1 Where have we come from, where are we now and where are we supposed to go.

THE PRINCIPLE OF POLITICAL DYNAMICS🌅 IN TIME⏰ "Where have we come from and where are we headed ?"

By Teinson Munsanje.

So I've been running through my mental faculties in trying to understand what really is DYNAMICS IN POLITICS.

Why have we had different political parties ruling but nothing seems to improve? We keep changing leaders with the hope that things will change but nothing, others come and mess things even worse than they found them when we regarded them our messiah during there time in the opposition. Where do we go wrong?

But I say to you, the world is no short of great men whose input can change the entire political landscape from which we have viewed it since the inception of "The understanding of Knowledge about politics".

Historically, a few centuries before BC and more centuries after AD, we had most "Wisdom Driven Leaders" who ascended to power of rulership because they had the wisdom which showed them the path to take right from start on how to deligently lead their PEOPLE.

They used wisdom to win Wars, Settle disputes, Securing wealth for most members of there territories and maintaining law and order. Of course they would scrue up at times because they were human, but their wisdom superseded there anger.

Their Wisdom helped them Triumph over there Rich contenders until they created wealth for themselves too.

So I ask, what type of leaders do we have today? What motivates today's leaders to seek political public office? What incentives do they use to find it easy to go up the ladder? And what do they seak to gain out of attained political power?

Here are the answers : MONEY, INFLUENCE and POPULARITY... It's nolonger about Ability, it's nolonger about Wisdom, it's nolonger about fair policies of Governance.... It's about the connections that the "already rich" individuals seek to create to increase their wealth, friends,relatives and that of fellow business associates who sponsor them during campaigns.

This is the reason why most of our top leaders are people who've at least once saved in government before and have tasted the beauty and connections that come along with power, they are supper hungry for more and will stop at nothing in exploiting our natural resourcces, abusing our people and selling our sovereignty.

They have made so much Money beyond what one can imagine, so much Influence and Popularity SUCH that they All now think they qualify and can be presidents and leaders.

This is why changing the system of Governance has never been an issue to them because what matters is how much they are making from capitalism and not what a worker is making.

This is the reason I'll forever respect and element that sees the need to change the system into what's best for mankind.

Yes we do not have billions as socialist, but what we posses is the Will-Power to level ourselves to the language that isn't antagonistic to that of a poor human being whose only trying to survive.
