
Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'em All

In this exciting fanfic, Ash has aura. Witness his journey to become a Pokemon master with his friends by his side as they take on various challenges. Will they succeed? Read and find out. This is an Amourshipping fic

LOTS_Fiction · Anime e quadrinhos
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32 Chs

Training and Viridian Forest

Ash and his team had just began their trek inside of Viridian forest when they reached an open area.

"Okay guys, let's set up camp."

It took about 6 minutes for them to set up camp. Ash's tent was set some feet behind the fire pit, and there was a large log in front of the tent. After that was done, Ash's eyes glowed blue and he sent out a pulse of aura throughout the forest.

"Um... Ash. What just happened?" Psyduck asked.

"I just sent out a pulse of aura throughout the forest, informing the Beedrill swarm of my presence," Ash stated calmly. "Now let's begin our training. You both have to wear weights."

As he said this, he brought the weights out of his bag. He placed weights in Blaze's hand, legs, tail, and body. On Psyduck, he placed weights on his hands and body.

"What's with the weights?" Psyduck asked as he struggled to maintain balance. Ash calibrated, with his Xtransceiver, each weight on Blaze's body to be 2 kg, making a combined weight of 16 kg, and each on Psyduck's to be 3 kg, making a combined weight of 9 kg.

"Imagine yourself running with weights that pull you down," Ash started. "The faster you are with those weights pulling you down, the faster you'll be without those weights."

Psyduck took the information to heart. Ash knew his stuff.

"Now I want you guys to do some stretches to get used to the weights while I make lunch." And with that he walked away.

After about ten minutes, he had finished making fire pokéchow and water pokéchow, and for himself, two burgers. He called them over and after they had finished eating, they continued their training.

"Let's meditate on our natural energy. In other words, aura."

Both beasts nodded as they took on meditating postures. They closed their eyes and began to concentrate on their life essence.

"Now try to focus that energy around your body," Ash said after 5 minutes.

They heard him and heeded his words. Soon enough, both Blaze and Psyduck attained blue glows around their body.

Ash got up and walked behind them before touching them with both hands. He channeled aura to their bodies. As he did this, his eyes glowed blue and he could see the aura levels of all living creatures.

'Aura Sight, ' Ash thought. 'I've finally unlocked it.'

He deactivated it and saw that both Blaze and Psyduck were glowing a faint blue. He glanced at the pokémon egg Nurse Joy gave to him. It was glowing and then it hatched. Out of the egg came an Elekid and this one wa not like other ones. It was Shiny.

Shiny pokémon were basically like other pokémon, but they had a different coloration from others of the same species. Shiny pokémon also had 2 the base stats of normal pokémon. Meaning that they were genetically engineered by their parents breed, something that still remains a mystery, to be in fact stronger than normal pokémon.

Ash was in awe. His third pokémon was shiny and an electric type. A type with only one weakness and given the fact that electric pokémon were in fact fast and were hard hitters. The Elekid-line were amongst the hardest hitters of electric pokémon. They had bulk and power especially when at their final form.

Elekid were not known for their defense, but for their speed. However, this changed as they evolve, increasing their other stats. They could generate electricity by twirling their arms and charging themselves. Their line were special as they could absorb lightning to strengthen themselves despite not having lightning rod as an ability. They also liked playing around thunderstorms.

Ash called out to Elekid.

"Hey there Elekid. My name is Ash and I'm your trainer. These are my partners, Blaze and Psyduck. Would you like to be on my team as one of them?"

Elekid had no idea, but the prospect of been among a family sounded good to him.

"Here," Ash said as he bent down, showing his evolutionary line. "This is Electabuzz and this is Electivire. They are your evolutions. If you decide to join us, I'll train you to become the strongest Electivire ever."

Elekid looked at Electivire, it seemed to radiate power even from just a photo. He looked at Blaze, and then Psyduck, both were still glowing blue with aura. A grin formed on his tiny face as he nodded.

"Now Elekid. I have to catch you in this friend ball. Then I'm gonna let you out so we can train. This is so that you become my official pokémon and part of my team."

Elekid nodded as he tapped the capture button on the friend ball, and was sucked inside. Ash turned to Blaze and Psyduck.

"Okay guys, that's enough. Time for you to meet the newest member of the team."

His words snapped Blaze and Psyduck out of their meditation.

"Say hello to Elekid," Ash said as he released the 'Electric Pokémon'. "You guys chat for sometime while I make electric pokéchow for Elekid." And with that he walked off.

"Um... hi," Elekid said.

"Hello," Blaze and Psyduck said in unison.

"I'm kinda new to this trainer thing. You guys mind explaining?" Elekid asked.

"Okay. Here's how it is," Blaze started. "Ash has caught us which makes us his pokémon and members of his team. Now, we are expected to be trained by Ash to battle other trainers and in our case, help Ash become Pokémon Master, which ultimately makes us the strongest pokémon in the world. And trust me, this way is better than training in the wild."

"I understand," Elekid said.

They continued their idle chit-chat for some time before Ash appeared with Elekid's pokéchow.

"Dig in," he said as Elekid started eating.

Ash opened his Xtransceiver.

"Call Gary and Leaf," he said.

"Calling, " the Xtransceiver responded.

After sometime, Gary and Leaf's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey guys," Ash said.

"Hey Ash," Leaf said.

"Hello," Gary said.

"I'm currently in Viridian forest and my egg hatched into a shiny Elekid, " Ash said.

"I just made my way to Pewter City and my egg hatched into an Eevee," Gary said.

"I'm in Mt. Moon and mine hatched into a Skitty," Leaf said.

"Amazing. I'm really glad Nurse Joy gave us the eggs. So how many pokémon have you guys caught?" Ash asked.

"I have caught five," Gary said.

"I have caught eight," Leaf said.

"Wow Leaf. You really went all out. I guess we'll be seeing each other aboard the S.S. Anne then. Take care. Bye," Ash said.

"Bye," they both said as the line got disconnected.

"Okay guys. Back to training. Elekid, you're with me. Speed training. Run laps around the camp until you're tired."

Blaze and Psyduck began running laps, while Ash took a stroll with Elekid. As they were walking, they heard a scream and ran in that direction. When they reached, they saw a girl ben cocooned with webs by a Caterpie and Weedle.

"We need to help her."

Elekid's eyes flashed with determination as he ran and nailed Caterpie with Quick attack.

Ash smiled. It seemed to him that Elekid wanted to get stronger. Ash ran at the girl and cut the web binding her to the tree, carrying her to safety.

"You'll be okay soon," he said.

He turned back to see Elekid dodge a string shot from Caterpie, and then tackle Weedle. Elekid ran back before nailing Caterpie with tackle, knocking it out, before rushing towards Weedle and executing a Quick Attack, knocking Weedle out.

Ash threw three friend balls at them and both were sucked inside. The ball wasted no time to ding as it was an immediate catch. Elekid carried both balls back to Ash. Ash used the knife to free the girl from her cocoon prison. As she came out, she gasped for air.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked

"Yeah, thank you. Wait... not to sound rude, but who are you?"

"Well, my name is Ash Satoshi Ketchum from Pallet Town. I was having a walk with Elekid here when we heard your scream."

"Thanks for saving me. I'm Misty Waterflower from Cerulean City. I am a water pokémon trainer and... Wait, where's my bike?"

Ash watched as Elekid walked over to the river that was nearby and pointed at it.

"Um... Sorry Misty. It seems Elekid accidentally knocked it into the river. Are you okay?" Ash asked as he saw Misty's shocked face.

"I'm fine," she responded. "But you'll have to pay for it. It was a gift from my mother."

"I don't think I have enough money."

"Then I'll just travel with you until you pay for it."

"Fine," Ash said in defeat. "Hey Elekid. We're going back to camp."

The electric type quickly walked over to him, as Ash's eyes glowed blue.

"What is that?" Misty asked.

"Aura sight. I'm an Aura user"

"Oh like those in fairy tales," Misty said while rolling her eyes. She was not buying it.

"It's true. Aura Guardians are not fairy tales. They're one hundred percent real. I'm a living testament to that. All living things contain aura i.e. the energy of all things that are alive. Humans usually contain in lesser amount than other living things, with the exception of one group of people. Aura Guardians. They wield aura on par with that of normal pokémon, and some wield in greater amounts than normal pokémon. However, there exists a different category. They were Psychics. Their genetic makeup traded high output for a high brain power likened to that possessed by psychic pokémon," Ash explained.

"Wow, there are many things I don't know."

"In time. My dad once told me that 'With age comes experience. With experience comes knowledge. And with knowledge comes power.' Let's go. I have a fix on my team."

Misty was quiet as Ash led her to his campsite. As they arrived, he saw Blaze sitting down, back against a tree. And to his surprise, Psyduck battling a Scyther. 'Weren't they rare, ' Ash thought. And his Psyduck was busy fighting one of them.

"So. These are your pokémon." It wasn't a question but more like a statement.

"The Charmeleon and the Psyduck are with me. The Scyther, no. What I don't understand is the fact that Psyduck is sparring with one of them."

"So you were able to track them with this Aura Sight of yours."

"Yeah. Aura Sight basically allows me to see living things in the colour code of their life force."

And that was it. Aura Sight showed the user the living things around he/she, with the colour code of their life force. Plants and grass type had a green code. Fire types had an orange-red code. Water types had a deep blue code. Psychic types had a pink code. Ghost types had a purple code. Dark types had a black code. Dragon types had an emerald-blue code. Ice types had a light blue code. Lightning types had a yellow code. Fighting types had a red code. Normal types had a brown code. Flying types had a white code. Steel types had a grey-black coding. Rock types had a light brown code. Ground types had a grey-brown code. Poison types had a violet-red code. Fairy types had a reddish pink code. Bug types had a greenish-brown code. It did have one drawback and that was that it couldn't spot the life energy of inanimate objects.

Ash's pokédex beeped.

"Psyduck has unlocked egg move psybeam."

Ash looked up as Psyduck blasted Scyther with psybeam and then pounded him with water gun knocking him out. Psyduck ran to Ash's bag and brought out a friend ball and tossed it at Scyther capturing him.

"Hey Blaze, what just happened here."

"Oh. While you were gone, Scyther came and challenged us to a battle that if he won, he'll agree to join us on our journey. So I let Psyduck take him on."

"That's impressive Psyduck. You know Elekid here caught a Caterpie and Weedle."

"Nice little guy," Blaze said as he patted Elekid who blushed out of embarrassment.

"Guys this is Misty. She will be traveling with us until I can pay for her damaged bike."

At this point, Blaze and Psyduck turned to her and waved their hands at Misty who waved back.

"So Misty, do you have any pokémon?" Ash asked.

"Yeah I do. Come out guys," Misty said as she tossing three pokéballs into the air. Three pokémon materially from the pokéballs. A Staryu, Goldeen and a Magikarp.

"Nice collection. Make yourself comfortable while I heal these guys," Ash said as he walked away and released Scyther, Caterpie and Weedle.

He gave them a revive each and some potions. He gave them the same speech he gave Elekid and they accepted.

"With that behind us, let's get a move on."

"Alright Ash."

After cleaning up the campsite, they began their trek towards Pewter City. About 50 minutes into the trek the entire place was filled with smoke.

"Hello," they heard a voice which sounded like a female say. Ash was able to recognize the voice. Even Blaze too recognized it and he growled. Misty, Psyduck and Elekid were just confused. Soon two figures appeared from the smoke, a male and a female.

"Jessie and James. I have to ask, did you take my advice or are you here to fight?"

"Relax kid," James said as he held up his hands in defense. "We took it."

Hearing this, Blaze stopped growling.

"Yeah Ash," Jessie said. "We've left Team Rocket and have become real trainers."

At the mention of Team Rocket, Misty shuddered. Apparently she might have heard of the criminal organization.

"Say hello to my pokémon," Jessie said as she released four pokémon from her pokéballs. They were an Arbok, Abra, Fearow and Mankey.

"Meet mine," James said as he released five pokémon. They were a Weezing, Meowth, Growlithe, Mime Jr., and Geodude.

"We've already gotten the Boulder Badge," Jessie said.

"Yeah. So we're one step closer to the Indigo League," James said.

"I'm glad to hear that," Ash said. "Hopefully we'll meet at the S.S. Anne."

"Yeah," both of them said in unison. "Bye Ash." And like that they were gone.

"Good for them," Ash said out loud. "Shall we continue?"

Misty just nodded and they resumed their journey. When they stopped, it was around six in the evening, according to Ash's Xtransceiver.

"How about we camp here?" Ash asked Misty.

"Fine with me," she responded.

"Alright guys," Ash said as he released the rest of his pokémon. "Let's set up camp."

It took them only a few minutes to set the camp. Misty's and Ash's tents were next to each other and a few feet away from the fire pit. Around the fire pit were two logs.

"Nice work guys. Before I forget, will any of you like a nickname?" The question was directed at Elekid, Scyther, Weedle and Caterpie. Out of the four, only Elekid seemed to consider it before nodding.

"Okay Elekid, how about Shock?"

A shake of the head.


Another shake of the head.

"Um...I don't think I have any-Wait I got one. Volt?"

Elekid thought of it then nodded. Volt it was.

"Um...Ash," Misty called.

"Yeah Misty. What is it?"

"Is it okay if I join your training?"

"Of course it's okay. As long as you can keep up."

"Of course I can keep up. In fact I challenge you to a battle. Right here, right now."

"Oh really. You're on. What format?"

"A one-on-one. My strongest vs yours."

"You're on. Blaze, to the battlefield."

The Charmeleon jumped forward and landed in front of Ash.

"Staryu. I need you."

Out of the pokéball came the Star Shape Pokémon.

"Blaze start with Scratch."

"Staryu water gun."

Blaze ran at Staryu with glowing claw as Staryu fired a water gun attack. Blaze leaped over the attack and shot a flamethrower.

"Dodge and Rapid Spin."

Staryu evaded the flamethrower as it began spinning rapidly towards Blaze. Blaze didn't even appear to think of moving as he waited for Staryu to near him. Ash grinned.

"Metal Claw. Send it into the ground."

Blaze's hands attained a metallic glint as Staryu approached. He raised both arms as he struck Staryu and drove it into the ground.

"Thunder punch, finish it."

"Staryu, no!"

Blaze's right hand sparked with yellow lightning as he growled. He balled his hand into a fist as he sent it crashing into Staryu. There was a loud mechanical cry as it was knocked out. Misty silently returned her fallen starter as she stared at the pokéball. Staryu couldn't bear the super-effective move from the higher level pokémon.

"You did your best Staryu. Thanks."

"Are you okay Misty?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for the battle. It has shown me where I currently stand. Can we get on with the training."

"Sure," Ash said with a smile. "Now Misty. I'm gonna give you a rundown, but you'll have to explain the rest to your team."

"I'll do my best."

"Blaze and Psyduck, I want you guys to instruct the others while I give Misty a rundown."

Both pokémon nodded and walked towards the rest of Ash's pokémon.

"Alright Misty. Here's what we're gonna do." With that he glowed blue.

"You want us to glow blue with aura?" Misty asked, a bit shocked.

"I don't expect you to get it down. See, Aura is the energy of life. All living things contain Aura, including humans. But humans have it lesser amounts than pokémon. However, there are some exceptions who have Aura in amounts equal to pokémon and sometimes greater than normal pokémon. Pokémon use moves via their aura. Water moves are performed with Aura infused with water energy. Now what I want you to instruct your team is to focus on their elemental-aura and separate the natural water energy from their aura. They should then focus on the Aura, until they achieve that." He stopped as he pointed to his team, who were all glowing a faint blue. After that, he walked away.

"Okay guys. You heard Ash. Let's do this."

It took close to 50 minutes before Misty and her team were able to get the Aura glow. Well her pokémon got a faint glow and her's was even less. Nevertheless, it could only be seen by an aura practitioner.

"Alright everyone. That's a wrap," Ash said as he stopped their training. "I'd like to scan you guys for our next training session. Pokédex scan."

"Scanning," came the mechanical voice response.

"Caterpie. 'The Worm Pokémon.'

Type: Bug

Gender: Male

Abilities: Shield dust

Moves: String Shot, Tackle, Bug Bite.

Egg moves: None.

"Weedle. 'Hairy Bug Pokémon.'

Type: Bug

Gender: Female

Abilities: Shield dust

Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite.

Egg moves: None."

"Scyther. The 'Mantis Pokémon.'

Type: Bug/Flying.

Gender: Male.

Abilities: Swarm

Moves: Leer, Quick Attack, Vacuum Wave, Focus energy, Pursuit, Bug bite, Defog.

Egg moves: Bug buzz, Silver wind, Steel wing (Note: Bug bite and Silver wind are yet to be unlocked)"

"Elekid. The 'Electric Pokémon.'

Type: Electric

Gender: Male

Abilities: Static

Moves: Leer, Quick attack, Thundershock.

Egg moves: Cross chop, Dynamic punch, Fire punch, Hammer arm, Focus punch, Karate chop, Rolling kick.(Note: Egg moves have not been unlocked)"

"Amazing. You guys are up to pretty great starts, especially you Volt. If I'm not mistaken, your parents looked like they were an Electivire and an Emboar.

"Ash," Misty called out. "I just finished scanning my team."

"Good. Moving on to Speed training. You guys are gonna run laps around the site with weights on your bodies, until you drop. I'm gonna join you guys too."

After saying this, he opened the bag to bring out the weights. Blaze and Psyduck received the same weights as before. Volt got a kg on both hands. Scyther got 4 kg on each scythe and leg, and 2 kg on each wing and 3 kg on the waist. Caterpie and Weedle both got 0.25 kg on their bodies. Ash also gave Misty a set of weights for her team.

In a few minutes, they all started the track exercise. They continued for about twenty minutes.

"Since the first half of speed training is done. Scyther into the air and perform aerial maneuvers. Blaze and Psyduck, I want you to dig a hole enough for Psyduck, Goldeen and Magikarp to swim laps. After that Blaze continue running laps. Volt join Blaze. Caterpie and Weedle continue your race on the trees around. You have thirty minutes before we move onto the speed of your attack."

Within the thirty minutes, they had finished the second half of their speed training. Another twenty-five minutes were spent improving the speed at which their attacks were launched.

During the time that Ash had spent learning from Professor Oak, the Professor had taught him that in order for them to increase attack speed, a pokémon should be instructed to perform a move back-to-back while trying to reduce the time it takes to perform it again with the slightly reduced energy.

"I think that's okay for today. We continue to Pewter by tomorrow. Would anyone like to sleep outside with me?" Ash asked.

Blaze, Psyduck, Volt and Scyther all agreed to stay outside, while Caterpie and Weedle went inside.

"Goodnight Misty," Ash said as he got into his tent and settled into his sleeping bag. His head was positioned towards the outside of the tent. Blaze laid himself down on Ash's side. Volt crawled unto Ash's belly. Scyther sat cross-legged with his back against the tent and Psyduck rested his head on Blaze's body. And with that they fell asleep.

The next day when Ash woke up, there was a rainbow coloured feather on his face.

"Huh...what's this?" Ash asked as he pressed the scan button on his pokédex.

"Ho-oh. The 'Rainbow Pokémon.' Ho-oh's feathers glow in seven different colours depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. The feathers ar said to bring eternal happiness to the bearer. Ho-oh is said to roam around the world in search of a trainer with a pure heart."

Ash was shocked. The Rainbow pokémon had just gifted him with one of her feathers and had been blessed with eternal happiness. 'So I do have a pure heart.' Ash said to himself.

It took them not long to disband their previous campsite and continue their journey. After some few hours before they reached Pewter City. Misty had caught two Poliwag along the way.

When they reached the entrance, they decided to rest up on some rocks.

"That would be 1000 pokédollars," a voice said.

"What ?! Ash and Misty said in unison.

"The rocks you're sitting on. It costs 1000 pokédollars to sit on any of these rocks."

Ash looked at the rock we was currently sitting on and he touched with his first finger. On contact with the rock, he felt a pulse of aura, causing him to turn back to the man.

"I'll take it."

"What? Ash are you crazy? You're seriously gonna pay one thousand pokédollars for a large rock?"

"Don't worry Misty, it'll all be fine. Yeah you go sir," Ash said as he handed the money to the man. After that he released Blaze.

"Blaze, I want you to use metal claw on that rock delicately."

The fire type nodded as his claws attained a metallic sheen. Like a knife through butter, Blaze cut open the rock until it revealed an object at the center. It was a fossil.

"A fossil...but how aren't they supposed to be underground." It was not a question but a mere statement.

"Congrats kid. Only one another had been able to discover that under some of these rocks were fossil. There's a reason why Pewter is sometimes referred to as the 'City of Stone'."

"Um...if you don't mind me asking, what was the named of the other kid who figured it out?"

"No I don't mind. If I do recall correctly, I believe his name was Gary. Gary Oak. Yeah that was his name."

"Thank you," Ash said as he and Misty walked off.

Gary had known. His rival never ceased to amaze him. Although Leaf was close to them knowledge wise, her lack of Psychic or Aura abilities would pose a bit of a drawback in these sought of things. She would come around sooner or later.

After been a fair distance away, Ash sent an audio clip to Professor Oak about the Jaw fossil and how he needs help reviving it. After sending the message, he sent the fossil and one of his friend ball via the Xtransceiver.

"I'm confused Ash. How did you know the fossil was there in the first place?"

"Well. After what he said, I touched the rock with my first finger and then I felt a pulse of aura. And like I had told you earlier, Aura is the energy of life. So there had to be something there."

Ash smiled slightly. There was something he wasn't telling her. Basically, Aura had two feels. The first one is natural and you get that feel from living beings. The second was somewhat artificial and you get the feel from man-made objects and inanimate creatures like rocks. Fossils were a different case. They consisted of both feels, both the natural and artificial feels. He was snapped out of his thinking by Misty.

"So what now?"

"Hmm...I'm going to get the Boulder Badge. I suggest you head to the pokémon center and work on your pokémon. You can set us up for two rooms. You have a long way to go to be Water Pokémon Master so you better get started then."

"Okay. See you later Ash," she said and turned towards the direction of the Pokémon Center.

Ash walked towards the Pewter Gym. He looked up at the building structure. It was fairly normal except for the statue of a Golem on the top. Ash pushed open the doors as he stepped inside. The entire place was completely dark.

"Hello," he said as he turned on Aura Sight. "My name is Ash Satoshi Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I'm here to challenge the Gym leader to a battle for the Boulder Badge."

After some time, he heard a deep voice.

"I am Brock Slate, th Pewter Gym Leader and I accept your challenge." As the voice said this, the lights turned on.

Ash walked towards the Gym field were he saw a boy he assumed to be the Gym leader. The field was a rocky field, intent on giving an advantage to the Gym leader. The elder boy, Ash presumed to be about 15 years gestured to the left of the field. Ash made his way over there as a referee appeared.

"This will be a two-on-two battle between Pewter Gym leader, Brock Slate and challenger Ash Satoshi Ketchum from Pallet Town. There are no time limits and no substitutions. The battle will be over when two pokémon from one side are unable to battle. Gym leader choose your pokémon."

"Lets roll Geodude."

Out of Brock's pokéball came a Geodude. Ash smiled. He knew about the Geodude line. They weren't all that now but their evolutions were pretty powerful.

"In that case. You're up Scyther."

Out of Ash's friend ball came his Scyther. Scyther came out and slashed his scythes towards Geodude.