
Pokemon: Scarlet Flare

When the moon glows with a shade of sinister crimson, both humans and Pokémon become aggressive and violent towards one another. As a group of villains plots to harness the power of the moon for their own purposes, a group of aspiring Pokémon Trainers must battle the forces of evil, their own emotions and the very moon itself to save the world

God_Child · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter - 17

The sun shines brightly on a beautiful day in the Arcana Region.

Fresh off their promising start to an adventure they'd remember

forever, Ryan, Matthew and their friend Addison all wake up in the

early hours of the morning, rapidly pack up their camping equipment

and set off on the first full day of their journeys across the region.

Once they were all ready to go, the three and their Pokémon set off

for the village of Pocus Town, where the brothers were set to register

themselves for the upcoming Arcana Pokémon League Challenge.

They would have to hurry, however, as the League had reported that

they were expecting the numbers of registrants to multiply this

season, which would be the tenth of which Michael would be running

as the uncontested Champion. If they don't make it to the town in

time, they may have to wait a very long time to register.

Ryan's Eevee, whom he had begun to dote over, now perched itself

atop his green bandana like a hat and cheered as his trainer made

his way up in the world. Despite their budding friendship, however,

the boy was in no rush to put him inside a Poké Ball or even have

him take part in a battle. That honor would belong to his other

Pokémon, his trusted Pidgey, who was now named Marahute. He

kept Marahute within her own Poké Ball until the moment that battle

was inevitable.

Addison carried her own Eevee in her arms, the Pokémon absolutely

delighted to be pampered by its new owner. Her fur coat shined far

brighter than Ryan's Eevee's did, thanks to her job of caring for and

grooming it. Her other Pokémon, the Venonat she was calling Zura,

remained in it's Poké Ball to await his own chance to take part in a

grooming session. A bit of a mischief maker already, she knew she

would have to keep an eye on it before it caused much more trouble

for her or her friends.

Matthew paid them no heed and continued on his own way, with his

Pokémon securely within their Pokémon Balls on his belt. He hoped

that his training with them every single day would make them strong

enough to defeat any opponents. His Eevee and Tyrogue certainly

were tough Pokémon and capable of battling, but he knew that he

would have to work extra hard with his twin brother also traveling

alongside him.

The three continued down the road, until Matthew let out a distraught

gasp at the sight of the town. "OH NO!"

Addison and Ryan hurry to Matthew's side. "What is it, Matt?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I'll tell you what's up, Ry" Matthew responded bitterly. "Take a look

at that." He pointed into town and saw a huge line of people waiting

to get to the Pokémon Center and sign themselves up for the Arcana

Pokémon League. It must have stretched for at least a mile and

roped around the entire town. "Now we'll never get ourselves

registered before Michael opens up the League today."

"I'm sure the line is going fast" Addison assured her friend. "One

thing I don't know, is if the line is getting even longer. You guys

should get a spot for yourselves on line." She then walked ahead of


"Addy, where are you going?" Ryan asked.

Addison turned back and winked at him. "I'm not registering in the

Pokémon League. I'm gonna go on ahead and see if I can find a

good spot to watch the opening ceremony from." Before Ryan could

answer, Addison was already down the road, her Eevee cheering her


Ryan looked towards his brother. "What do you think?"

"We need to find the back of the line" Matthew said, "and fast. Come

on!" The two brothers raced down after Addison and began to look

for the line's back. After navigating nearly two blocks of streets, they

found the end of the line, where a bunch of kids younger than them

were waiting to register themselves. To the twins surprise, they all

seemed to know a great deal about the League and how battling

works for kids who were still wearing Velcro Sneakers. Ryan and

Matthew stood behind them, doing their best not to show signs of

impatience as the line slowly made progress.

"Look up ahead" one of the kids on line shouted.

Ryan and Matthew did as he said and saw a skinny man handing out

stickers with numbers on them to await being called and then asking

them something and moving on. He continued doing this until he

finally made his way to the children in front of the twins. "Here are

three stickers for you, each marked with your number in line to

ensure this is where you will be called in. Can I have names?"

"Brodie" one boy said.

"Dennis" another answered.

"Cody" the third chimed in.

"Good, good" the man replied, writing the names down on the note

pad he carried with him. He finally made his way to the back of the

line and Ryan and Matthew.

"Excuse me" Ryan asked before the man could speak, "is the line

going as fast as possible?"

"Yes, the line is going along as well as it can" the man replied. "The

number of entrants has doubled since we last did a tally. I'm afraid

there will just have to be a wait for all to have their fair share. At

least, that's what I'm told from the higher ups." He cleared his throat

and looked down on his note pad. "Names?"

"Ryan and Matthew Kingston" Matthew answered.

"Kingston?" the man asked, so surprised he nearly dropped his pen.

"Well, well. That changes everything. Come with me boys. You are

expected at the Pokémon Center."

"Expected?" Ryan asked.

"Don't ask" Matthew persisted. "Just go."

"Please, this way boys" the man insisted.

Ryan and Matthew followed the skinny man past the long procession

of people. Ryan couldn't help but notice jealous looks and glares at

them for being able to jump the line. He turned towards Matthew. "I

don't think this is right."

"It's not our fault we're related to people in the Pokémon League"

Matthew insisted. "Besides, we're not getting special treatment.

We're still being registered like all of them."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right, Ry."

The man finally stopped them at the Pokémon Center's doors. "Wait

here, for a moment. I'll announce you two." Ryan and Matthew sat at

the front of the line, waiting patiently for them to be called in. Ryan

turned behind them and heard whispers from the other people on

line about them. His nerves flared up at the sound of some of them.

"Who do they think they are?" one asked.

"I think they're Kingstons" another reasoned. "That one there

definitely looks like Champion Michael."

"More Kingstons? Just how many of them are there?"

"That one looks kind of cute."

Before Ryan could completely tense up, the man came out of the

Pokémon Center. "Next in line, head for the Main Desk beside the

Shopping Counter." He then turned to the boys. "As for you two, you

are to head upstairs to the observation deck. He will see you now."

Before Ryan and Matthew could ask any questions, he was back to

directing traffic to those still in line.