
Chapter 6 - Date Night

(Sebastian POV)

"What up bro!" Sean and Garrett said coming into my room.

"What the hell are y'all doing here?" I said coming from my closet throwing a towel on the bed, "I was about to take a shower."

"Getting ready for your date?" Garret laughed seated in my rolling chair and start spending around.

"Why are you here!" I groaned not wanting to deal with their foolishness right now.

"I wanted to tell you that I have the pleasure to talk to Sunni yesterday," Sean smiled that stupid smirk when he had done something stupid.

"What did you do?"

"Oh nothing, maybe say a few embarrassing things about you, but she was cool about it and I think we had a good conversation," Sean said wrapping his arm around me, "I think she is exactly what you need. Something new, something refreshing and very beautiful."

"What did you tell her?" I groaned because if I know Sean, he's one of those friends that can ruin something between a girl and me without knowing it, "you better not have scared her off."

"No, I just told her to not hurt my boy and she knew where I was coming from. I swear nothing bad happened, it was a mutual conversation and now she just knows that you like her, that's all."

"You know what, you're an ass," I said pulling away from him.

"Where you taking her?" Garret asked.

"None of your business? Now can you guys leave!"

"Here some advice, don't sleep with her until you know for sure that she's not crazy," Garret said.

"Get out!" I said pointing to the door.

"Alright, alright, will get out of your hair, but you have fun tonight.." Sean said heading to the door.

"But not to much fun, don't want to impregnate here on the first date," Garret laughed.

I send him the middle finger, "not everyone is like you, Garret."

"Bruh!" Garret smiled dropped before I pushed him out the room and closed the door. Finally!

(Sunni POV)

"I don't know what the hell you getting ready for, but you ain't going on that date with that boy I saw at the shop," dad said sitting at my desk as I got ready for my date with Sebastian. Since five o'clock telling me all about how I'm not going and why I'm getting ready because I wasn't leaving this house, basically all out harassing me.

"Mom!" I yelled in frustration glaring at my father.

"Why the hell you yelling?" Mom said coming into my room then look over at my father, "why are you up in here?"

"He has been annoying me for almost fifty minutes now. Mom, please explain to dad that I'm going on this date whether he likes it or not!" I said going into my closet to find me some tennis shoes to wear.

"Do you not want grandchildren, Charles?" Mom asked when I walked out my closet.

"Do you know what has to happen in order for us to have grandchildren," dad said shaking his head, "and my daughter is not having sex...."

"Dad, please!" I groan not wanting to hear my name and sex in the same sentence coming out my father's mouth.

"No, because it seems like we need to talk about this. For twenty-three years I didn't have to worry about this because you wasn't really looking at boys. Until this random boy walk into the flower shop a few weeks ago and now you're interested in dating, what's next? Marriage?"

"Of course not"

"Of course!" Mom said on top of me making dad and I send her a look before rolling our eyes.

"Sebastian a good kid and I think Sunni and him will make a great couple," mom said hugging me, "so I approve. So, honey, let's give Sunni her space so she can get ready."

"I need to go find my gun," dad said walking out the room. I shook my head as I watch my mother follow him.

"You better hurry up, he should be here in a few minutes," mom said turning to me, "I'll make sure your dad don't do anything crazy."

"Thanks mom!" I was wearing some black yoga tights and a simple grey sweater. My hair was into two cornrow braids and I did light makeup, nothing special, and put some lipgloss on. I put on my white Jordan's then my jean jacket and white Nike hat. When I hear the doorbell ring, I quickly grabbed my my phone and keys before running out my room and over to the stairs. I don't want to leave Sebastian no more than a minute with my family alone.

"Hi Sebastian!" Mom said giddily.

"Ms. Mary, how are you today," Sebastian said coming into the house hugging and kissing my mother on the cheek.

"Oh just trying to stop my husband from shooting your ass," mom said and I couldn't help but bust out laughing. Sebastian turned to look at me with a smile as I quickly descended the stairs.

"Let's go!" I said grabbing Sebastian hands. Wanting to get out of here before my parents could embarrass me anymore.

"Hold on, wait!" My father said coming around the corner, "I want her home by six fifteen."

"Dad! It's six now..."

"Yeah, that should give you guys enough time to drive around the block and be on the porch steps by six fifteen," My father said. I look at my father like he was crazy before looking up at Sebastian hiding a smile but end up snorting out a laugh.

"No offense Mr. Valentine, but that will be the shortest date in history," Sebastian smiled.

"Fine, eight o'clock..."


"Hell, how long you need?"

"Why do I need a curfew? I'm an adult."

"An adult that's is living under my roof and what I says go," dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"Just be in your room when we wake up tomorrow, bye, have fun!" Mom said pushing us out the house.

"Bye!" I said pulling Sebastian down the porch steps away from my house.

"We need to hurry because I only have fifteen minutes to get...." Sebastian laughed.

"Don't!" I said placing my hand over his mouth, "I don't have a curfew."

"Your dad reminds me of my dad, and if this date goes as planed my mother wants to meet you." Sebastian said opening the door to his car as I got in.

"Now I'm nervous," I mumbled when he got into the driver seat.

"Nah, don't be nervous," Sebastian said driving off, "my mother would love you."

"Where are we going, anyway?" I said placing my phone and keys in the cup holder.

"The studio!"

"Oh really," I said excited.

"Sean told me he had a conversation with you. How annoying was he?"

"Not at all, it was nice speaking with him. Thought your friends wouldn't like me."

"Why would you think that?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't want to ruin the mood, let's just forget about it," I said looking out the window, "how you been?"

"I've been...happy lately, if that's the word for it," Sebastian smirked and I smiled.

"Happy! Really, that's interesting to hear. Why are you so happy now?" I asked curiously.

"Aren't you happy?" Sebastian said glancing over at me and I thought.

"Happy is an understatement when it comes to me lately," I breathe out before smiling winking over at him, "maybe you have something to do with it, but who knows."

"I know!" He said and I blushed. We drove inside a parking spot where a cute little building was located.

"Is this your studio?"

"Yup!" Sebastian said hopping out the car and I followed, I meet him at the front of his car, "come on," he grabbed my hand and lead me inside the building. We went up a flight of stairs, down the hall to the last room and walked in.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped when I see the romantic scene in front of me. In one part of the studio it was decorated with lights, candles, a bouquet sunflowers, paint, fruit, cheese, crackers, and two canvas. The scene just look so romantic and I just loved it, "this is beautiful."

"Here you are!" Sebastian said handing me an apron, "any preference of music?"

"Bruno Mars!" I said walking over to go pick up the bouquet of sunflowers and smiled, I placed them down before grabbing a strawberry and took a bite. Treasure by Bruno Mars filled up the room, "um.." as I began to dance.

"Treasure, that is what you are

Honey, you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you

If you let me treasure you, oh

Oh oh oh.." I singed twirling and moving my hips to the beat. I look over to see Sebastian watching me, so I went over to grab his hand.

"Dance with me," I said.

"I was enjoying just watching you dance, but since you asked," Sebastian said twirling me around a few times before pulling me close to him and placed one hand on the side of my waist. We circled around the studio until the song was over.

"Let's paint!" Sebastian said pulling me towards the canvas where I see one of the canvas to have something already on it.

"What is...oh sunflowers!" I said glancing up at Sebastian, "you drew a template for me?"

"That's what my father did to me when I first start painting, still have my first painting hanging in my room actually."

"Ohh my first painting, exciting, let's get started!" I said turning to the brush and grabbed a random one, "you're going to help me, right?"

"Rule number one, don't grab just any brush," Sebastian said pulling up a stool and took a seat next to me.

"Opps," I said putting the brush back turning towards Sebastian.

"Let's start with the background. What color do you want it to be?" Sebastian asked eating the cheese and crackers.

"Purple," I said grabbing the bottle of paint, he instructed me to pour a good size of paint on the pallet. He grabbed a small brush handing it to me.

"First create a border..."

"I know how to do that!" I said taking a small amount of the purple paint and start doing the border, "oh shit, it's already fire." I finished the border and start painting it in with the purple.

"Don't go all over the place with your strokes, make sure you stay consistent. It looks better," Sebastian said and I nod.

"So tell me, what will you like to see out of this relationship?" I asked moving on to the stems of the flower. Sebastian told me to use two different greens, one way darker than the other, he told me to use the darker green on the thin/far away stem on the painting then use the lighter green on closer one, so it can give it depth.

"For any relationship, I would like it to be real and honest, none of that fake shit!" Sebastian said feeding me a strawberry and I took a bite. I sway to the music, listening to Sebastian while I paint.

"To me, I don't want to rush things. I like things to go smooth and perfect..."

"Perfect? You know we live in an imperfect world?" Sebastian and I stop painting to look over at him.

"I know, but if facing it together, the imperfect world can't stand in way," I said turning back to my painting, "Would your parents be ok with you dating someone with a darker skin tone?"

"I don't know?" He said truthfully and I nod, "but my parents aren't those type of people."

"You ever hear the phrase, people are fine with it until it start happening in their own home," I said placing the brush down before grabbing a stool and set in front of him, "my father parents gave him a choice between my mother and them. He chose my mother and now he hasn't spoken to his parents in over twenty years."

"Why can't relationships be like back in the day where no one blinks an eye when you married your cousin," Sebastian said and I laughed.

"Ain't that gross," I giggled making Sebastian smiled.

"How about this, what goes on between us is between us, no one gets to dictate anything we decide to do, and if we have to talk about then we'll talk about it. But no one is making the decision for us."

"Ok, deal!" I said grabbing his hand and pulled him up, "help me finish this."

"How about a kiss first?" Sebastian said grabbing my waist pulling me towards him.

"What, really?" I blushed up at him.

"Nah, I'm kidding, let's save that for later," Sebastian winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Such a tease," I said grabbing my paint brush and he smiled before reaching behind me to grab a brush and some paint. He poured some yellow paint on the pallet.

"If teasing you make you blush that beautifully, then I'll be teasing you a lot," Sebastian said glancing at me.

"I'm beat your ass!"

"I will like to beat your ass too, but not with my fists..."

"Huhhh!" I gasped placing my left hand on his shoulder and my right fist against my lips, shocked that he just said that.

Sebastian look at me, "fuck, shit, that was nasty!" and we bust out laughing to the point we both fell on the floor holding our stomach. Let's just say the night was filled with us painting and telling each other jokes, mostly dirty ones.

Sorry for the long updates! But hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks for reading!

Niqua_24creators' thoughts
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