

"Today, let's play outside" invited Flainne with a smile.

Al agreed with a nod.

The two went outside as Aileen did the chores inside the house.


"Let's drop the fake kind and happy go lucky act, little Al.

I know you're not your true self when you're with sister Ai. Show me who you truly are and I'll teach you how to use a dormant power resting inside you" Said Flainne with a flat tone.

Al was surprised when he heard what his cousin said. He never expected that she would know about his past life and his identity.

'No no, it must be through her aura that she can sense something different about me'

Al quickly reassured himself as he replied.

"Sorry, cousin Flainne but I am just me. Just the little Al you know. I've no 'true identity' or whatsoever"

For why Flainne doesn't sense any lies, was because Ezikel was born as Allen from the start and didn't take over Aileen's supposed child whatsoever.

Ezikel was reborn as Allen and is the original child of Aileen and Alfred.

"Alright, that's good enough. I feel you are telling the truth. Anyway when we are alone, don't use that 'happy child' facade. Got it?" Flainne commanded.

"I don't anything other than to make sure that sister Ai is safe. That is also the only reason why I'll teach you a special power" she added.

"What do you mean, cousin Flainne" Al pretended to not know.

*Sigh* "I told you not to lie to me. You just confirmed to me that you know about powers that aren't supposed to be public knowledge.

Tell me, how you know about these powers" Flainne demanded with a worried tone.

She was worried because people who could use psychic and aura abilities are very rare and are sought out by organizations.

These are a danger to them, especially if the wielders didn't know how to hide their powers. Also, if such organizations targeted Allen, then Aileen also might get involved.

Since they were family now, she decided to teach Al beginner aura manipulation and how to hide it. Flainne also wants to learn if there was another special power user within Cream town and if they are a danger.


'Im so stupid, lying to someone with aura abilities is just plain impossible' Al thought as he figures out how to answer his cousin's question without exposing the existsnce of his ability, [Appraisal].

"I discovered it on TV and when I played with Ennan" answered Al, who was hoping that Flainne would believe him.

He was very nervous at the moment. He was unsure if she would believe him.

Flainne sighed in helplessness. "That's only half true, but fine I won't pry any further. Everyone has their secrets.

I'll also warn you that having special powers like the ones you see from superheroes on TV aren't are very different than real life.

I know you're smart enough to understand that just like them, you'll also make enemies, but this time because you have special powers and not because of some justice stuff blah blah" warned Flainne as she remembers that she was dealing with a 2 year old.

Even if she considers Allen as a smart child, he was still naive and dumb like any other child.


The duo talked for a bit until Flainne finally introduced aura and how to use it.

"Alright, let's begin. Aura is a form of energy that exists in all living beings, unlike psychic energy that can only be produced by those who have a strong mind.

Another difference is that, psychic energy is controlled and dissipates while aura can only guided and can never be dissolved.

Anyways with the introductions over with, let's begin with sensing aura" Flainne took out a PokeBall and a Blaziken appeared beside her.


Name: Valleria

Pokemon: Blaziken [T]

Condition: healthy

Level: 49

Type: Fire, Fighting

Gender: Female

Ability: Blaze

Potential: A


Physical parameters

Strength: *****

Defense: ****

Speed: *****

Special parameters

Sp. Strength: ***

Sp. Resistance: ***

MOVES: Quick Attack, Blaze kick, Focus Energy, Arial Ace, Close combat, Double kick

INBORN MOVES: Thunder Punch, Roost, Agility, Flamethrower

TM: Swords dance, Strength, Rock smash, Brick break, Bulk up, Sunny Day, Will o wisp, Shadow claw


Al changed a few stuff using his ability [Appraisal] to the status screen. He could do this naturally like breathing. He could freely constumize and update the status screen as he liked.

What was better, was that it would update itself immediately if Allen had new knowledge on something.

you'll see.

Allen was very impressed as he checked this Blaziken, all it's moves were powerful and had a lot of coverage.

He noticed one thing though.

Ember and scratch are basic moves that the Blaziken line was supposed to know, but not seeing it as now Al could only assume that Flainne's Blaziken's had forgotten it in time as she learned better moves.

'I can confirm this when I get my own pokemon one day'

"Alright alright, I know she's beautiful but enough admiring Valleria. Back to aura lessons" Flainne said with a chuckle.

Al's attention returned to his aura teacher.

"Good. now manifest your aura" Flainne commanded to Valleria

Colorless etheral energy then coated Blaziken's body at a visible rate while all of her fur stood, filled with power.

"Alright, now send some of it to the boy, 2% is enough" ordered Flainne.

"For you Al, try to guide this power, not control" She warned as the aura travelled to Al from the Blaziken.

Al felt a surge of energy entering him, he tried to grasp it but when he did, it didn't work. And unfortunately, the foreign energy retaliated.

This all happened inside Allen's body and he felt a very sharp pain in his chest.

"Told ya not to control it. Now focus on your body, not on the energy. Aura moves by nature, not through willpower. It will only accept you once you accept it" Lectured Flainne as she noticed Allen's pain.

Al complained in his mind ' you should've said this earlier'. But he did as told, focusing on his chest area. Allen closed his eyes and felt energy inside.

This time however, he didn't try to command it. Allen observed as it passed through his body, stopping any resistance and allowing it to move freely inside him.

'Not bad' Thought Flainne. As someone who studied in a dojo, she had seen many students and could tell that her cousin was at least above average as most of them can't seem to control themselves.

Furthermore, the students there were atleast 4x Allen's age. But he still couldn't be considered a genius as she had also seen geniuses and knew what they were capable of.

Anyway, Al guided the energy outside his body. 2% of Blaziken's aura had sucessfully been turned into fart.

'Woah, I never thought controlling myself would be this hard. The temptation to power is very hard to overcome.

Aura is a very interesting power. I wonder how Blaziken manifested it. What I did just now was very different than what I am used to.

When I communicate with Ennan, I command my small psychic energy to send my thoughts, unlike here, when I commanded myself so that the aura could travel around' Al learned.

"Congratulations, we've just skipped possibly many months of basic aura training. You just skipped the sensing, recognizing, guiding bullsht they call it at the dojo in just one go.

Now comes the next part. This next part will take time but if you're a genius, just 2 weeks would be enough, probably.

It's still a basic part. It's commanding your own personal aura. Everyone got their own aura and unlike Valleria's or the atmospheric aura, you can manipulate yours. Only to an extent though.

It is impossible for you to use your aura to harm others. Even masters can only expand to detect the presence of any form of life around them" Flainne lecutred while Al nodded in understanding.

She continued "For how you can sense it, just focus on this area" She pointed her hands on the center of Allen's chest. "The most dense aura is located in between the lungs. This part is known as a soul, and every being has one.

A soul does not have a physical form. Its existence also varies. No one shares a soul, every life owns it's own, unique one"

"What you need to do is, find your soul and 'tame' the aura there. Though I doubt that I'll be here when that happens. You'll be fine though since your own aura cannot harm you.

But you can't control it if you can't recognize it so you gotta spend time to find your soul. Starting tomorrow, you'll be meditating early in the morning and I'll be watching you"

Allen nodded in understanding again as the lecture continued until Aileen called the two for lunch.


3 weeks have passed and early in the morning, a 2 year old was meditating near a spring as the water ceaselessly flowed.

A few meters away was a young lady with flaming red hair, intently watching the boy meditate while eating chips.

Allen still can't sense his soul. He could sense external aura but not internal. Even if he could perfectly sense any external aura within his body, he couldn't sense his own.

"C'mon it's the last day today. I'll be leaving later so if you can't sense it now, you'll be on your own" Flainne complained.

'Im just 2 years old for god's sake. Not like I want to train in a dojo' growled Al in his mind.

Al was suddenly hit with a pebble in his head. 'Ouch! tch she can sense feelings after all. Forget it. Focus!'


"Alright times up, you failed. You will continue aura training self taught. Consider yourself lucky for starting soul sensing at 2 years old.

That's the best I can give to you as your cousin. I won't take you in as a disciple since you ain't as talented as I hoped" Sighed Flainne as they walked home.

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