
PWA 6 Kotonoha Katsura II [Rewrite]

After a long silence between Jovanna and Kotonoha, a rude voice comes to interrupt their serene meeting.

"Huh!? Who are you!? Mind your own business, busybody!"

Jovanna immediately jolted his head to the source of disturbance.

Ah, I remember this face, but don't remember her name. Karen? Maname? Sorry, but I don't remember the name of trash who bullied my girl (Author's Note: Yeah, our MC here have already marked Kotonoha Katsura as his girl 😆🍻🤣).

Ignoring the Harpie, I returned my gaze back to Kotonoha Katsura.

"Kotonoha-chan, do you need help?"

Kotonoha only stood there silently, years of bullying with no one coming over to help her have made her shy personality developed a slight androphobia.

But as the words that comes to her ears registered in her mind, she reflexively nodded her head implying that she wants to be helped.

Jovanna smiles softly to Kotonoha, his beautiful face brimming with youthful freshness and his cool temperament which is like a dependable big sister (remember, he is a TRAP 😁) next door helps to ease Kotonoha's distressed mind.

But then another harsh voice just coming over to disturb their harmonious atmosphere.

"Hey!? Are you deaf!? Go go away, hush, hush, hush! Mind your own business!"

Jovanna can't help but getting annoyed, he turned his head to look at another direction where the rotten voice has come over from Harpie #2, yeah, he really didn't even remember the name of the girl standing on the left of Karen or whatever is the name of the leading bully.

"Kotonoha-chan, let me teach you how to deal with bullies." Ignoring those harpies with rotten mouth, Jovanna return back to look at Kotonoha while smiling sweetly like an angel.

Before he started literally slapping the cheeks of the three bullying girls. HARD.


The harsh, crisp sounds of face slapping reverberating on the whole street.

Jovanna slaps are so heavy handed that all the three bullying girls are immediately fall down unconscious on the roadside.

Hmph, good thing that this body have learned how to use Wake Up Slap and Double Slap teached by his Daddy's Medichamp. This move sure is coming in handy.

A Wake Up Slap reserved for the leading bully, while her two goons are getting a half of his Double Slap each.

Kotonoha Katsura stared in shock, surprise and amazement seeing how her three bullies are now down on the street from being slapped by Jovanna.

She then instinctually moved back by one step due to her slight fear and androphobia kicking in.

But then she sees the cute girl? (Kotonoha still don't know that our MC is a Trap, she thinks that Jovanna is a girl just like her) smiling back at her and even talks like nothing so important have happened, like she is just swatting some flies instead of slapping the bullies until they are mopped on the concrete pedestrian flooring.

"Let's go Kotonoha-chan, I heard you want to be a Pokémon Trainer, too? I am on my way to the Professor's Lab too." Smiling sweetly like a sunshine girl(?), Jovanna take out his right hand and hold Kotonoha's left hand before he pulled the silent girl to walks together with him.

"Uhmmm..... Is this okay to just left them like that?" Asked Kotonoha to Jovanna.

"Oh, by 'them', did you mean those three girls who have bullied you? Nah, just left them be. In fact, if they dared to harass you again in the future, just do what I have done to them. Or you can just call out to me. I will always come to help you." Jovanna smiled to Kotonoha while reassuring the kind-hearted girl who is still thinking of her bullies welfare.

"Excuse me, but.... Who are you.....?" Kotonoha shyly asked a crucial question that she already have in her mind from the moment the girl(?) called out her name.

It was at this time, that Jovanna remember a simple, but important thing.

He may have known Kotonoha Katsura from the inside out due to having watched her anime and even completing her routes in visual novel game until he got all of her seven "good" endings on School Days, but Kotonoha absolutely doesn't even know one bit about him.


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

Currently now Kotonoha Katsura already have two skills.

The first one is Dark Side, it's a skill that increases the power (stats) of all Dark, Ghost, and Poison Type Pokémon that she have but decreases the power/stats of Fairy Type Pokémon in case she have any in her possession. And yeah, this skill is inspired by Yami Field Spell Card from Yu-Gi-Oh! that increases the ATK and DEF of Spellcasters and Fiend (Ghost & Dark) Type Monsters while decreasing the ATK and DEF of Fairy Type Monsters.

And Why Poison?

Because Kotonoha have toxic mentality about herself in addition to having a meek and gloomy personality, just kidding, it's simply because Poison type paired well with Dark type (or at least in my mind, the common example is Zubat that should be a Dark Pokémon but a Poison/Flying type instead, so I put Poison Type in her skill package too).

The second skill is Yandere Awakening, it's a skill that absurdly increases all of her own stats to ridiculous levels like all the yanderes out there should be when she is fallen to a pinch (or when she is faced against a crisis situation).

You can say that instead of a Plot Armor, I have given the MC a Living Plot Weapon in the form of a Potential Yandere Heroine by his side.


And yeah, aside from his Sturdy Ability, our cute trap Jovanna have also learned some Pokémon moves from his training with his Father's Medichamp, two of them are Wake Up Slap and Double Slap. There are many others but it will ve revealed later as the story progressed.


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly motivated me to write this novel ~! 😆📖💎

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!

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