
Playing Cards In Duel City

Some boi inexplicably finds himself transported to the game world "Yugioh: Linking the World," accompanied by his very own non-player character template. The story rewinds to a time before the game's official launch, granting our mc an additional month before players can dive into the virtual realm. The nameless pharaoh, still dormant within the high school student Muto's body, awaits the unfolding events. The grand competition duel city, destined to transcend epochs, has yet to commence. As the game finally launches, players eagerly log in, only to discover a brand-new NPC who was absent from the original game. Our Boi: "Should all you players go for those card packs? Fifty-one packs, totaling five hundred and ten companies. Fair prices, fair outcomes!" The players fixate their gaze on the potently alluring UR card, labeled as an ultra-rare item in the product list. Their eyes burn with desire as a single thought resounds in their minds: ——"Just draw that card!" ………….. This is a Edit from MTL.If there is any questions about this fanfic please ask away. Though might not answer because I won’t be looking at the comments to much, after all the internet is full of toxicity, I don’t want to ruin my mood. Though I say this but I probably will look and answer anyways… and cover not mine, found it on Pinterest

Shadoudia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 22: Fanatical Players!

"Pot of Desire!"

This card is undoubtedly one of the most well-known cards among Yu-Gi-Oh players, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it has become one of the symbols of the game.

Pot of Desire is a spell card that allows the player to draw two cards from their deck.

In a card game like Yu-Gi-Oh, where there is no limit to the number of cards in hand, the player's hand size directly correlates with the resources they possess.

If both players reach the late stages of the game without any special cards that benefit from an empty hand or field, the player with a larger hand size and a field full of monsters will have a significant advantage over the other player who has only one or two cards in hand and an empty field. In such a scenario, the outcome of the duel is almost predictable.

The number of resources in hand can be seen as a representation of the duel's health for both sides. The player with more resources can easily dominate the game.

This is why having a card like Pot of Desire, which allows for unconditional drawing of two cards, is considered extremely powerful. It widens the card advantage gap against the opponent at no cost, and even with a significant card disadvantage, using Pot of Desire increases the chances of a comeback.

It's no wonder that almost every deck includes three copies of this card.

However, there's a catch.

For the players of this era in the game, Pot of Desire is like a legendary artifact only seen in legends. No one has ever witnessed its usage in actual combat.

But now, they have come across this incredible card in the personal store of an NPC!

Officially, there are no restrictions on banned cards in the Linked World. As long as players can obtain the cards through legitimate means within the game, there are no usage restrictions.

Of course, the first problem is obtaining it.

It's absolutely impossible to obtain the Pot of Desire card directly from the system's card pool. Moreover, even after playing Link World for many years in Yuyu's previous life, no one has ever heard of anyone obtaining Pot of Desire through hidden missions or other channels.

This card seems to be exclusively reserved for the local NPCs, and players have no chance to acquire it.

However, thanks to Yuyu, the "good guy", players now have the possibility of obtaining it!

Players can't use Pot of Desire by directly opening card packs from the game store. But if a card that meets the requirements of a special mission is given by an NPC like Yuyu, the system recognizes it as a special card obtained during the game and allows its usage.

In other words, the only way players can obtain exclusive cards that are normally unavailable to them and are only possessed by NPCs is through Yuyu!.

Xuelang and Jay couldn't contain their excitement when they saw the UR Pot of Desire in the NPC's store. However, their excitement quickly turned into disappointment when they noticed the acquisition conditions—NPC You Yu's favorability must be 90 or higher!

They looked at each other, realizing that completing this condition in their lifetime was nearly impossible. How could they manage to raise the NPC's favorability to such a high level?

They started contemplating the absurdity of the situation.

Then they looked at the price of the Pot of Desire in spars...

...How many zeros were there in the cost?

The two rookies felt their minds spinning.

Their newly created accounts only had double-digit spars. At this rate, who knows how long it would take to accumulate enough spars to purchase the Pot of Desire...

Well, of course, Yuyu marked the Pot of Desire as an N card himself. The "UR" in the private store was merely for show. He only possessed one of these powerful cards, and it was impossible for him to sell it casually to players. Placing it in the private store UR section was simply to make it look good. Besides, the poor players who had just started their accounts wouldn't be able to afford it.

However, Xuelang and Jay were both inspired by this discovery, and they resolved to work hard and grind in order to earn enough spars.

Now that they had been scammed of there novice coupons, Yuyu understood that their low-level accounts were currently of no use to him, so he sent them on their way.

Yuyu recalled that the closed beta would only last for few days, during which players could only experience the game and couldn't accomplish much.

By chance, Yuyu encountered a player, a novice who he decided to test his function as an NPC on.

It will be easier to start preying on players once the open beta began and there was a larger player base.

Xuelang and Jay both left the card shop with excitement and enthusiasm, feeling that there future in this game world shone brighter than ever, the future was full of promises.

Their joint effort to connect to Yuyu quickly formed a deep bond between these two players who had never met before. They developed an high level of friendship instantly.

Men really become friends quickly, if they had the same interests.

The two of them quickly made an agreement—to never let any other player discover this key NPC!

After all, he was the only one in the entire game with copies of Pot of Desire and who knows what other cards. Having access to possibly get these set of cards would make their decks incredibly powerful.

With that, they believed they could stand out among players and even have a chance at winning the World Championship! As many virtual games host that type of championships.

So, they agreed that Yuyu would be their exclusive treasure, and they must never disclose it to any third party.

Yuyu anticipated what Xuelang and Jay were thinking.

After all, he was once one of those fanatical players.

However, the two of them might be in for a disappointment because the "hidden NPC" they had discovered was probably not as easy to hide as they thought.

At this moment, this NPC had already begun contemplating how to find players once the official open beta began.


That night, as per his routine, Yuyu headed to the duel venue after finishing his daily tasks, ready to continue gaining experience and earning spars.

The streets were unusually empty tonight, possibly due to a light rain. The cold breeze swept through the deserted streets, raindrops dancing under the orange glow of the streetlights, and the air carried a damp scent.

Following his usual path, Yuyu entered an alley and soon realized he was being followed.