
Pokémon: Last Quake

I appreciate you reading my book "Pokémon: Last Quake". To start, I want to outline a few points and establish some rules that I will adhere to throughout the writing process: System: The main character (MC) will not be provided with any system, ensuring that all achievements are earned through effort rather than given due to external factors. Additionally, there will be no levels, signifying that growth is achieved through experience, not predetermined by numbers. Ships: The narrative will not be heavily centered on romance; however, if it does emerge, there will be just one canonical partner for the main character. Comments: Ideas and critiques are welcome as they help maintain focus. Please feel free to share them, and if they are incorporated, the contributor's name will be acknowledged at the chapter's conclusion. Lemons: There will be no on-screen lemons, I will be only providing brief descriptions before cutting to the next part of the story. Embark on a tale of transformation from weakness to strength, centered around a young man's adventure in the Pokémon universe. Thank you for being part of this journey, and I hope you enjoy the experience. By Mugen Strife

MugenStrife · Fantasia
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Bootcamp and Ability Training

Updates: Monday/Friday

Total Words: 2496

While living with his grandparents, Tyson came to learn many things about them. Some notable experiences included Grandpa's Storytimes, Grandma's cooking, and the rare sight of Grandma's angry face—a look that could be mistaken for indifference under normal circumstances, but to those familiar with Bertha, it was a clear sign of impending trouble. Tyson had witnessed Bertha's anger just once, when his grandfather had made an ill-tasted joke. Now, as Tyson stood before an irate Bertha, he remained silent, while Eric looked on, hands clasped, thinking to himself, 'Good luck, man, you're going to need it,' just as a hand landed on his shoulder. Whirling to confront the individual who had seized his shoulder, Eric's eyes met those of a woman with flowing black hair, clad in a traditional ranger's attire, her expression stern. "H...hi, Mom," Eric stammered, his voice trembling, aware that a parental reprimand was imminent.

After being reprimanded, Tyson and Eric were escorted home. Upon arrival, Tyson was met by Shane, who had been awaiting their return. Seated in the living room, Shane faced his wife Bertha's angry expression and Tyson's pleading gaze. 'Help me!' Tyson silently implored, his eyes echoing the plea. Recognizing his grandson's distress, Shane interjected, "Honey, how about we go easy on him? I'm sure Tyson had a good reason." His attempt to soften Bertha was met with a scowl. Undeterred, Shane pressed on, "We both know Tyson's maturity; he wouldn't act so recklessly without cause. Besides, he's been training with young Cynthia, so a single wild Pokémon should hardly be a threat."

'Thank you, grandfather, you are my hero,' Tyson thought as he gazed at Shane. After considering Shane's words, Bertha softened and addressed Tyson, "You're fortunate this old man makes a valid point, or you'd be grounded for a year. Now, Tyson, would you care to share the entire story from your perspective?" Her words allowed Tyson a mental sigh of relief as he narrated the day's events, culminating in his battle with Skarmory. His grandparents' expressions oscillated between intrigue and shock, with Shane sporting a broad smile, recognizing a bit of himself in young Tyson.

After hearing Tyson's story, Bertha's frown softened as she thought, 'He was merely assisting a classmate, and the situation deteriorated. He could have easily declined and avoided the trouble, but he chose to aid a friend in need.' Memories of her son's youth and his similar tendencies flashed through her mind. "Alright, you're not grounded. However, you must still face consequences, and your task of cleaning the second-floor classrooms at school is fitting. Yet, your actions do concern me for the future. Shane, would you mind teaching Tyson some of your survival skills over the weekend?" Bertha said, catching Tyson off guard and widening Shane's smile.

Over the months Tyson spent with the elderly couple, Shane regaled him with tales of his adventures and the perils they faced, such as wild Pokémon hordes, toxic swamps, and cave-ins during archaeological excavations. Such hazards could be fatal for any trainer caught unprepared or by surprise. Shane, grinning broadly, turned to Tyson and declared, "Well, kiddo, you're going to tackle my adventure boot camp this weekend—think of it as a camping trip." Tyson nodded in agreement, understanding from his experiences that possessing powerful Pokémon alone might not suffice to endure the challenges of this world.

After dinner, Tyson returned to his room and released Larvitar. "I wanted to thank you again for your help, buddy. You really saved me out there," he said to which Larvitar nodded and uttered a "Lar," which Tyson took to mean "Yeah, I know." With a chuckle, he added, "I'm sure you overheard the earlier conversation, so I'll make sure you're prepared for this weekend." Despite his limited experience in training Pokémon, Tyson was confident that his knowledge from the anime would suffice. 'I should also seek some advice from grandma, considering she has trained many powerful Pokémon and is currently a member of the Sinnoh Elite Four,' Tyson thought aloud.

The following morning, before heading back to school, Tyson sought advice from Bertha on enhancing his Larvitar's strength. She suggested prioritizing Larvitar's stamina, as mobility would become a lesser concern post-evolution. Tyson, delving into Larvitar's evolutionary needs, observed an increased food intake as it amassed energy for the transformation. Monitoring its appetite revealed a significant increase in voracity as well as his size which had begun to increase, hinting at an impending evolution. Considering this pattern, Tyson predicted that Larvitar would require approximately two more months to accrue the necessary energy to evolve. Despite its cocoon-like state suggesting limited mobility, Larvitar's evolution actually enhances its agility. Upon evolving into a Pupitar it would develop vents in various sections, enabling it to eject compressed air and move even faster than before. 'It's a wonder why he didn't evolve sooner. In my world, creatures tend to evolve and adapt in response to external threats... this may be similar,' Tyson thought as he reflected on his memories. During his time with his parents, Larvitar was prouder yet lazier, only battling or training when Tyson felt like it. Taking a mental sigh, Tyson felt a mix of happiness and sadness about the changes in Larvitar. 'I guess he's dealing with the loss of my parents and my near-death experience in his own way'.

Upon leaving home, Tyson quickly made his way to class, where he found Eric slouching with a look of dejection. Approaching, Tyson inquired, "So...what's the damage?" to which Eric responded with a sigh, "I'm grounded, no games for three months." Tyson began to apologize, "Sor-" but Eric interrupted, "Don't apologize, man. I could've said no. It was my choice to help you guys out. Besides, like I said before, that was the most thrilling experience I've had since starting trainer school." The pair exchanged smiles and resumed their conversation and Tyson discovered more about Eric's family; a topic Eric usually avoided. Both of Eric's parents were employed at the Celestic Ranger Base; his father was an active ranger, and his mother worked as an operator. Tyson found this intriguing, as Eric, who had no Pokemon and a passion for games, seemed to gravitate towards an operator's role.

(Operators are information gatherers who primarily serve as support for rangers in the field by providing details on a target's movements and actions).

As the lesson commenced, Mr. Mathews revisited the subject of Trainer Protocols, a well-known topic among the students. Tyson surmised that this was Mr. Mathews' way of reinforcing the rules to prevent incidents like his own. After school, they started cleaning the classroom but were pleasantly surprised by the unexpected assistance from Sophia and Trapinch, who offered to help make up for the inconvenience they had caused. The trio effortlessly finished the assigned task, engaging in conversation and becoming better acquainted with one another along the way. "Sorry for the trouble I caused, Tyson, Eric, If I wasn't so insistent on going back you two wouldn't be in trouble right now " Sophia said, as Eric chimed in, "But hey, not many can boast having relatives in the Sinnoh council, let alone an Elite Four member looking out for them." Tyson smirked and retorted to Eric, "Says the one with an operator and a ranger in the family," causing Eric to flinch. Throughout the two hours spent cleaning and their daunting adventure, the trio had grown close enough to be considered friends. Tyson and Eric also learned that Sophia was the daughter of the local Pokémon Ranch's owner who was a high level Pokemon Breeder and inherited her parents' zeal for Pokémon care. 'That sheds some light on her fixation with going back to help the Pokemon,' Tyson mused as he started to pack up for departure.

Leaving school that evening, Tyson couldn't help but smile. 'Guess today wasn't so bad,' he thought, taking Larvitar's ball from his pocket. "Time to start our practice," he said, ideas swirling in his head. Upon returning home, Tyson greeted his grandfather, who had been waiting for him. "Hey, Grandpa, will Grandma be joining us today?" he asked. Shane replied with a smile, "She's out back feeding her Pokémon; she's been waiting for you to return." Tyson was taken aback by his words. 'She must have assumed I'd want her help training Larvitar,' he thought, smiling wryly as he made his way to the backyard. As he stepped outside, Bertha's voice called out, "Took you long enough, Tyson," drawing his attention. Standing beside her was a large, hippo-like Pokémon with light brown skin, a dark gray back, and muzzle, adorned with several small and large holes on its back.

"Hey Hippowdon, it's been a while," Tyson said as he approached and gently rubbed the large hippo's snout. Turning to his grandmother, he continued, "So, you wanted to help with Larvitar's training, right?" Bertha smiled in response, "Why ask when you've already guessed it? Now, let's take a look at the little one; we heard he's been training with young Cynthia's Gible." Releasing Larvitar from its ball, the small dinosaur appeared and promptly joined the group. Bertha observed its movements and posture intently, thinking to herself, 'Not bad, the little one is quicker than one would normally expect from a Larvitar.' "So, Grandma, what did you have in mind for training Larvitar's stamina?" Tyson asked. "That's simple, dear, with these," Bertha replied as she brought out two pairs of training weights, one designed for Pokémon and another for humans. "These weights will help train this little one's stamina for using Dragon Dance," Bertha explained, then added, "Moves like Dragon Dance require either stamina, as they drain the Pokémon's stamina when boosting physical attributes, or focus, for moves that enhance non-physical attributes." Looking at Bertha, Tyson slowly asked, "Grandma... I understand the first pair of weights... but what are the second pair for?" He received only a slight smile from Bertha in response.

Two hours had passed, and in the backyard, Tyson could be seen running laps alongside Larvitar, both wearing determined expressions. "One more lap and then you two can rest. Make sure to keep using Dragon Dance during the run, Larvitar" Bertha declared, her face stern as she observed their progress. In his previous life, Tyson worked in an office and was unaccustomed to running laps for two hours, making the training exhausting. Fortunately, his current body was more athletic, which was beneficial since the old Tyson frequently joined his mother on early morning runs. After completing their laps, Tyson and Larvitar sat down, only to be approached by Bertha who commended, "Well done on today's practice. From now on, you two will engage in daily exercises with those weights to build up stamina". Tyson promptly responded, "Ok, grandma," understanding the necessity. He reflected, 'As a trainer, I must also work on my physical strength and stamina. I can't rely solely on my Pokémon to handle everything or solve all my problems with cleverness. Even Ash, who is only ten years old, was quite athletic.'

(Boosting Moves: Techniques such as Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, and Work Up can enhance a Pokémon's attributes at the expense of stamina. As such, maintaining these moves in battle can be a detriment or a benefit depending on how well a Pokemon has been trained)

During his training with Cynthia, Tyson primarily worked on enhancing Larvitar's moves and battle strategies, while also dedicating time to study and light exercise. The next day, after finishing his regular physical training, Tyson chose to add an additional lap, and Larvitar eagerly followed suit. After completing his workout, Tyson sat down for dinner with his grandparents, recounted the day's activities, and then withdrew to his room. At his desk, he delved into research on his computer, seeking to deepen his understanding of the Larvitar lineage. 'No matter which path I choose, I'll be enrolling in Coronet Academy next year. This year is crucial for building my knowledge and strength,' he reflected.

After reviewing the details of the Larvitar lineage, Tyson navigated to Trainer Forms, a platform created by the Pokemon League for budding trainers to share their training styles and battle strategies. Eric, a regular on the site, had recommended it. The site was also a hub for rumors about legendary Pokemon sightings and featured a section for viewing videos of official gym battles. While perusing the forum, Tyson stumbled upon a topic titled "Pokemon Abilities" that piqued his interest. Among the comments, there were accounts of Pokemon like Vulpix possessing both Flash Fire and Drought abilities. Tyson pondered, recalling his past battles where Larvitar's ability was Guts, and wondered if it could develop Sand Veil with training, prompting him to delve further into his research on the site.

The next evening, after returning home, Tyson tried to find Bertha for guidance on training Larvitar's ability, only to learn from Shane that she would be away for two weeks on League business. "What did you need grandma's help with sport?" Shane asked. Tyson began to explain that he wished to develop Larvitar's Sand Veil ability, prompting a wry smile from Shane. "If that's all, I can help you with that," Shane offered. Tyson was taken aback, a reaction Shane easily noticed. "Just because I'm not a trainer doesn't mean I don't know how to battle and train, kiddo. In my profession, having a strong partner and team is essential, as you often come across dangerous Pokémon while exploring abandoned sites and ruins," Shane elaborated.

The pair proceeded to the backyard, with Larvitar following close behind. Standing before Shane, Tyson attempted to remember Shane's partner Pokémon, realizing he had never encountered it before. Shane reached into his pocket, retrieved an aged Pokéball, and tossed it skyward. "Come on out, old friend," he called, as a silhouette materialized in a burst of light. Before Shane stood a bipedal Pokémon with an insect-like appearance. Its body was colored light green with large, rhombus-shaped wings edged in red on its back. It had toeless back legs, and slender arms ending in three-clawed hands. Tyson observed the dragon-type Pokémon and recognized it as a Flygon. "This is my partner; we've been traveling companions for years," Shane said, as Flygon responded with a gentle purr.

"Alright, Grandpa, where do we start with developing Sand Veil?" Tyson asked. Shane responded immediately, "It's simple. First, we have to teach the little one Sandstorm. This will prepare him for his evolution into Tyranitar, as his ability will allow him to conjure sandstorms at will. Next, we'll work on his ability to blend into the storm by changing the pigment of his shell." Shane concluded his explanation, addressing Tyson's question and eliciting a look of confusion. The details of Larvitar's Sand Veil ability and the execution were somewhat simplified. "Larvitar can do that?" Tyson asked to which Shane replied with a grin, "Well now, we'll find that out soon, won't we? Let's get started" as he began the lesson.

Pokemon Team

Team Rank: 1


Gender: Male

Type: Rock/Ground

Abilities: Guts, Sand Veil [Developing]

Held Item: None

Moves: Rock Throw, Bite, Payback, Leer, Scary Face, Dragon Dance [Inherited], Ancient Power [Inherited], Stomping Tantrum, Sandstorm

Thanks for reading as always guys feel free to drop a comment or ask questions ill reply when I can during the day 

MugenStrifecreators' thoughts