with apprentices already and not any novice could handle him one on one

But what worried Garth was how much his siblings bullied Onyx when he and their father weren't around. Melik is younger brother was definitely the worst. Onyx didnt seem to care sometimes almost as if he played along which made the bullying worse. They would treat him as if he was a servant. Hit him with reeds. Hide or burn his clothes. And Onyx just let it happen.

The guards and servants were never any help either. Due to being scared of the repercussions that could occur if Melik accused then of anything. Being arrested wasnt worth the risk of protecting a bastard 5th born, not that he or his father would let the servants be arrested by the spoiled brat.

Atleast his sister Hera would stand up for him but she was busy as well and soon she was going to be training. So she couldn't always protect him.

Melik always tried steal from Onyx or would steal and blame Onyx as well to make him look worse in others eyes as if he was always forgetful and losing things or a downright thief.

The royal blood war he guessed could never start early enough.

Hera was always so sweet to him Tho. She had even told Garth more than once that "Onyx wasn't the one sitting in the well and staring up Unlike Melik and Mesra(the oldest sister)." Onyx was probably already 1000 steps ahead he thought.

A few moments before a huge wave of power and began emanating from the front of the castle courtyard, followed by a servant girl screaming through the main hall that Onyx was being attacked by monsters in the courtyard.

She said that she hadn't seen anything like the beasts before. And someone must be attacking. but she didn't see anyone else. but the surrounding gaurds had collapsed.