

Jake slammed Jordan to the wall as he put his hand across Jordan chest pinning him to the wall, you have the empire, you have everything I don't have and can never have, then why just why can't you leave Lara for me. his eyes were red and swollen. Jordan stared into Jake's eyes. Because she's mine.

Codeblack54 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs



He sat down close to her, soon another girl joined, she sat opposite them, she had red long hair, grey eyes, she's about six feet tall, has a small round nose that looks like a button on her face, her cheeks was a little puffy and she put on a pink lip glow on her buttom heavy lips.

Anna: Hi am Anna White

Lara: Lara (she cut's in)

Anna: You don't need to introduce yourself, your the girl who tasted the snow king's lips (she winked at Lara and Lara was already red).

Jake does not like the fact that Lara's beautiful heart shaped lips was kissed by that annoying guy.

Anna: what does his lips taste like, is it cold as ice or sweet ( Jake cuts in).

Jake: Anna, stop ( he yelled at her, as so as he realize what he has done he quickly smiled). I meant the poor girl will die of embrassment look at how red her skin is ( Anna laugh when she looked at the red apple sitting beside Jake).

Cece was glaring at them.

Rachel: ignore them ( a beautiful blonde girls spoke, her green eyes are bright and vigilant, she looks like a real life version of Barbie doll because of her perfect symmetrical looks.

Cece looks at her in disbelieve but she didn't argue with her, she might look like an angel on the outside but she's a very venomous snake.

Cece: but she tried to show off in class today. Are you going to let it be.

Rachel: she's a measly fly, Jordan is not bothered about it and as you can see she's already facing her punishment.

Cece: but Brother Jake is talking to her, I mean his Jordan's cousin he should support him.( Rachel ate her salad in silence).

Rachel: you know that his jealous of Jordan, the Win family refuse to accept him. His a bastard after all don't you know that dirt bags attracts each other.(she continue to eating).

Anna: welcome to the squad ( she smiled as she ate her fries with ketchup savouring the taste).

Lara: Are you Jake's girlfriend (Anna coughed, her face turned red, Jake laughs and shook his head). Jake and I are friends. (She sturtted she lowered her head, she secretly likes Jake but she is too scared to say it.

Lara: am sorry for assuming things.

Anna: is okay. Well am the treasurer

Lara: *shocked* your part of the council. (Lara sipped her smoothie).

Anna: yes

Jake: girls you completely forgot about me (he acted like he was about to cry, making the girls laugh, while Jordan kept glancing at them).

Soon two boys joined them, they look so alike Lara could not help but stare at them

Anna: finally, where have you guys been. (They looked like each others clone).

Peter: am sorry

Paul: we got stuck in a long meeting with the coach, oh your Lara is not everyday you get to see a celebrity. (Lara felt embrassed).

Anna: your right, meet the twins they are in charge of sports. Peter and Paul yang (Another hot looking k pop guys Lara thought to herself).

Peter:nice to meet you,(he winked at her).

Paul: nice to meet you.

Jake: peter is the noisy/player, he changes women like clothes so beware of him.

Peter: hey your making look bad, is not my fault that am hot.

Lara: your right, (Lara gave him a thumps up).

Peter: your really a beauty, where have you been all my life (he said as he dramatically held his chest) making the others laugh).

Lara: you see, which girl can resist this prince charming ( he posed showing her his features).

Jake: don't encourage him (Jake facepalmed himself). Paul is the quiet serious, and a black belt champion in takwando

Lara: wow, will you teach me

Paul: sure

Lara: really (she looked really excited).

Paul: sure

Peter: am also good in takwando.

Tan: wow! Jake really added that girl to his squad.

Clyde:what do you expect (Jordan finished his lunch and stood up. Lara and her new friends are also on their way to keep their dish, Lara unknowingly bump into Jordan, the ketchup on the dish stained his black jacket, the entire cafeteria went quiet while Rachel smirked evily waiting for Jordan to disgrace these lowborn bitch.