
Pokemon Hunter

A man reincarnated in Pokemon world with infinite possibilities. Follow his journey. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

Skye12_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Colorful Orb

Hisoka was still being careful while searching for treasures inside the Rhydon's nest. He still didn't know how long he would stay on the island. If the giant Pokemon found that an intruder had blatantly entered its cave, his life would probably be in danger.

"Heh! I finally found something. Looks like the trip this time wasn't going to be in vain," Hisoka held a golden pearl in his hand with a big smile.

He had just found this bead a few meters away from the pile. It was about the size of his fist. It was a rather large pearl that had a very nice golden sheen, which was also known as a golden pearl.

It was quite similar to a big pearl, which can also be sold for a nice sum of money.

After finding that golden pearl, Hisoka's luck seemed to be getting better as he kept finding more good things in the cave. He then released his Kirlia and Weavile to help him find the treasures faster.

Kirlia had been with Hisoka the longest, so she was already experienced in this kind of thing. Weavile thankfully seemed to be getting the hang of it too. Although she picked a lot of useless things at the start, she quickly picked a lot of valuable gems under his patient explanation.

Meanwhile, Kirlia used her psychic power to push the pile of useless rocks away, and various colorful gems flew out from every corner of the cave.

"Haha! I'm rich!"

Hisoka laughed like a maniac as he looked at the small pile in front of him. Aside from the gems, they also found several evolution stones of good quality. Evolution stones had always been a hard currency in the market. The demand for evolution stones would never decrease.

There were also many gems in the small pile. Although most of them were in poor condition, they could still fetch a good price. Based on Hisoka's estimation, all of these treasures can be sold for around 900,000 dollars. Though it would probably take some time to sell it in different cities due to market saturation for these valuable gemstones.

The most valuable gemstone in this pile was the opal gemstone. Hisoka played with the amber gemstone in his hand. It was about half the size of his hand with an optical phenomenon in which a band of reflected light, known as a "cat's-eye," moved beneath its surface.

Hisoka wasn't that good at gem identification, but as a hunter, he still had some understanding of them. He only learned some basic things about them to avoid missing out on these kinds of valuable gemstones. He still needed to bring them to an appraiser to determine their exact pricing.

This opal gemstone was known as the Cat's Eye Opal, which was a rare form of an Opal. The honey-yellow gemstones in Hisoka's hand exuded a bright and warm light, full of individuality. This alone could probably sell for more than 200,000 dollars.

Compared with the price in his previous life, although the precious gems in this world are also quite expensive, they are far worse than the special items with various uses.

In the eyes of many powerful trainers, these beautiful stones were as useless as those common rocks on the road. Only those noble ladies with great wealth would probably splurge on these beautiful gems.

It is the same no matter which world you goes. Women will always be interested in pretty things.

'Hisoka! Come over here!'

Just as Hisoka carefully put the gemstones in his bag, Kirlia's excited voice appeared in his mind.

'What's the matter?' Hisoka asked.

But there was no answer from her.

'Did she find something?' he thought.

Hisoka walked toward Kirlia with a curious look. Even after finding so many gems, Kirlia never sounded so happy. It was his first time seeing her getting excited since they had entered the cave.

After arriving at her location, Hisoka saw Kirlia and Weavile standing in front of a wall. He remembered that there should have been a lot of lumenstone piled up around here before, but it seemed that Kirlia had already cleared them away.

The two Pokemon didn't seem to notice his presence as they stared at the cave wall intently.

Hisoka was a little curious about what they had found as he looked toward the wall.

There was a spherical object about the size of his hand embedded inside the wall. It appeared to be made from glass. Under the lumenstone reflection, the rainbow pattern beneath its surface sparkled in colorful light, showing off its beauty.

"Something's wrong!"

Hisoka shook his head fiercely. When he was staring at the orb just now, he felt as if he was under its captivation, which was strange in the first place.

He didn't know what kind of item it was, but it definitely must be special. It was most likely some kind of unique item born in nature. Perhaps this colorful orb was his biggest gain during this trip.


A notification appeared on Hisoka's smartwatch. He quickly took out his laptop from his bag. A few moments later, a green radar was displayed on the screen.

Based on the tracking chip's location, the red dot representing the Rhydon had already moved away from its initial position, and it was heading toward their direction, where its lair was located.

'Looks like we have to leave soon,' Hisoka thought while staring at the colorful orb inside the wall.

He had a hunch that it might be an unknown treasure. Unfortunately, there was no internet connection on this island. He had no way to find the answers he needed from the internet.

Hisoka patted Kirlia's green hair, waking her up from her daze, and asked, "Can you feel anything from this orb?"

"Yeah!" Kirlia nodded to his question.

She pointed her hand forward and excitedly said, "Kirlia can feel the strange energy coming from that orb. Kirlia is not sure what that orb is, but it is full of life energy.

"Weavile!" Weavile also nodded in agreement. She also felt comfortable just standing near the orb.

'It's decided then!' Hisoka nodded after hearing Kirlia's words.

He had confirmed that this colorful orb was an item with special uses like Mystic Water, only he wasn't sure about its function yet. It also contained a lot of energy. Even though Hisoka and the others were a few meters away from that orb, they were still affected by the energy it emitted.

"Kirlia, can you take the orb from the wall?" Hisoka asked.

"Let me try!"

She nodded her head as she took a few steps forward. Then, she raised her hands as her eyes glowed light blue. A sea blue aura was released from her hand, slowly approaching the orb under her fine control.

Kirlia didn't dare to increase her psychic power for fear of accidentally breaking the orb.

Feeling that her psychic power had wrapped the whole orb, a small smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Then, just as she was about to give it a slight tug, a repulsive force suddenly came out of the orb.

Kirlia's psychic power was dissipated in an instant, the force forming a small shockwave, which knocked them away.

"Cough, cough," Hisoka slowly stood up from the ground.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked while looking at his Pokemon.

"I'm fine!"

Kirlia was already standing up as she patted the dust off her body.


Weavile flipped her body from the ground and nodded, indicating that she was not hurt.

When they looked back toward the orb, it had already gone major change at this moment. The rainbow pattern had disappeared and was replaced by a fiery pattern that exuded a bright light.

At this time, the initially dark cave was illuminated by the strange orb's blazing light.

"What the hell is going on?" Hisoka exclaimed, but no one could answer his question.

The orb gradually returned to its previous appearance a few minutes later. The bright light had dimmed as the rainbow pattern reappeared in the glass sphere.

Hisoka thought for several moments before an idea popped into his head. He then turned toward Kirlia and said, "Kirlia, can you resume what you did just now? But a little weaker,"


Kirlia replied softly. She then raised her hands again as her psychic power slowly approached the orb. However, this time, she only used a little bit of her power.

With their previous lesson, Hisoka was already prepared this time. He crawled on the ground, followed by Weavile, lying down beside him.

As expected, when Kirlia's psychic power touched the orb, the rainbow pattern began to rotate at high speed. And when the fiery pattern was about to reappear, she quickly withdrew her power. After a few seconds, she finally sighed in relief after nothing happened on the orb.

"Sure enough!"

Hisoka stood up from the ground excitedly. This item actually had a self-protection mechanism.

"Now, let's try to remove this thing from the wall," Hisoka said to himself.

He had never heard of any items that had a self-protection mechanism. It looked like he had to search for any information about this kind of item later.

After that, Hisoka took out an angle grinder from his bag. Since Kirlia couldn't remove it with her psychic, he could only use this tool to cut the rock around the orb.

Then, Hisoka raised the angle grinder in his hand and said, "Kirlia, can you lift me up a little bit? I need to remove the rock around the orb so we can take it away."

"Leave it to me!" Kirlia said confidently.


At the same time, the Rhydon that was on its way back to its home suddenly noticed something wrong.

'My precious!' It roared.

The Rhydon, who grew up with the colorful orb, always had a small connection to it. It could feel that the orb, which was the gem it treasured the most, had been moved away from its lair.

Anger quickly surged from the bottom of its heart. Its reddish eyes turned crimson red as it began to run towards its cave.

Someone had entered its home and stolen its precious gems. Its simple mind was only thinking about tearing the culprit to pieces currently.



The harsh cutting sound rang throughout the cave. Hisoka had used the grinder to cut a whole circle around the sphere.

"It's done!" Hisoka wiped the dust off his face and put away the angle grinder with a worn-out disc. The rock on this wall was much harder than usual, so he had wasted a lot of time cutting it.

Luckily, he had succeeded in removing the orb. As he guessed just now, using normal means wouldn't trigger a counterattack from the orb.

Although it had a self-protection mechanism, it still wasn't a living creature. Hisoka only had to work around it to invalidate its protection mechanism.
