Summary: David, an ordinary man, finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after an inexplicable cosmic event. Upon awakening in New York City, he quickly learns that he has been granted a unique ability: the power to absorb and master the abilities of others. As he explores this new world, David is drawn to the chaos and danger surrounding powerful heroes and villains. With his cheat activated, he can now study and absorb the abilities of those around him, giving him the potential to rise above them all. In his first encounter, David absorbs the raw, untapped energy of a mutant, gaining control over energy manipulation. As he begins his journey, David realizes the vast power he can acquire in this world of extraordinary beings. However, he also understands that the path to ultimate power is fraught with danger. To succeed, he must tread carefully, observe, and plan his moves wisely, knowing that in the MCU, even the smallest misstep can lead to catastrophic consequences. As David navigates his new life, he contemplates how to use his newfound powers, preparing to confront the many heroes and villains that will shape his destiny. Will he rise to become a god-like force in the MCU, or will the overwhelming power consume him? The story of David’s transformation from a regular man to an unstoppable force begins, and the MCU will never be the same again.
The cold, dark void seemed endless. Time had no meaning here. For what felt like an eternity, David had drifted in this formless expanse, trapped in a space where thoughts and memories no longer made sense. There was no past, no future—only the feeling of existing, but without substance.
Then, as if a switch had been flipped, everything changed.
A bright light pierced the void, blinding him at first. When it faded, David found himself kneeling on solid ground, the coldness replaced by the warmth of sunlight. He looked around, bewildered.
A bustling city surrounded him. Tall skyscrapers pierced the sky, with flashing lights and flying cars zooming overhead. The air was thick with technology, the sound of hovercrafts, and the hum of distant energy fields. This wasn't any city he recognized, but it was undeniably... familiar. The towering structures and the gleaming buildings were unmistakable.
David's mind began to race as fragments of memories returned. It wasn't just the city that was familiar—it was the world. This was New York City, but it was different—this was the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the world he'd only known through comics and movies. This was the realm of superheroes, supervillains, and gods—where the unimaginable became a reality.
But David had been here before. He remembered his life—his real life—where he had been a regular man, living a mundane existence. Working in a cubicle. Watching movies. Reading comics. But now... he was here. And he wasn't just a bystander.
David's body felt different, stronger, more alive. He could sense the raw power coursing through him, a deep, pulsating energy he couldn't quite comprehend. It felt like something was awake inside him.
And then he felt it. The sensation of an unusual presence inside his mind, an intelligence beyond his own, whispering to him.
"You have been chosen, David. Your cheat has been activated."
David's eyes widened as memories of a peculiar, almost dreamlike encounter flooded back. Just before he had been pulled into the void, he remembered a voice—a calm, soothing voice that had addressed him as if from above. It spoke of a second chance, of reincarnation. A chance to live again, but this time, in a world of extraordinary powers and people. The voice had promised him a "unique cheat"—something that would allow him to navigate this new life with power, with purpose.
"What do you mean?" David thought, his mind whirling.
"You have been granted the power to analyze and absorb the abilities of others."
David stood up quickly, his heart pounding. Absorb abilities? It didn't make sense, yet... it did. His memories were fading, but the feeling of raw power remained.
A new thought emerged, one that caused David's chest to tighten. What if I could take the powers of the MCU's heroes and villains for myself? Imagine the possibilities. He could be the strongest. He could shape this world as he saw fit.
"Where do I begin?" he thought, determined.
"You must observe. Your power activates when you encounter someone with abilities. Study them, learn their strengths, and absorb them. But be careful—too much power could overwhelm you."
David's eyes narrowed with resolve. The MCU was filled with formidable beings—gods, mutants, super-soldiers, sorcerers, and more. There was no shortage of abilities to absorb. But this was also a world of danger. If he played his cards wrong, he could easily become a target for some of the most powerful beings in the universe.
Still, the potential was intoxicating. With the right strategy, he could become the most powerful person in the MCU. But where would he start?
As he took his first step into this new world, the distant sound of a siren caught his attention. It was the unmistakable wail of police cars, but this wasn't a regular crime—it was something else. Something that felt dangerous.
David instinctively looked to the sky, where he saw a streak of red and gold cutting through the air. It was Iron Man. Tony Stark.
David's heart skipped a beat. He knew the history. He knew the events that were about to unfold in this world. The Battle of New York. The rise of Ultron. The war against Thanos. He had a chance to be part of it all—on his own terms.
With a grin, David turned towards the chaos, the rush of adrenaline fueling his every step. The cheat had given him a unique opportunity. This wasn't just about survival; this was about domination. In a world filled with the extraordinary, he would rise above them all.
And so, with the streets of New York unfolding before him, David began his new life—one where he would play the game of power, and rewrite his destiny in the MCU.
For David knew one thing above all else: In this world of heroes, he would become the ultimate force of nature.