
Chapter no.2 I Choose You part 2

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Austin stared at Gary Oak's retreating figure with a mixture of disgust and confusion. The boy was insufferable, the kind of person who made you want to peel your skin off just to get away from them. He muttered to himself, wondering how Ash had ever put up with him.

But before he could contemplate Gary any further, a new presence made itself known. Professor Samuel Oak, an old man with greying hair and a white lab coat over a red shirt and brown cargo pants, appeared out of nowhere, causing Austin to jump in surprise and fall over.

"P-Professor Oak?!" he stammered, his eyes wide with amazement.

The professor raised a skeptical eyebrow at Austin's awestruck expression. "Well, you look like you're ready for bed, not for Pokemon training," he observed with amusement.

Austin blinked and looked down before seeing that he pulled what Ash did in the Anime in his panic.

"Uh… I can fix this." Austin said nervously before he realized what was coming next and he grinned.

Since this was a dream, he may as well enjoy it as much as he can.

"But I am ready for a Pokemon."


Austin stood in the sterile laboratory, his eyes scanning the pristine white walls and tile floors. The air hummed with an electric charge as he waited for the glass panel to reveal the three coveted Pokeballs. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his nerves on edge as he stood next to the legendary Pokemon Professor, Oak.

The professor's sharp eyes flicked over to Austin, a look of concern crossing his face. "Are you alright, Ash?" he asked, noting the sweat on the boy's forehead.

Austin swallowed hard, trying to mask his nerves. "Oh, I'm fine Professor," he lied, hoping to convince the older man. "I'm just excited."

The professor nodded, but Austin could tell he wasn't entirely convinced. "Alright then," he said, his voice low. "So, who is your choice?"

Austin frowned in thought, his eyes darting between the Pokeballs. "Well," he said slowly, "Gary said he got a Squirtle, so that's out." He reached for the Pokeball that held Charmander. "I choose Charmander," he said with a hint of disappointment.

The professor shook his head. "That one was also taken by a kid that wasn't late."

Even though he knew it was empty, Austin put on a disappointed face to fool the Professor who chose that time to speak.

"The early bird gets the worm, or in this case the Pokemon," the professor said with a wry smile.

"So, there's no Pokemon?" Austin asked, his voice laced with disappointment.

The professor looked conflicted for a moment before he spoke. "Well, there's still one left, but I-"

"I'll take it," Austin interrupted, a little too eagerly.

The professor hesitated, pressing a button on his console. A Pokeball with a lightning bolt emblem appeared, and the professor's expression turned grave. "I think I should warn you, there is a problem with this last one."

But Austin was already reaching for the Pokeball, his eagerness getting the best of him. "I'll take my chances," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

The professor handed him the Pokeball, and Austin pressed the button eagerly. A blinding flash of light filled the room, and he shielded his eyes as the light faded. When he could see again, he saw the small, yellow mouse standing before him, its red sacs on its cheeks and lightning bolt tail twitching as it blinked its black eyes.

"His name is Pikachu," the professor said, his voice serious.

Austin reached out to the cute little creature, his heart pounding in excitement. "Hi, Pikachu," he said, a wide grin spreading across his face.

But as soon as he touched the little creature, he felt an electric shock course through his body. His muscles spasmed, and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

He forgot how much of a dick Pikachu was in the beginning.

As Pikachu huffed, Austin realized one detail.

He just felt pain… Oh, shit he wasn't dreaming.

Austin probably would've freaked out if it wasn't for the fact that he was twitching a bit from the electrocution.

The room spun around him, and he could hear the sounds of his own labored breathing, punctuated by the crackling of electricity. He could hear the hum of machines and the beep of monitors as the professor rushed to his side.

"Shocking, isn't it?" the professor quipped, his voice strained.

'S-S-Screw y-you.' Austin thought with a twitch.


Once he could move, Austin looked at Pikachu who wouldn't even meet his gaze.

Now that he knew for a fact that this wasn't a dream, Austin couldn't help but think.

How did he get here?

And if he was here in Ash's body, where was the real Ash?

Was Ash in his body?

Austin felt some worry because he didn't know how his parents would react to someone in his body claiming they were Ash because he was pretty sure that's what he would do.

'I have to find a way to fix this.' Austin thought as Prof. Oak handed him the Pokedex and Pokeballs. 'Somehow, someway… Knowing my luck I'll probably be in the mental hospital when I get home.'

Austin looked at the Pokedex and messed with it to see how it worked before pointing it at Pikachu who finally gave him a look, wondering what he was doing.

" Pikachu are a small species of pokemon which many people find cute, and for this reason have become quite popular as pets, even among people with little interest in pokemon battles. This is an unfortunate fact which leads to many electrocutions, for a Pikachu can be quite dangerous to handle.

Pikachu are a pokemon that store electricity in their cheeks, but this electricity must be released on a semi-regular basis lest the pokemon use powerful electric attacks at random, shocking everything in sight. Typically this is handled by occasionally hooking the rodent up to a special battery which is recharged by its shock, then using the electricity to power the household. Furthermore, they do not only use thundershock to release energy, but also when startled or angry, and they do not have especially forgiving tempers. Many a trainer has been hospitalized or worse when quarreling with their pokemon, some passing away from shock wounds which could have been properly treated were the trainer not embarrassed for how this reflected upon them as a trainer. Moreover, there is the issue of weather; Pikachu can seldom be cooped up inside for long, but they are prone to causing nearby people to be electrocuted in rain, and its tail can attract lightning in thunderstorms. Proper care involves the usage of a pokeball in inclement weather, but Pikachu are often reluctant to be so confined. Many inexperienced owners are equally reluctant to use them, fearing it will mark them as pokemon trainers and force them to accept challenges and see their precious Pikachu injured.

Despite this, with a gentle spirit and proper caution, Pikachu can make for excellent pets.'

The Pokedex said surprising on the unique Dex entry he had never heard before in the games, anime or manga.

Austin deep down still wondered how he survived being electrocuted in the first place-... Hell, how did Ash survive appoint-blank Flamethrower in the future?

" This Pikachu is Male and the ability is Static. Currently, this Pikachu knows Thundershock, Growl, and Tail Whip. The Age of this Pikachu is Two Years and Five Months."

Austin was even more surprised when he saw that the Pokedex also gave him the age of the Pokemon as Pikachu huffed and looked away.

"You may want to return him to his Pokeball." Prof. Oak suggested gaining Pikachu's attention as he tensed.

Remembering that Pikachu didn't like the Pokeball, Austin smiled. "Nah, I think he would like to be out of it." He said surprising Pikachu that he got it. 'Hopefull,y this will keep him from electrocuting me.' "Besides how can I be his friend if I keep him in the ball the whole time?"

Pikachu shook his head as if to say, 'Yeah, good luck with that.'

Prof. Oak scratched his cheek. "If you're sure Ash."

Austin swallowed a bit as he realized he had to go by Ash to avoid questions now.

It'll take a while before he was used to that though.

Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, Austin began trying to get into the mindset of being Ash as he opened his eyes. "You alright, Ash?"

"Uh yeah," Austin said with a sheepish smile. "I'm just trying to calm myself because I'm so excited."

Prof. Oak chuckled as he heard that.

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