
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

The Peeking Ralts




Under the barrage of 8 steel balls, even the swift Swablu was in a sorry state. The four Nosepass stood in the four corners, each controlling only two steel balls, yet it was still too much for Swablu to handle.

After barely dodging a steel ball with its Cotton Guard defense, Swablu cast a resentful look at Beautifly who was watching from a distance.

On this day, the Beautifly had perfectly completed its reflex training task, while Swablu was still struggling.

At the beginning of the training, Darren only had each Nosepass control one steel ball. At that time, both Beautifly and Swablu found it relatively easy.

But when the steel balls increased to two, Beautifly could barely sense the changes in the air currents and dodge them, but poor Swablu suffered several hits within just one minute, causing Darren, the trainer, to feel pain in her heart.

"You can't be soft-hearted..."

In this way, the special training continued with Swablu's heart-wrenching "Chirp, chirp, chirp" screams...


The steel ball training lasted about a week, Beautifly was now attacking all 16 steel balls, while Swablu was still at the level of 12 steel balls.

Although the week was short, there was a significant improvement in the sensitivity of Swablu's and Beautifly's nerves. Additionally, their ability to withstand hits was gradually improving as well, progressing from initial sluggishness to now unconsciously enduring the pain and assessing the circumstances, representing a significant advancement.

It seemed that the two little ones were gradually adapting to this level of attack, but Darren couldn't immediately increase the training intensity for them.

Controlling four steel balls while adhering to the rules was already a limit for the Nosepass' magnetic manipulation. If they were able to manipulate five steel balls and attack in an orderly manner, it would represent an improvement in their mastery of magnetic control.

"Is this little guy still peeking?"

Hiding in a remote corner of Darren's training area, a tiny green creature was clandestinely observing Swablu and the others as they trained.

The figure belonged to Ralts, a Pokemon that had not yet been captured and was roaming the area.

When Darren came here, this Ralts had already been here.


He silently thought to himself. According to Darren's understanding, this Ralts was originally hatched from a Pokemon egg that was rewarded to a certain student by the academy. However, after Ralts was born, for a period of two months, it could only learn one move.

When the student consulted the teacher about this problem, the breeders in the academy began to pay attention to Ralts' situation. In the end, they all came to a unanimous conclusion... This Ralts had some defects, besides the "Teleport" move that had awakened at birth, it was unable to learn any other Psychic-type moves.

Even under deliberate teaching, it could not even comprehend other moves from other types, even the simplest Double Team.

At that time, Ralts' trainer was also nearing graduation, and Ralts' limitations made it destined to be unable to participate in battles... At the teacher's suggestion, he returned Ralts to the academy, where the breeders were responsible for taking care of it, observing its condition, and searching for a solution.

Since then, Ralts has felt that it was abandoned because of its incompetence and couldn't help its trainer.

Every time Darren noticed it, the small creature would remain quiet.

"Do you want to train together?" Darren didn't even turn his head, asking Ralts.

"Ralts, do you want to train together?"


Ralts is an empathic Pokémon, it can sense human emotions.

From the moment Darren spoke, it unexpectedly realized that it did not sense any sympathy...

"Even a Meowth can learn human language through hard work. Miracles can happen if you put in the effort." He doesn't reject any Pokémon and truly believed in their potential.

He will not be bound by the so-called individual defects of Pokémon. Even if it can only use "Teleport," Ralts still has its own value.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Darren spoke again.

"If you can use Teleport, why don't you come and compete with Swablu?"

After issuing the invitation, Darren no longer paid attention to Ralts and turned his gaze back to Swablu and the four Nosepass.

Each Nosepass can manipulate four steel balls simultaneously, which is their current limit. Beautifly can barely cope with 16 steel balls attacking simultaneously, although it is difficult for it, it has already done an excellent job.

In a short period, both Swablu, Beautifly, and Nosepass cannot go any further. Therefore, Darren needed to consider how to put more pressure on Swablu and Beautifly without increasing the number of steel balls.

"Starting tomorrow, the training method will change, and each Nosepass will control only two steel balls."

"Most importantly, when controlling the steel balls, Nosepass needs to add a special move as an attack method."

Thunder Wave.

It emits a weak electric shock towards the opponent, causing them to become paralyzed.

Nosepass itself is a magnet, and there is a magnetic field around it. They can easily produce electric currents. Thunder Wave are a type of electric current with a very obvious paralysis effect.

If the steel ball controlled by Nosepass strikes the opponent, a mild electric current will course through their body. Although not as potent as Thunder Wave, this current can still have a significant effect on the two flying Pokemoon for a brief duration.

In addition, although Nosepass can control the steel ball attack, they all act on their own, without any cooperation. Darren is preparing to design an attack route for them, which can also be said to be an attack trajectory. Under mutual cooperation, even with fewer steel balls and adding Thunder Wave, it is enough to make Swablu and Beautifly suffer.

Mutual cooperation, mixed with Thunder Wave, also tests Nosepass's mastery of magnetism. The casting of Thunder Wave and attacking according to a specific route also adds a great deal of manipulation difficulty to Nosepass.

Hum -

Swablu hurriedly dodged the steel balls. Suddenly, a green figure appeared in front of it without any warning, startling it, causing it to panic and fly out. Then, it turned its head and looked at Darren with an inquiring expression.

Until Darren smiled and gestured, it innocently flapped its wings and flew back, looking towards the field with Darren.

Under the attack of the twelve mixed steel balls, Ralts always put its hands on its mouth and whispered before instantly disappearing and reappearing when they arrived together.

"Not bad." Darren exclaimed in surprise.

Usually, after using the "teleport" move a few times, psychic-type Pokémon will feel very tired and unable to control the direction well. However, Darren surprisingly found that Ralts may be very proficient in "teleporting" probably because it only knows this one special move.

Within a minute, it continuously evaded nine rounds of attack from Nosepass, even appearing to be at ease.