Authors Notes: This is made at the top of my head and I'm not a professional. also if there is something that needs fixing please let me know. harsh criticism are allowed thank you. I honestly have no idea how to describe it if anyone has a better description/title description please let me know. yo author here there will be time I write than not write. sorry life gets in the way so I can't do consistent chapters check my other writings if you intrested. berate me if you want it might motivate me not to sound sarcastic or anything.
"hu-hu-hu-hu," A distraught Gallade is looking around frantically. Heavy breathing and traces of sweat can be seen. Gallade is standing in a defensive stance staring at the trees in the dark.
"" Gallade breathing begins to calm down. He relaxes his defensive stance his legs still shaking almost making him fall. he leans back on a tree he put his back against.
", dammit." Gallade wipes the sweat off his head, taking slow breaths, and slowly going down his legs stretched out. almost laying on his back while leaning on the tree.
"Mmh, what's wrong dad? *yawn*." A small child voice is coming from his left side. On his left side there what looks like a bundle green cloth next to a brown bag leaning on the same tree. A Ralts is covered in a green blanket laying next to a brown satchel as a pillow.
Gallade tenses a bit, turning to his daughter with a forced smile he gets up slowly and walks to her. He tries to control his breathing to stop his currently shaky body. With his right hand he pats her head while his left hand picks up the blanket.
"N-Nothing is wrong sweety. I-I, a leaf fell on my arm. I mistaken it for a threat."
Ralts with sleepy eyes you can't see because of the hair is tilting her head to the side with her mouth slightly open. she rubs her eyes while responding with a confused and sleepy tone.
*yawn* "Hm? Dad I'm sure waking up a Snorlax is alot easier than waking you. You are definitely lying did you have a bad dream?" Ralts is tilting her head to the otherside keeping a eye contact on his father.
'Just like her mother, ever the perceptive.' Gallade thinks to himself with a hidden smile covered by his left hand holding the blanket hiding his smile.
Ralts who isn't getting a response begins to pout with puff cheeks stares. Gallade seeing this puts his hand down.
"Sweety it's still dark we need to get up early to continue." says Gallade trying to dodge the question. however Ralts doesn't easily give in.
"Dad you were having a nightmare, weren't you." Ralts says turns her head to the side with puff cheecks.
"No sweety a leaf fell on me that's all." Gallade says trying to put the blanket on her.
Ralts looks to where Gallade laid on the tree. "I don't see leafes on your side of the ground?"
"A breeze most have taken the leaf where I was." Gallade says avoiding eye contact.
"I didn't feel a breeze" Ralts says staring at his dad.
"How could you when you are covered in a blanket."
"Dad you have the blanket." Ralts points at the blanket Gallade is holding.
"There was a breeze when you were sleeping. you wouldn't have noticed." Gallade says with an eye smile.
"Wouldn't there be leafs all over the ground." Ralts says stretching her arms out then one hand on her hip and pointing at his dad with the other she continues. "Also there was no sound of leaves rustling which didn't wake me up." Extending her pointer finger close to Gallade face. "You did. Not the wind. Not the leaves. You." Ralts retracts her arms cross them and has a smug smirk.
Gallade who is staring at her daughter is internally laughing, rolling around, holding his stomach, and tearing up. 'ha-ha-ha that's my girl. ha-ha-ha.'
"All right my clever genius you are right I had a bad dream. Now we must sleep. It will take us the entire day to reach our destination." Gallade says with a smile on his face tucking Ralts in the blanket.
Ralts smug smile turns to a saddened smile. Then she replies "What was the bad dream."
Gallade flinches for a bit before answering for a couple seconds almost motionless. "Sorry. You maybe a genius for your age but without time and experience you wont understand. Now rest up if all goes well we will reach an old friend before reaching our destination." Gallade says leaning on the tree closing both his eyes.
"An old friend? who, is it someone I know or are they like us?" Ralts internal image is a serious anime thinking face. while on the outside it looks like a baby chewing on her finger.
Gallade who dosen't see this replies with. "Didn't you says its easier to wake up a Snorlax." With a smirk he continues. "This will be your test waking up the Snoring Beast of The Fog Forest." Gallade gets up does a circular motion with his right arm then points to Ralts with a pose of a leader telling his teammate to do a task.
"WHAT!!!" Ralts calm demeanor turned pale as if she was told she was sentenced to death. Her shriek was so loud. sleeping, hinden, and traveling pokemon ran from the area of the forest with fear.
On that day the legend of the wailing of female spirit is born. Some say it's a mischief of ghost pokemon, some say it's a birth of a forest guardian, while others believe it to be a spirit that wanders searching for travelers. But that's a story for another time.