
Ploy's Yearbook: Moving Around You

Autor: lunarwrite
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What is Ploy's Yearbook: Moving Around You

Leia o romance Ploy's Yearbook: Moving Around You escrito pelo autor lunarwrite publicado no WebNovel. Official Translated Version by meb Translation TeamWritten by BhapimolHaven’t you ever heard, ‘Friend, don’t quit’?A proud statement came from ‘Pundara,’ known as “Punk” Ploy, the tough girl who loves...


Official Translated Version by meb Translation Team Written by Bhapimol Haven’t you ever heard, ‘Friend, don’t quit’? A proud statement came from ‘Pundara,’ known as “Punk” Ploy, the tough girl who loves her friends more than her life, including Pongtawan, a male friend who grew up with her. Yet Pundara’s ego and volatility tear down everything. Finally, the only thing remaining is her, who keeps her own word no matter how long the time passes. The "Ploy's Yearbook" series consists of: - The Only Regret - Moving around You - Secretly Love - Busy February - Faded Memory Author: Bhapimol Translator: Pattarapong and meb Translation Team Editor: Claire de Lune Illustrator: ladytist Adapted into a TV Series "Ploy's Yearbook"

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11 Chs


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