
please reset the booktitle Julius_Edwards2004 20231218092329 66

Noah Hargreaves and his best friend Amelia Winston make a wish.

Julius_Edwards2004 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter Four: Party of Three

Inside the guild, three they were. Noah was counting money that was laid infront of him, Amelia was reading from a book that the title was uneligable to those who couldn't read the tongue, and Sir Cummings was...well he was-

"Hey guys."

Noah groaned, "And thanks to you, I lost track of what I was counting."

"Shouldn't you be good at multitasking?" With his lush blonde hair, he gave Noah a friendly smile.

"I hope your face gets eaten by a bunch of rats," Noah scooped the coins into a skin sac he kept strapped to his waist. "I also hope it's long and painful."

"Why so much hate?"

Amelia closed her book, "He wanted to bang your wife before he knew it was your wife."


Sir Cummings smiled, "Think like that ever again," he stabbed his sword into the table, "And that'll be your baby maker."

Noah slammed his head on the table, "Uh huh Maybe you'd be doing me a favor by departing me from my penis."

Sir Cummings was confused, "What do you ever mean by that?"


"He's got a small dick."

"Amelia! Again! Why!?"

Sir Cummings laughed, "Word of advice. Rather seeking pleasure," he turned Noah's gaze to his, "Seek love."

Noah smirked, "Yeah right. From who, may I ask? I'm a pretty strong, worthless, nobody. I come from a bad background, and my personality isn't the most uplifting."

Amelia pulled Noah's face into her chest, "There there. You going to cry again? I'm here."

"Amelia," his voice was muffled in her chest, "Why are you embarrassing me again."

She smiled, "Because, it's fun."

Looking at the two, Sir Cummings slapped his head, "Oh dear, is this what you've been working with lovely?"

Amelia smiled at Sir Cummings, "Yup. A big 'crybaby.'"

Noah groaned, "Let's just get to the quest."

Walking along the dirt road, the three kept a close formation. Sir Cummings was lead with Amelia in the center and Noah at the rear. The quest they had accepted was to deliver minerals to the local blacksmith. Right now the three were on there way to gather the minerals. Noah and Sir Cummings were going to carry the stones while Amelia would act like a scout with her speed. Stopping at a spilt, a sign read that left would get them to there destination faster, but this route was also infested with dangers that were failed to be recorded. The right however, wasn't much dangerous, but because of the mountain range, you couldn't go through but only over or around.

"If we go left, it may be dangerous, but we can just go right through the mountain," Noah stepped on the left.

"But, if we go right, we can guarantee our safety while still getting to the spot," Sir Cummings stepped to the right.

"Ha ha, very funny," Noah looked at the both of them, "But it's best to get the mission done quickly."

"Even so, it's most preferred that we complete this mission with no causalities."

"That's why Amelia can act as a scout!"

"Are you trying to sacrifice her," Sir Cummings stepped towards Noah.

"I would never do such a horrible thing to Amelia."

"Says the one with such scummy thoughts!"

Noah began to draw out his sword, "Also argues the one named after my fucking sperm!"

"Do you really think you're all that! You're just a-"

Emerging from the left path, Amelia looked at the two about to draw swords, "What happened while I was gone?"

The two out away the swords and Sir Cummings grew confused.

"What do you mean, 'while I was gone?'"

Amelia laughed, "Well Noah asked if I could scout the left path, so I scouted the left path and found a route to take to aviod any traps. Plus, I dealt with any monsters that were present."

Sir Cummings was speechless.

"Told you. You sexist weirdo," Noah smirked as he followed behind Amelia down the left path.

Giving in, Sir Cummings followed suit.

As they walked along the path, both Sir Cummings and Noah admired the beauty of the forest. The vibrant leaves and scenery of the spring flowers, to the brilliant golden aura leaking from deeper within. Running across the path were a herd of deer. As they ran by, the group saw a one alone. Sir Cummings thought of approaching to help it but Amelia stopped him. Watching intentively, the deer stepped on a twig. From behind it, a large log came out the tree line and sped towards it. Dodging the log, the deer hit another twigs which then blew up the deer entirely.

"Oh shit," Noah was shocked.

"You know what Amelia, thanks," Sir Cummings hid behind the two.

"Well, let's proceed forward," Amelia continued on.

Cutting through the mountain range, the three immediately spotted a cave in the clearing. Running for it, they grabbed two mine carts, piled into the one behind, and went forth into the mines. Hopping out the carts, the three began walking deeper into the mine.

"Over here," Sir Cummings said in a low tone.

Both Amelia and Noah turned there attention towards Sir. Moving over to him, they looked over his shoulder. A light source was seen moving further down.


"Probably," Amelia grabbed her sword form her waist.

Grabbing a torch off the cave walls, Noah took lead as they slowly went down the tunnel. Peering around the corner, the tunnel opened up into a large cavern. It was brightened from top to bottom. There were layers, workers on each floor. Convator belts and lifts. Goblins pushed carts, ogres stood guard. Shiny minerals stuck out the walls and filled the carts being brought atop. "Guys, this cave was taken as a quarry for the goblins."

"But why would goblins need minerals," Sir Cummings readied his sword.

"Just like humans, they can learn as well," Amelia glanced backwards behind them and stared for a moment. After sometime, she turned back forward.

"You think we could just bargain with them," Noah had his other hand resting on his sword.

"Perhaps. If they're different than your average, murderous, pieces of low-life, goblins."

Amelia used her freehand to pull a dagger from her belt, "I don't think so," pivoting herself to the rear again, she threw the dagger at the metal sheet leaning against the cave wall which then ricocheted off iut if sight. Soon, a scream followed, "They were watching us. I could sense the bloodlust from something." Running off, Amelia returned with a dead Goblin.

"They're normally a loud bunch, they are certainly improving."

Noah drew his sword, "Follow my lead then."

Dropping the corpse, Amelia clasped both her hands on her sword. Closing her eyes, she began to chant, "O thoust be given fleeting speed-"

Both Noah and Sir Cummings drew their swords and made themselves known to the opposition.

"We got this," Noah grazed his hand over his sword, engulfing the blade in flames.

"I, The Cumming Knight, will besiege thy with a quick death!"

"-In the slumbers of what be not given of us, I ask, grace lend us your powers!"

Speeding off into the incoming onslaught, Noah and Sir Cummings fought side by side. Loping off the head of an ogre, Sir Cummings kicked it into a crowd of goblins. Running up from behind Sir Cummings, he placed his hand on his shoulder and boosted his offensive capabilities. Charging into the goblins, Sir Cummings grabbed a purple stone, threw it at a goblins head, and cut the others up. Cutting through in between both Noah and Sir Cummings, Amelia thrusted her blade in an ogres stomach, leapt back, and flipped her hair out her eyes. With the three moving back to back to back, they all looked at eachother and smirked.

"I guess your cum isn't so bad," Noah glanced off to his side.

"Haha! I told you!"

Amelia rolled her eyes, "Weirdos."