

I was very worried if Growlithe is able to handle it , I asked it and it agreed to fight .

" Well , Growlithe let's fight carefully against him . Are you ready ?"

Grooww .. litheee..

" Growlithe use fire spin !"

Grooww .. litheee....

Aizen command his Croconaw to attack at the same time.

" Croconaw use Bubble beam !"

Croconaw ...

I am aware of what will be the effect of this to Growlithe.

" Growlithe Release more fire so that the bubbles will evaporate."

Grooww ..

Luckily we be able to counter the attack of croconaw . but Aizen is not done yet so he ordered his pokemon to attack .

" Croconaw use Aqua jet ."

I knew that this attack can't be dodged so I think a remedy to dodged it .

" Growlithe dig under ! "

Growlithe digs under the ground and instead it was hit by Croconaw , It just hit the ground and dealt damage to itself.

" Youre a wise kid !" Aizen praised me .

" Every battle needs a brain to control it and even win it." I replied.

" Growlithe use Flamewheel to get out ."

Grooww .. litheee...

" Croconaw use Water gun ! "

" Dodge it ! now get close to it and use Fire fang ! "

" Counter it and use body slam !"

Croconaw was not able to dodge it and it felt hurt .

" This is bad !! " Aizen gets frustrated.

" Croconaw lets end this ."


" Use Aqua jet !"

" Growlithe have a momentum by running to make your flame more intense ! Then use Flame wheel ! "

Grooww ...

A huge dust explosion appeared at the center of battlefield . both of us are expecting to win the fight for we've given our best shot . Then , Appeared that my Growlithe is left standing alone and is still its body is surrounded with flame . It only means that I won the fight .

" Yes !!! , You did it Growlithe ! "

Grooww.. lithee...

" Well done Croconaw , recall .."

Aizen walks near to congratulate me for the remarkable battle we had .

" Congratulations Bj , It was a great fight. I did do my best but still your great strategy win ."

" Thank you Aizen , It was really a good fight , I'm just lucky to have a Strong Growlithe ." I humbly said.

The match official came to us and raised my right hand in which proclaim that I won the fight . After it we bowed our head and have a shake hands. The event organizer give me the prize after the fight . Hiennrich came to us and congratulate us in having a great fight.

" Bro ! Good job ! that was a great fight I've ever seen ."

" Thanks bro ."

" Congratulations to both of you ." Aizen said

" Thanks Aizen for having this event"

" After this fight kindly come to my hotel suite at Platehead Town Rodeo Hotel . Be there guys I'll be having some announcement for those who win against me".

We nodded and said a goodbye .

After that exhausting fight , we felt our stomach was empty and so we went to eat at the near Pokestop . And also to deposit our pokemon​ for a quick check.

Pokemon Stop is place for Pokemons , Food , Medicine and Hotels. It has a souvenir shops , Pokemon Kit shop , Trainer Kit shop, and a Pokemon Pharmacy . Its wide Cafeterias caters all the food around the world in a affordable price . Its main section the Medical center has Two Floors medical facility , Where you can buy Potions , Pokemon Evolve Stones and Pokemon Dietary foods .

In its Hotel located at the two top floors of the building accmodates the trainers who want to stay in a certain City for a affordable cost . Just present your Pokemon Trainer Id.

In a Pokestop it only consist of a Pokemon Kit shop and a small canteen on it . Just bring your Pokemon Trainer Id.

On the Pokestop , I deposited my Growlithe for a little check up and as Hiennrich done it too.

" Hi , Nurse Jean could you have a little check up with our pokemon ?"

" Of course , Just swipe your cards here and deposit your pokemon."

" Thanks Nurse Jean."

We went to the canteen and eat , because we are really hungry . I ordered a heavy lunch just like Hiennrich too. While eating , I opened a topic its all about the announcement of Aizen .

" Bro , I am curious with the announcement he will made."

" Maybe he'll treat us to his suite ." Hiennrich said.

" Or maybe he'll instruct us to fight each other."

" Or maybe he will send us to a uninhabited island ".

" You're over thinking again bro ." Hiennrich said .

" Aizen is not really familiar to me , yet he don't have a pokemon details."

" I know but , why is he is giving away plane tickets for Hoenn , It is that he want to help hardworking trainers to catch pokemon of their choice."

" Yeah bro , Let's just hope for the best to happen" I replied.

After taking our lunch , we claimed the pokemon we deposited and go to Platehead Town Rodeo Hotel.

As we went there , The Hotel seems so luxurious that we thinked we can't even afford to booked their. We went to the Hotel Personnel and ask the room of Aizen .

" Hi , Good day ,Where is aizen place here ?"

" Good day sir , Are you pokemon trainers ?"

" Yes ". I replied.

" Can you tell me your name ??"

" I'm Bj , and his my friend Hiennrich".

The personnel looked at a list and found our name their.

" Sir please go to the Hotels Hall , just take that way , on the near end turn left ."

" Okay , Thank you ."

" Sir wait , take this with you ."

He gives us a chip drawn a figure of a Garchomp. And we headed to the hall .

As we arrived at the hall we saw lot of people dress formally and those few were trainers like us . The event started and the emcees start to speak about the main topic of this event.

The event main objective is to award us who successfully won against Aizen . And then the emcee introduce aizen as the focal person of the event and express the full personal information of him .

" Ladies and Gentleman , Good Evening . I'm your speaker for tonight I'm Aizen , a pokemon trainer and I'm the current successor of Steven Stone as the gym leader of Ever Grande City in Hoenn Region , Steven was too busy playing in the world league that's why he passed the leadership of Ever Grande City to me." Aizen Told everyone.

" I came up to the idea to organize a secret trainer battle in order to test my strength against different players of region . Those who will won the match against me will be given a prize , a free plane ticket to Hoenn Region and a free accommodation guaranteed by our City Mayor."

" After 5 days of qualification I may now present to you the 9 winners of the prize !!! A big round of applause please."

The people around the hall clapped as we were recognize one by one, there are many photographers and media present too . Our names is called one by one and

Here is the List

1- Hiennrich / Pallet Town

2- Trent Arnold/ Celadon City

3- Ian Flair / Lavator Town

4- Treyton / Cerulean City

5- Kiera / Vermilion City

6- Gregory / Inverness City

7- Bj Great/ Noxlas Lake Town

8- Luna / Saffron City

9- Tamina / Platehead Town

After the program we were gathered to the small room and told us to be here tomorrow at exactly 10 in the morning . We don't have much time to introduce ourselves to each other because its late night now so Hiennrich and I travelled back to Pewter City.

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