
Pokemon - A Mystical Journey

An avid Pokemon fan got reincarnated in the world of Pokemon. Let's follow his journey and watch as how he uncovers various mysteries of Pokemon world and begin to grow as one of the strongest trainer ever born Also I don't own Pokemon franchise . It is jointly owned by Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures. This fiction is but based on imagining that world of Pokemon from a different views while adding some twist and turns to make it more likable Author's patreon: https://patreon.com/darthnorther https://discord.gg/MWJBvR

Darthnorther · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
328 Chs

Start of the new journey

After seeing ghastly agreeing to it's trainer, the disguised person whom we know as Blaine headed towards Alex unnoticed.

After Arthur saw him heading towards his son, he defensively stood in front of his son and aggressively asked," Who are you? What do you want?"

Blaine just looked at him then at his son intently and said," I am just a Traveller. I just heard your child declaration and I was curious that's all. kid, do you think you could really reach the summit which no one have ever reached ."

Alex looked at the stranger and vaguely felt him familiar but could not place where he saw him. As for his question he replied confidently," Of course"

Seeing this confidence he once again said, " There are many who dream big but could not complete their dream and get disappeared in waves of time and in some cases even die. Yet you are still willing to go down that path. "

After hearing these Alex looked pensive.

Everyone around them was also quiet looking at the drama displayed before them. After a few moments of silence, " Of I am not willing to accept the consequence of death in my journey I wouldn't have even started this at the first place. The moment I decided to become a member of the trainers association and go out on my adventure I already have arranged a place for my burial. "

"Then aren't you afraid that you will fail or what not"

" if I fail once I will try again if I fail again then I will continue to try . As long as I live I will never ever give up."

Hearing his reply, Blaine was shocked. In the place of the young trainer he saw the face of another person who changed the Pokemon world .

He saw Samuel Oak, the greatest researcher of this time who was also a champion level trainer. Blaine himself fought against him but in the end lost to his tyrannical Charizard and Dragonite.

After some second passed, Blaine in his grumpy voice replied, " Kid I am looking forward to what you will become in the future. I hope you will keep the same determination as you grow up. And since you are like this, I think this will serve you well."

Blaine pulled out a box from his bag. He said, " This is the egg of a fire Pokemon. it will be of great use to you when it grows up. It will hatch within half a month. The trainer who gave me this egg told me to give it to someone who I see something. and I see that In you.

As for what that something is you will know in the future. Kid raise it well." After giving the egg incubator Blaine headed out.

Alex was stunned by this turn of events but later recovered and said, " One day both of us will come to you and beat you to show you didn't make a mistake by passing it on to me. "

Blaine just raised his hand in approval and left with without turning around. While this was happening his father Arthur was just watching it all. And suddenly said, " Alex it's good to be confident but you can't be over confident who knows what happen to you in this. "

Then he replied ," Dad, don't worry. I have a sense of proportion. As for what others say about me I don't care. It's the work of others to talk. "

"Well you have always been stubborn about matters . So have you decided what you want to do. will you challenge the gym now or something."

Alex pondered for a while after saying," I will train Ghastly first then catch some Pokemon then I will challenge a gym or two. Now I still got much to do."

And he continued babbling about his future events . " Well since you decided to do so then let's rest and then you could head for your journey."

After this both father and son headed towards a hotel in the nearby and stayed there for the night while Alex talked to Ghastly . Though he could not understand him he could make out from his expression what he wants to say. So after having dinner he slept while ghastly intently looked at the trainer thinking about the events that unfolded today.

Although it still was sceptical he believes that together they could do it and it stared at the Moon outside.

Next morning our hero woke up to the chirping of the pidgey and after seeing Ghastly floating around him he remembered everything that happened yesterday.

He then happily asked Ghastly," Well buddy are you ready for today. I sure as hell am and ready to tackle the day . let me freshen up so I could get ready to go. "

His father too stayed in the hotel as it was dangerous to go back late for fear of Pokemon attacks. Nowadays are not as calm as in the future where you could safely sleep in forest without fear of Pokemon attacks now if you do so you might be attacked by Spearow Caterpie or even pidgey. As for those who think Caterpie can't attack think if it sting shot you on your face can you breath . You may die of suffocation.

After freshing up and meeting his father below he went with him to the bus stop. His father then said, " Alex now I am leaving so take care of yourself and look out . if you have any problem you could ask us we would try to help you as much as I can. Also do call home once in a while or your mom will become agitated. And good luck I believe you could achieve your goals." And he stepped in the bus and headed for Floral town.

While watching his father go he clenching his fingers he thought,' Don't worry dad I will be fine and take care of yourself and everyone else.'

Then to the floating Pokemon ," ghastly let's head out . For adventure awaits us . But be ready for I will train you so hard that you would not be able to even float so are you ready."

Seeing the expression of it's trainer it was scared but after thinking of it's ambition it responded positively. " Well then it's head out. I smell the greatest adventure awaits us ." And then the trainer and pokemon started their new adventure full of uncertainty and danger.

to be continued....