
The Stud & The Dame

Harry and Hermione end up growing up fast, right around the same time. Suddenly, Harry is a total hunky stud and Hermione is noticing. Meanwhile, Hermione has become a curvaceous, buxom young beauty and Harry has DEFINITELY noticed that. https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Angelina Johnson Pt. 3

That's the sight that Angelina, Alicia, and Katie all walk into. The three older witches stop dead in their tracks as Harry turns to look at them along with his trio of horny cheerleader pets. Lavender still has her head inches from Harry's crotch. Hermione is standing there with her face aflame and her massive tits heaving in the skimpy top she's wearing. And Daphne is knelt on the floor before her like Hermione has conquered the Slytherin, still recovering from her orgasm.

Harry lifts an eyebrow as he takes in the three women who were once called Gryffindor's Flying Foxes. Apparently, going over quidditch strategies was meant to be done in tight sports bras and form-fitting short shorts. That was what the trio of Chasers were dressed in after all, their beautiful bodies mostly on display just like Hermione, Lavender, and Daphne.

Judging by the looks on their faces, they were planning to tease him again, but instead they'd found this. Harry didn't know that Plan 'Train our Stud Seeker' had just gone up in smoke. Of course, Angelina can't help but rib Harry just a little.

"Three girls at once Harry? That's a little overambitious, isn't it?"

Katie meanwhile, has a petulant pout on her face and her arms crossed over her chest. Where had the goddamn cheerleaders come from? Where had Harry been hiding those scrumptious outfits? And why hadn't he given her one? She would have loved to help him relax with a nice, full-body massage. Mm…

Alicia on the other hand, stares first at Harry's bulging muscles and then at the phenomenal figures of the three younger witches spread out across the Locker Room. A frown slowly spreads across the dark-skinned woman's face.

"Hang on… why didn't we have this waiting for us back when we were on the team?"

Harry snorts at that, and Hermione scoffs as she places her hands on her hips, glancing pointedly at each Chaser's crotch and then over at Harry's, where even from the entrance of the Locker Room, the older witches could see the outline of his cock. Both Alicia and Katie were impressed, while Angelina had already seen it the other day, and was far less taken aback.

Grinning viciously, the most well-built of the three women steps forward, her own hands on her hips as she towers over Hermione. The brunette witch backs down from the Amazonian Goddess with a light eep, even as Harry slowly stands up, knowing none of his girls could possibly stand toe to toe with Angelina. Not like Hermione and Daphne did with each other. Smirking at the show of submission, Angelina turns her gaze from Hermione to Harry, smirking easily.

"I see you have some lovely cheerleaders Harry. Cute girls, if a bit chubby. But I'm sure you know the Flying Foxes are harder nuts to crack than some soft, prissy princesses."

"Care to make a wager on that?!"

Angelina's eyes snap back to Hermione and Harry looks at the brunette witch with some mild surprise as well. It seems the know-it-all isn't as out of the running as he thought, as she holds her head high. Before Angelina can respond and crush her verbally, Lavender speaks up as well, mewling in a cutesy voice from the floor where she's kneeling at Harry's feet.

"That wouldn't be fair to poor Harry though, Mistress! Master would never be relieved of the pressure in his big balls. Sure, he'd break these slutty amazons, but it would be too cruel to leave him backed up. Merlin knows they could never actually SATISFY him~"

The way she says it… well, the words are clearly meant as an insult, and the three Chasers take them as that, bristling as they all glare at Lavender. The problem is her tone and her ditzy smile… the blonde has acting like a bimbo down to a T, and it's hard to get angry at a girl who doesn't seem to realize she's making you angry in the first place.

This allows Daphne to get in on the action, even as she climbs to her feet and grins wickedly.

"That's right. WE know how to sate this barbaric brute. You 'Flying Foxes' wouldn't even make it past the third hour before you'd give up and beg for mercy."

Harry watches on in mild amusement as Angelina turns this way and that, attacked from all sides by his current lovers. Finally, the beautiful dark-skinned witch snarls as her hands curl into fists.

"You're ON!"

Spinning towards Harry, Angelina points a finger at him.

"Time to live up to the hype Harry. Your girls have talked you up enough, don't you think? Best prove their words true with action."

She smirks and crosses her arms over her sizable chest, cocking one hip to the side.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll last long enough to make me cum at least once. You've earned a fuck, on account of being my favorite little Seeker."

Harry and Angelina stare at each other for a second, his green pupils drilling into her dark-brown irises. Finally, he speaks and his tone is calm and confident as he never takes his eyes off of the Nubian Goddess before him.

"Girls, take care of Katie and Alicia. Angelina… come along."

And just like that, he's walking from the Gryffindor Locker Room to the nearby Quidditch Captain's Office. Angelina pauses for a moment, and he can feel her glaring daggers into his back behind him at the way he's ordering her about. But Harry never stops moving, and as he walks down the hallway that will take him to the office, he hears Hermione's voice, childish but as provocative as ever.

"What? Are you scared, now?"

And just like that, Angelina is following after him.


Angelina growls as she stomps her way into the Captain's Office. Because of her slight hesitance at obeying his order, Harry's gotten there ahead of her, positioning himself so he's leaning back against the front of HIS desk, his arms crossed over his chest as he smirks at her. Stalking forward, the well-built witch smashes her lips against Harry's and the gorgeous, muscular pair begin to engage in a fight for domination right then and there.

She's never not been the top in all of her relationships. Angelina Johnson does not bottom. She usually doesn't do equal either, if she's being honest. As such, it's quite surprising when Harry meets her on even ground. Their lips smack together, their tongues wrestle between their mouths, but there's no clear winner in sight as they makeout almost ferally, like animals instead of human beings. Their kissing is rough, and primal, not something sensual or loving.

The older witch has always been heavily athletic and extremely competitive. While she enjoys the feel of a muscular stud like Harry pressing into her curves as she feels out his muscles, she's not about to just succumb to his desires, she's not going to submit to his whims. The beautiful Amazon-esque girl retaliates fiercely against ever domineering move he makes, even as Harry's magic slowly begins to overwhelm her own.

In physical attributes, they could very well be evenly matched. Neither of them would never know though, because the more time Angelina spent in Harry's presence, the more she was exposed to the power that the Dark Lord knew not. As it turned out, that wasn't something silly like love or anything specific that Voldemort had no knowledge of.

No, Harry's 'power that the Dark Lord' knew not was quite literally just that. The young wizard was so powerful that Voldemort, Tom Marvolo Riddle, could never hope to comprehend just how strong Harry was. Even Dumbledore with all his decades of magical experience couldn't quite understand how magically gifted his Chosen One was. He truly didn't know that Harry was stronger than both Voldemort and himself, COMBINED.

That was what Angelina felt as they kissed. That was what left the dark-skinned witch drunk and a little overwhelmed on his power, like he was feeding her his magic… and in a way, that's exactly what he was doing. It takes Angelina a moment to realize her she's rising up. Her sports bra is ripped into two pieces and Harry buries his face in her tits as he licks and suckles at them.

Moaning wantonly, Angelina laces her fingers into his black, messy mop of hair and grinds her chest into his head.

"Mm, you know Harry, for a seeker, you really love quaffles~ If I'd known that this was all I needed to motivate you, I'd have gone and smothered you with my tits every game. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to show you why cheerleaders shouldn't be playing with bludger bats!"

That last bit is clearly directed at his dick, as her hand goes down and grabs for his cock. But before she can really get a grip on his massive 'bat', Harry ups the ante and lifts her even further up until quite suddenly, Angelina finds herself spun around and upside down. The dark-skinned witch's eyes go wide as Harry holds her up. The young skinny beanpole of a wizard she'd once known has REALLY grown up, as he simply carries her weight like it's nothing.

Angelina gets a small sign of just how strong Harry has become magically as well as physically, when the next thing she knows their clothes are completely gone. Her sports bra was already torn in two, but her short shorts disappear a moment later, vanished by magic, and so does the lower half of Harry's Quidditch Uniform.

Before she can even think of getting him back for so easily flipping her upside down, Angelina is stopped dead, frozen in place by the sight of his massive, impossibly long, fat-as-fuck cock, along with his truly gigantic ball sack hanging right below it. More than anything though, she's shocked by the fact that Harry is still completely soft, and yet so unbelievably huge anyways.

When his tongue slides into her twat, Angelina instinctively reaches out and grabs hold of the giant dick in front of her, not giving up that easily. She grunts from the pleasure he's forcing on her, his tongue elongating like that of a serpent's as he really begins to give it to her. At the same time, Angelina strokes Harry's dick up and down, before leaning in and placing the head of his cock in between her fat, plump lips.

She sucks at his dick as he eats her out right then and there, and the precum and his sweat combine into an absolutely delicious flavor that has Angelina almost losing her mind. That combined with the way his tongue is pleasuring her cunt as his chin bumps incessantly up against her clit… it's enough to drive a woman crazy. And it would drive any lesser woman crazy in no time flat, of that Angelina had no doubt.

But she was no lesser woman. She wasn't even a normal woman. Angelina Johnson wasn't the kind of girl who just gave up. Not now, not ever. Competitive to a fault, the dark-skinned witch eventually realizes that she's losing, and if she continues to play by Harry's game, she's going to lose no matter what. The blood is already rushing up to her head after all, and that feeling of being drunk on Harry's magic is amplifying the more of his precum she drinks down.

Growling, the dark-skinned woman goes for a bit of a power move. She tightens her thighs around Harry's head, grips down hard with her legs, and then let's go of his cock to push off of the desk he's leaned up against. A moment later, and Angelina is on top while Harry is stuck beneath her. They're still sixty-nining, and Angelina wouldn't have it any other way, but now she's in control.

Or so she thinks. As she slides more and more of Harry's dick down her throat, the dark-skinned Nubian Goddess moans wantonly around his length, her eyes threatening to flutter back in her head. It tastes so good. And it feels good too, having his tongue slipping and sliding into her cunt. She's trying desperately to bring Harry to climax before her, but in the end it's just not possible. The young wizard's willpower is stronger than hers, and he has all the advantages.

Angelina cums first with a loud cry that sends vibrations up Harry's length. Her orgasm sends shockwaves through her entire body, and her eyes roll up in her head as she moans wantonly, the sound muffled by the massive thick meat pole in her throat. It feels good… too good. But even if she has cum first, the Chaser isn't willing to give up, not for a single second. She's not winded, she's just a bit more sensitive… and one orgasm doesn't mean she's lost.

No, that's not the deal, is it? The wager that those idiot cheerleaders out in the locker room had made on Harry's behalf had been centered around HIS release. Their boastful claims, that Harry could last for hours without cumming inside of her… that was what Angelina was here to disprove. And with that in mind, she's quite happy to redouble her efforts to get him to blow his load, bobbing her head up and down his cock all the faster as she no longer worries about her own pleasure, merely seeking to bring Harry to the brink… and then over the edge.

Neither of them is even particularly winded at this point. They're like a pair of titans, competing and fucking to see who belongs on top. Each believed deep down in their hearts that it was them and not the other. Only one was undeniably right though. And he was quite eager to show Angelina the error of her ways.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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