
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

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16 Chs

Chapter 4

After seeing the stats and starting a battle with brock, Tye quickly lost every time after 5 tries, from the simulation, Lancelot will do a maximum of 18% of Geodude's HP in one bullet punch, and a maximum of 3% with a quick attack or feint.

Bedivere's damage levels were somewhat better with Water being quadruple effective against Geodude, and Water Gun doing a maximum of 24%, he was a bit disappointed, but Tye expected the results to be much worse.

After 30 minutes of the class trying out the Simulation and battling on their, with occasional questions to the teacher, it was around the end of class the students were packing up and leaving, and the teacher stopped them all and said one more thing.

"You can rent or buy your own Pokedex in the in-campus Pokemart, you start with the Kanto Region only, and have to pay extra for the other regions' Pokemon data."


It was 3 in the afternoon, after simulation class, it was lunch and then 3 ordinary classes, Math, English language, and Principles of Business.

After getting his Syllabus, timetable, Pokedex, and a customizable hologram projector, Tye went out to the Pokemon training fields, after passing 4 full fields, he finally found an empty training field, it had raised platforms, treadmills, wooden posts, and a host of other items commonly used for training.

Instead of having both Lancelot and Bedivere out, he decided that he shall only train Lancelot for now, he had an idea of what to do with Lancelot, but with Bedivere he would have to look through the textbooks or a few recordings.

Tye let out Lancelot as he set the hologram by placing the disk on the ground using the controller to set up a blank slate.

"Lancelot, be honest, you don't know how to use Aura properly do you?"

Lancelot hearing this question froze in place before frantically looking around, Tye continue to stare at him.

An awkward atmosphere developed over them as Tye placed a hand on Lancelot's shoulder, "Don't worry about not knowing, that just makes this easier,"

Lancelot looked at Tye with an expression of pure confusion, "Rio?"

"I'm gonna teach you the basics of using Aura, and how to fight with Aura."

Lancelot suddenly gained a starry expression in his eyes as he focused on the hologram as

"To describe Aura simply so you understand, Aura is the life energy every living and sentient being have, it is produced by the body and is a secondary source of stamina for Aura users, everyone has Aura and hypnotically everyone can use it, but only a select few can actually use it at will."

"Aura is the energy, but the manipulation and usage of Aura intentionally are called Nen, Learning Nen without a teacher is incredibly difficult if the person is not incredibly talents, basically impossible."

"The first step of training is fully unlocking your Aura by unlocking your Aura nodes, said Aura is all over everyone's body and is what allows a person is use Aura, for me, I have all my Aura nodes open, and for you, your Aura nodes are unlocked in your eyes."

"The only instance you used Aura was when we first met, you instinctively flooded your eyes with Aura to uncover any threats, and once you saw my Aura, you felt at ease and willing to become my partner."

At this point, Lancelot gained a look of realization, before a look of sadness appeared on his face.

"There are two ways to open your Aura nodes, the first method, and the safer one, is through intensive meditation and training, through feeling your body and slowly opening and closing each of your Aura nodes you gradually learn to manipulate your Aura nodes at will, this process takes years to do and comes with little to no danger."

"The second method is through baptism, this Is done by an experienced nen user forcing your Aura nodes to open via an influx of aura, the one being baptized has the entirety of their Aura Nodes open and their Aura begins leaking out at an accelerated pace than what is normal, if one is not careful and can't control their Aura in time, it will eventually leak out of their body and they end up dying on the spot. this is generally done accidentally, or an intended attack, most who go through baptism usually die."

"Now, since we don't have 2 to 80 years for you to slowly control your Aura nodes, we will be doing a semi-baptism."

Lancelot now looked nervous at the mention of doing the baptism, telling someone that they would most likely die if they do something and then telling them they are gonna do said naturally have this effect.

"A semi-baptism is an experienced Nen user who slowly introductions Aura in your body and manually pokes a few of your Aura nodes open, this will cause a chain reaction where the entire Aura node network will be opened."

"With this method, you get the speed of baptism without the 95% death chance."

Tye was mentally exhausted from explaining the bare concept of nen, but he made a promise to himself that by the end of today that Lancelot will be able to use 'TEN' so he continued to push on.

Lancelot stood up and relaxed into his most natural position, this being his legs being shoulder width apart, elbows slightly bent, and neck slightly bent down, his body looked alert and relaxed at the same time.

Tye placed both his hand on his back and amplified his 'TEN' before it took the use of an advanced technique to see it, but now it was readily visible to thoughts that had their Aura Nodes in their eyes open.

Slowly pushing his nen into Lancelot, he began to speak,

"Do you feel it, my nen, my Aura, its shape and form, that is your goal, the most basic nen technique, TEN, flow your Aura at an infinite rate around your body, don't let a wisp of it escape."

Lancelot nodded to his words, and let his mind feel the Aura that was entering him, slowly poking holes through spots he could barely see, Lancelot, expected it would take quite a lot, but with Tye opening only 3 nodes, the rest of the network let up and Aura started to pour out of his body.

To those Aura sensitives instantly felt this large outpour of Aura, Humans, and Pokemon were inherently different, one was a sentient being that had the most intelligent mind, and the other was capable of wielding power beyond the comprehension of most humans.

Pokemon naturally had more life energy to supply their power, this is more so the case for Pokemon species that specialize in Aura usages such as the Lucario line or the less Aura-dependent Togekiss line.

This naturally large pool of Aura also had a drawback, this being the more Aura you had at the start, the harder it is to control, so Lancelot was faced with a problem, his Aura being so large that it was outside the scope of his mind.

To a human, this would mean their immediate death, their minds go blank as all their Aura is released from the body and they end up dying from old age before 2 seconds have passed.

But, to a Pokemon, and more so to a Riolu, Lancelot was in no trouble, as Lancelot focused on Tye's TEN, he took note of every property, and imitated it, there were a few holes in the TEN, and that the entire technique was unstable.

Tye himself had the widest smile he had ever had in life, completely overjoyed by Lancelot's success, but he knew that this wasn't enough, so he began helping Lancelot with the stability of his TEN, control, and completing the first step to learning basics of nen.