
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 8 : All Wars Are Built From Greed (1/?)

"Come on," Eli said to Teddiursa, who nodded its head and smashed its paws together, showing it was ready for battle.

For the past three days, Eli had been tracking the patrol routes of the 4. 2 on patrol at night, and then they switched over with the sleeping group at around 5 am.

During the day, the leader, the red-haired boy, gives commands for the others to find food and collect water using what seems like metal canteens.

The leader seemed competent as well, as it seemed like he ruled with equality over fear, which would get him a knife in the back.

Eli gritted his teeth in annoyance, but he noticed that the Ekans had not grown since the last time they had met. In contrast, Teddiursa had started to widen out and had developed a little taller due to the berries and what Eli expected to be this red energy.

Seeing the bushes rattle on the opposite side of the group that protected the care package, Eli raised his eyebrows.


Four people slithered out of the bushes opposite the group protecting the care package.

They had no pokemon but stone knives, spears, and even bows.

An eerie smirk crept up through their face of Eli as he watched the two groups starting to fight.

How fortunate. He didn't have to do much.

Teddiursa seemed impulsive, ready to go down the cliff and start fighting, but Eli once more stopped it as he observed the battlefield.

"Ekans! go!" The red-haired boy shouted as he looked at the other boys in his group, who had never been in this situation before. Their legs were quivering, but the fear of death quickly got them in a line-like formation, where they were at the front, and the young adult with the fiery hair was in the back, giving orders.

But these orders meant nothing, as Eli realized what his intentions were.

He wanted the others to be meat shields, and he could make attacks on the opposition comfortably.

The Care package had landed behind the firey-haired boy, but they had no time to get the insides.

Eli assessed the situation in his head before finally concluding.

"We wait for them to fight, and then we strike. I will deal with the human; you deal with the Ekan-"

Eli's eyes opened when he saw that the invading group had started to charge with sticks with a stone on the end that resembled a spear loosely tied with a thick vine.

An arrow was made out of feathers that seemed like a bird-type pokemon's feathers, sharpened rock, and strong wood, shouted the leader.

The arrow seemed unbelievably heavy, but the leader managed to weave the arrow with the force of gravity as it rapidly headed toward Ekan on the shoulder of the fiery-haired boy.

"Fuck." Eli's eyes opened once he saw the boy click his fingers, which caused the fire to erupt and swallow the arrow.

The Invader's eyes sharpened as Eli clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He only knew one thing about his energy.

That his memories and his past emotions burned intensely when Eli used them, it threatened to choke him with tragedy and trauma, almost wanting to break his mind.

But to this emotion, he could only smile coldly.

"You weren't expecting that, weren't you bastard!" The red-haired boy muttered as he shouted in pride. "I was chosen with this power! You are nothing compared to me, four-eyes!"

The invading group's leader only scoffed as he drew another arrow on his crude bow before drawing it.

The defenders went into a defensive position, but the arrow was not aimed at him but at one of his men.

It hit one of the four in the head, and another one was brutally bludgeoned by the spear, which was still far better than something than hand combat.

In mere seconds the defensive position crumbled, and the red-haired boy's eyes dropped as he watched the approaching men as the 5v4 became 5v1.

But arrogance filled his mind as he quickly scoffed, a wave of flames in front of him as he promptly shot it at one of the men.

The gust of fire shot out with intense speed, as 2 of the men on the invading group were instantly burned to a crisp, leaving only powdered ash.

"Teddiursa. Let's make a bet." Eli looked at the confused Teddiursa as Eli muttered. "If you win, I'll let you go when we get out of danger-"

Teddiursa shook its paw in front of Eli before trying to convey a message.

"You wish to be my pokemon? Eli asked, as Teddiursa quickly nodded by the head. "You weren't like this before. What's caused you to act like this?"

Teddiursa went silent for a second before imitating the strings coming out of Eli's fingers.

"It's the energy?"

Teddiursa nodded as Eli looked down and frowned.

To gather this affection in a few days with a wild pokemon. This energy wasn't as simple as it seemed. Maybe it forced loyalty-

Eli's sharp senses once more picked a sound as the hissing Ekan's slithered off the defending leader's shoulder and started to go to the rest of the man.

"Ekans! use bite!" An instruction traveled towards Ekan's as a large portion of dark energy was created in front of Ekan's jaw, as it shot down to the offensive leader's body.

Four eyes immediately sprung into action as it placed the bow between the gaping jaws of the Ekans before looking at the others.

"NO.2!" the remaining three men stabbed their spears and knife's against


"Fools." Eli tapped his finger on his head as a hint of madness sprung up in his eyes. "They didn't even target the vital organs."


Ekan's sprung back from the force of attacks , but quickly backed off and gave a warning hiss.

The stone spear's and dagger's only made bruises on the Ekan's skin , as it hissed towards the trainer.


"As i was saying before , let's make a bet. Who do you think is going to win , Teddiursa?"

Teddiursa looked confused at the question , before putting it's paw to it's chin in a thinking manner and pointing towards the defending parties leader.

"Is that so?" Eli's eyes darkened , as he stood up from his sitting location.