
Portal Empire

Autor: Skaviouz
Contínuo · 12.7K Modos de exibição
  • 3 Chs
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What is Portal Empire

Leia o romance Portal Empire escrito pelo autor Skaviouz publicado no WebNovel. To fight against the future Apocalypse and metastasis. Jim incarnated his consciousness from the future after his death. To fight against the future he knew. The metastasis didn't bring the Apocalypse...


To fight against the future Apocalypse and metastasis. Jim incarnated his consciousness from the future after his death. To fight against the future he knew. The metastasis didn't bring the Apocalypse like many stories might lead you to believe; governments still operates, food isn't a problem, guns still kill for the most part, economy is flourishing with new industries, and mutants are killed before they can revolt. My name is Jim Lars… I had been working on my Master's in electronic engineering with a year left to complete when the Apocalypse hit. My campus caught fire… It was later theorized that it was caused by a newly awakened. I had also discovered my own ability. It was utterly awful and weak for an ability, but I didn't give up. I practiced at all hours in the day. While studying I would multitask with training. While eating I would train. While walking I would train. While sleeping I would rest, but I never slept in. I had gained my current status through effort, but others were jealous even through they never placed any effort. Even the self proclaimed mortals had ridiculous results with effort to train nonsensical ideas. It was even proven that anyone could make fireballs with a month of nonstop effort, whether they were mortals or not. But ability users had inborn gifts for their ability... I woke up from my dream, rubbing my eyes...

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Synopsis On abeautiful evening of April 23 1957, In avillage called Tambwe in Rwanda, apregnant woman known as Asteria was standing behind her family's grass thatcher house, watching the breath taking sunset, when two clouds emerged from the hills and formed two humanoids and descended before Asteria The shocked Asteria knelt down as she wasn't sure what was happening. The cloud formed humanoids descendanted Infront of Asteria. as Asteria was looking down, one of the humanoid introduced to her self as "nyina w'igihugu" which means mother of anation. Nyina wi gihugu instructed Asteria to unbend hee head and look at them, When Asteria looked at them, Another humanoid introduced him self as "se w'igihugu". Nyina w'igihugu had a brown stick which she pointed in the sky and abig book appeared. Asteria was told to look into the book and see what the book contains. No matter how much Asteria tried to look at the book, she could not see anything. She was seeing blank page as they opened. Nyina wi gihugu told her not to use her physical eyes but to use the eyes of the heart. After many times of trying, Asteria was able to see the content of the book. The content of the book never left her the same. The humanoid told Asteria that is true. You should never tell any one about what you have seen. We have been sent by athousand hills to reveal this to you. Just like they came, nyina w'igihugu and se w'igihugu everporatee into the sky. What Asteria saw is something that will never leave her the same.

Yakalemye_John · História
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1 Chs

Wide Garden

Mutya is one of the most shy girl type in their school, some of her schoolmates bully her because she always cover her face with her hair. Mutya is very loving daughter of Adana and Mesha. Their neighbor is spreading rumors about this family because of their lifestyle. They taught that they are witch thats why Mutya is bullied. Dean loves fishing, he grow with luck of care by his parents so he always spend his time fishing or going somewhere up in the mountain. One day Dean go to mountain to search for falls or river to catch fish.. When Dean arrived with that Area one woman stop him to go in the mountain because the mountain has a lot of deadly animals and theres a family that are witch.. But Dean refuses and continue hiking.. As he got there He noticed the Falls small step away from him so Dean is really Happy and excited. He put his bag on the ground and take his shirt of and splash on the water. Its very cleared and cool so relaxing. Dean really enjoyed swimming he swim and swim until he saw a girl down there swimming but the girl swim faster. He get out from the water and looking outside. Hes looking for that girl. Hello??? Is anyone there?? Dean shout but no one responsed. But in the other side Mutya is hiding behind the big rock shes so afraid that someone will hurt her but the Dog is coming. Barking into Dean so Dean is very Alarming because the Dog is very agressive toward him. Dean get his arnis stick to defend from that dog. And when Dean starting to hurt the dog whos very agressively act biting him Mutya shout to him. Nooooooo!!! Stop!! Your hurting him!!!! And Dean see Mutya the girl he saw recently under Water her face is so angelic shes so beautiful and very femine.

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating