

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Anime e quadrinhos
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14 Chs

Final Floor

With the fourth floor finally cleared of beasts, we were able to finally explore the rooms. In the labs, we were able to find a slot in the computers that the keycards fit in. It turns out that the keycards contained the research data for the creatures they were found on. This discovery lead to another unexpected discovery as well. The number of keycards we had didn't come close to what we fought, which lead us to figure out that the original beasts that were created on this floor had mated and gave birth to their vast legion, but in such a small space and with limited to no food, we wondered how they dealt with their overpopulation and starvation. The logical answer to this question was cannibalism. Cannibalism is also the probable cause of their blood crazed mental state.

After the lab and experiment rooms, we headed to the storage and this time, instead of humans, there were animals in stasis. These animals had clearly been experimented on, and while an improvement from the earlier floors, they were clearly still failures. After we obtained the research data from the monitors, we examined the creatures in order to see if any could be saved, but they were all in a state where they would no doubt end up like the ones we fought not to long ago. With a little testing, we managed to find purge, release and disposal options on the monitors. The purge option would drain the green fluid and bring the creature out of stasis. The release option would of course open the container and set the creature free. The disposal option would kill the creature by sending a large burst of electricity through the fluid.

We hit the disposal option and saw the bright flash of blue than let us know exactly how powerful the charge was. While we thought it was necessary to do this, I still thought this was sad. These creatures did not have a choice in this matter and was forced go through a life filled with painful experimentation and then a quick yet painful death.

With that finished, we walk out of the door and head to the lift to get to the final floor.

As the lift began to move, I couldn't help but wonder, 'Exactly what kind of horrors could be stored on the last floor of this horror house?'

Upon our arrival to the fifth floor, we could hear the sounds of creatures roaming through the halls. There were sound of the beasts' calls and their movements and a sound of something dragging or being grinded. The loud banging from there steps and the deep but powerful growls showed that these creatures were strong. Just based off the sounds, we could out that these beasts were gonna be big.

I check my stocks of equipment and we proceeded forward. We had came here for a reason and after all the horror they seen, we couldn't just leave. There'd be no point to this at all. Plus every bit of research could increase the chances of the victims from the earlier floors returning to normal.

The first hall we entered into caught me by surprise. The normal metal walls grown used to by now had changed. What was metal is now covered in blankets of green and the narrow hall with the low ceiling had expanded in both height in with. It's no wonder the beasts here could be so large. They have plenty of room to grow. Also with the growths of the plant life, this floor could make its own ecosystem by providing any herbivore with food. Then the herbivore will become food for the carnivores. Then the leftovers and the dead carnivores will become food for the plants.

This is just like the nature preserve that I wanted to create in the future. The only question I have is about their water source. I haven't seen anything yet that looked like a possible water source.

Before I can continue this thought, there's a sudden flurry of noises headed in our direction at a fast speed. We went into battle stances to prep for the impending fight, but as the sound grew louder and closer, we were able to see the creature. This creature was huge. It looked like a bull mixed with a bear and a boar. It roared as it closed in on us, but we dodged its charge.

I flew up to its upper right horn and threw a skull bomb. The bomb exploded on top of its horn, but when the light faded, the beast's horn was intact and the only mark was a slight singe. What on earth could the High Evolutionary done to the animals in order to make such a monster.

Thoth rushed in from its left. As he ran forward, he slid under the beast and cut at its underside with his blades, but the results was just a scratch that couldn't even be seen past its fur. This fight was not going to be easy. I quickly through out the razor bats and had them attack the creature's face. It roared and raised it's front paws and swiped them through the air in order the knock the razor bats away. While it was standing on its hindlegs and focused on me, Thoth went from behind and started to electrocute the beast with his taser hands.

It roared again and with the opening, I charged up and shot out a super powered uni-beam from my chest. The beam burst forward and landed on the creatures face. When it landed, the creature was further electrocuted and it roared even louder. It staggered and fell to the ground and when its body fell, Thoth rushed forward again and stabbed its blades into the creatures eyes. The beast was blinded as its eyes were gouged out. In pain it roared and thrashed around. With its constant thrashing around, it managed to throw Thoth off and then slam him away with its horns. With Thoth further away and the creature blinded, I have my glider open fire upon the beast. It felt the energy blasts fired upon it and charged in my direction. When it got close, I flew over it and the jump onto its face. With my landing, the beast thrashed around again to shake me off.

With all the shaking, I had to get a secure grasp and hang on. The beast was annoyed that I hung on and started to swing even more furiously. It also started to crash into the wall as in ran. While still hanging on, I shove one of my hands into its eye sockets and released a continuous stream of electricity. The immediate shock stunned the beast long enough for me to put my other hand in the other eye socket and release another continuous stream of electricity. The beast began to roar in pain, but it couldn't control its body enough to stop it. It soon died due to all the electricity flowing to its brain.

This fight costs us a lot of energy and it would be a little while before the Ark reactor recharges the energy supply. We wanted to wait until our energy reserves were topped up, but as soon as we tried to rest, the traps started to kick in and we had to start another small battle to destroy them. Then, all the noise we caused attracted another beast like the first.

This beast had also grown to massive proportions. It looked like a lion was mixed with something that had scales and then given a strain of elephant dna to make it larger. Upon closer inspection, it could be seen that this lion creature also had a prominent horn on its head and be the design, we could guess that rhino dna was used too.. That means its hide was gonna be tougher than the bear's.

The fight commenced and we were quickly put on the defensive. It was fast and pounced through the air to get us. I had already open fire with the glider, but that seemed to just annoy the beast. Thoth tried striking in with his blades and as expected they didn't hurt the beast at all. The beast even caught him with a side swipe and launched him into a wall. I seriously need to upgrade his arsenal. With his current arsenal, he could do nothing to the super powered people we will run into later.

The fight continued and most of it was us dodging and attacking from a distance, but it was doing minimal damage. We even tried to use the same strategy as with the bear, but it didn't work with the lion. It hide was too tough and it never stood up on its hind legs, so it always had stable footing. The only real damage it took was when I activated a secret weapon on the glider. The figurehead of the glider opened its mouth to reveal a large barrel. I then rerouted a lot of energy from the glider and my suit to gather in the barrel and fired it. When it landed on the creature, it actually tore through its strong hide and dragged across the surface of its body, leaving a long scar on its side.

This thoroughly pissed the creature off. While angered, it charged at me and tried to knock me out of the air. I quickly throw out two concussion bombs towards its ears and when they go off, they managed to stun the creature long enough to deploy smoke bombs and activate the stealth features of my suit and glider.

While in stealth, I sneak around the creature and try to find a way to take it down. My energy reserves were at an all time low and my glider had to stop firing energy blast and go into energy saver mode in order to maintain flight while it recharged with the Ark reactor.