

Finally, the many long, boring months of waiting would finally come to an end. I thought they never would. Beta Ray Bill was here, the prototype Green Lantern Ring once wielded by Tyran'r the Mighty presented to Tomar-Re in a box.

Scanning it with his ring, making sure that it wasn't a fake, Tomar-Re nodded his head. "I thank you for returning this to us," Tomar-Re said, but before he could take the ring, I closed the lid of the box. "Is there a problem?"

"No." I shook my head. "However, how can I be certain that the Guardians don't intend to just kill me once they get this ring back. It would be very easy for them to simply have said all those things, just to get the Power Ring back and then get rid of me. Am I simply to take your word for it?"

Tomar-Re frowned. "Why bring this up now and not before?"

Like I would do that.

It would be easy for him to go away and come back with an answer that would appease me. But here, on the spot like this, I would be able to get a real and honest answer, not some practised line. By the looks of things, he truly believed that the Guardians would follow through with their word, I didn't though.

"I can assure you, the Guardians have given their word. I..."

"I've heard it all before. You used your position and influence, all of it to make sure that I wouldn't be punished for my actions so long as I brought back the ring." I dismissed. Again, Tomar-Re believed the words he was saying, but I'm not certain the Guardians would follow through, least of all Thaal Sinestro.

He was my enemy and perhaps my greatest one at this point in time. Perhaps when he broke away to become a Yellow Lantern, things could change, but not right now. In fact, I had every intention of forming an alliance with Sinestro, unlike Atrocitus, he had showcased the ability to submit to those of greater power. He had done so in the Injustice comics and in the actual canon events from time to time.

Whereas Atrocitus was a mad dog I would let off the leash to destroy my enemies until he was either dead or served his purpose. Sinestro was someone I could actually use by my side as a capable and powerful general and advisor.

Atrocitus use was short term, Sinestro's far broader.

Which was why I knew that as a member of the Green Lantern, Sinestro would prove to be a dangerous foe. He was the one I was worried about most, not the Guardians with all their power, they at least rarely involved themselves in conflict. Sinestro though was not only highly skilled and powerful but quite radical in his tactics as well.

Not a good thing for an enemy to possess. "I trust that you believe your words, but can you guarantee that all your brethren will be able to follow through with them." By the hesitation and look upon his face, Tomar-Re was getting what I was hinting at.

"Though you may think that, I personally shall ensure that no harm shall come to you or your people." Honestly, it was a little too easy to take advantage of his guilt, but it ultimately got me what I wanted. A Green Lantern, someone who felt indebted to me for his past failings, patrolling my empire was precisely what I wanted.

If Sinestro or one of the more radical Green Lanterns attempted to go behind the backs of the Guardians, then they would have to face Tomar-Re first. Or at least I hoped so, even if they didn't, Tomar-Re due to his duty to this sector would have to come to put an end to the fight. No matter how powerful or skilled they may be, Tomar-Re would be there to stop them and they would either be defeated by said Lantern or have to beat him.

I doubt infighting between the Green Lanterns would be accepted. "You were a good Lantern for Krypton, your mistake notwithstanding." That earned a wince from the Lantern, but I ignored it and instead indicated for Beta Ray Bill to hand it over to him. "I suppose, that we all make mistakes in our lives though, some bigger than others. Rao knows I have made many, so I will not hold this one over you. I will trust you, Tomar-Re, but there will not be a third time."

Watching as the Green Lanterns departed, I felt my forced smile slip away into a frown as I turned away. The meeting had come to an end, the prototype ring of Tyrna'r the Mighty been handed over in my effort to avoid all-out war.

One crisis had been averted.

I should be happy about that, but I'm not, far from it in fact. Because while I had avoided this crisis, it didn't really provide me with the freedom I wanted. The peace with the Green Lanterns was tentative at best, the moment I made a move it was bound to result in war. Tomar-Re had not outright said it, but it was easy to read between the lines to realise that the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps weren't happy with letting me go unpunished.

I had killed one of theirs after all. Even the Guardians it seems could get sentimental when losing someone who had served for as long as Tyran'r had. So me invading another sector would be all the excuse they would need to wage war.

No, just I had intended from the beginning, I would have to wait for the Five Inversions to build up their forces to a degree that they could keep the Green Lanterns busy. Plus, the cloning facility was nowhere near ready, nor was the cloning technology anywhere near completion either.

Which meant I was stuck waiting.

It reminded me of back when I was on Krypton, under heavy surveillance from my biological father, Lor-Em and in the early days, my adoptive father, Dru-Zod. Even when I earned Dru-Zod's trust, Lor-Em still kept me under heavy watch. Having all these memories and ideas for the future, yet unable to do anything because of all the eyes watching over me.

I didn't like that feeling.

But I kept my calm.

The last thing I needed to do was allow my new sense of freedom to lead me to do something stupid. I would have to wait, only for a few years before my empire could unleash its new line of troops upon my next target and no, it wasn't the Vega System.

Why you might ask?

Well, that's simple, once again, Tomar-Re had alluded to there being something more within the Vega System, something more powerful than even Tyran'r the Mighty. Something that had led to the Green Lanterns and the Guardians, withdrawing all attempts to have a police force within it. That alone was enough to tell me that the Vega System was not going to be the simple conquest I thought it would be.

It was strange though, how come I didn't know about this being? Was it a one-time appearance from a comic issue I had never read? Was it something not part of the DC Comics altogether? Or was the world I originally came from still existing? If so, did that mean new and more powerful characters could pop up in this world when the comic book writers decided to make new ones?

Neither option was something I enjoyed the thought of, but the latter least of all. The idea that the knowledge I had in comic books was not a hundred percent accurate was something I had already come to terms with. The combination of these multiverses into one meant that the way certain empires and factions interacted would change. But the idea that new characters that I had no idea about could appear at any moment, was something even more terrifying.

But for now, the Vega System was something I was choosing to avoid until such a time that I could gather more information upon this mysterious being. Or if I reached a level of power that I felt confident in battling against the Guardians, in which case I would enter the Vega System.

Not ideal, but it was smarter than simply going in guns blazing and getting myself killed.

So instead, I was intending to use both the Vega System and the Coalition of Planets as a buffer to protect my rear for now. Neither stood in the path of my plans to connect with the Empire of Tears whereas one did.

It was an unnamed galaxy that spanned over numerous sectors of space. Part of a little galaxy, far, far away. One that had captured the hearts and minds of millions with its epic tale of space. And one that presented the perfect solution to my cloning issues. While I may not be able to invade the galaxy openly with my empire, I could use the same loophole that every other small budding empire like the Viltrumites did.

Infiltrate and take over the planet and then the entire sector subtly. Even receive a call for aid by a faction within it that could allow me to rally my forces, all the while the Green Lanterns could do nothing but watch.

It would be much better for me than simply sitting around and doing nothing for Rao knows how long. The last time that happened and I got a taste of freedom and agency, it ended with me rushing things and becoming a slave. So no, it may not be the fast-paced action I wanted, but it would give me something to occupy my mind with until all the pieces were in place.

Who knows, it might even be fun?

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