
A Drink

Xuan Su's father screamed as he saw his daughter turning to dust right in front of his eyes. Madness and agony clearly plastered across his face.

"I'll fucking kill you!" he shouted as he lunged at me.

I didn't even move, because to be frank, I was still too exhausted from the shit that's been happening to me for the past half-decade. But I didn't need to move either way. 

The King of the Earth Realm, the Old beast only needed to grab the old man's shoulder to completely stop his movement. While Master Rain made a hand gesture that caused hundreds of thousands of small inscriptions to latch themselves against the old man completely sealing his Qi.

Realizing he was not going to move anywhere the old man tears dripping from his eyes screamed "WHY? Have I not given you reward enough? Was it not ample enough! Why to take my daughter's life!" he shouted.

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