
Chapter 1: The horn that changed the world

*Sounds of cars"

In some streets of New York, you can see a young boy, wearing a school uniform with headphones on his head while carrying his backpack.

"Another day I guess..."

His name is, Jason Huntsmen. 16 years old. A sophomore in high school.

His looks are pretty normal, nothing special about his features besides his Dark green eyes that seem to glow in the sunlight. As well as his fluffy long brown hair reaching his shoulders. His height around 170 cm with a stocky build. A normal looking high school if you ask me.

Honestly the main character of any web novel story or anime who is going to get reincarnated into a fantasy world would look like. is this boy. This type of character is the one your eyes usually glimpse past in a crowded area.

"Why do I have to go to school.. I just wanna play my games. Mann I hate school..*Sigh*"

His school is just starting, as today is the first day. He was on his way towards his classes, as his backpack he was carrying is filled with the utensils you would normally need on the first day of school.

Walking towards his school while listening to his favorite song, he begins vibing, While attracting attention from the surrounding crowd as they smirk and laugh in mocking manners. Not that he cares as he couldn't even hear them he continues to vibe while making way towards his school.


After 10 minutes of walking, he finally arrives at his school's parking lot as he suddenly crosses paths with his best friend and only friend Nick Mikaelson who he met at the orphanage they currently live at. As his parents died in a car accident when he was 8.

Jason loved his parents, they were great parents who cared about him more than anything. Not that it matters though as Jason had to face the reality of life at the age of 8, as well as watching his potential new parents who could adopt him turn away from him when they learn of his parents deaths. His everyday life was very difficult but his life slowly became much better when he met his friend Nick. Nick's life was very similar too Jason's so they hit it off quickly and been friends since then.

By seeing that harshness of life at a young age, it created a trauma to Jason. Causing him to turn away from people quickly as to not get hurt first. As well as making him want to escape reality that he hates so much. (Hints the Games)

After meeting up with his friend Nick they walk to class sharing a few words. Entering their class while walking to their seats not bothering to hold any conversation with any of their new class mates, Jason chooses a seat next to the window in the back with Nick to his right.

As they take their seats Nick continues the conversation that they had while entering school.

Nick: "Yo bro Jason, have you heard about that new game coming out Friday? You and I got to play together bro it looks sickkkkk" who turns toward Jason with a happy expression spread across his face.

Jason: "Nick of course I'm going to get that game bro! I legitimately told you this 100 times." while rolling his eyes towards Nick while resting his chin on his hand.

"Yah yah I know, I'm just very excited man! says Nick while scratching the back of his head feeling embarrassed.

Jason then turns towards Nick to begin going on a nerd speech about how awesome this game but before he begins talking he gets interrupted.

*Slam* the teacher drops a large batch of books on a desk as he begins speaking.

"Attention! Attention! Class, now that all of you are listening let me introduce myself, I'm your history teacher Mr:Adams. First things first I'm going to go through attendance while calling upon everyone, just say "Here" when I call your name."

As this attendance is going on Jason is currently trying his hardest to not fall asleep as he was up all night last night playing games, his name gets called.

"Here!" shouts Jason waking up his friend Nick who was similarly passed out due to his late night gaming.

"Okay since everyone here lets begin class shall we?"

"Yes!" shouts the class

"Okay lets begin"

As the class has been taking turns reading from their history book Jason is currently completely knocked out, same with Nick.

Soon the bell rings for them to go to their next class the two begrudgingly get up while walking like zombies towards their next classes, while in the hallway everyone stops dead in their tracks as they hear a horn louder than anything they have ever heard before.

Curious of the sound the students all turn toward the window including Jason and Nick, while looking out the window wondering where the horn sound is coming from.

The sky then gets torn in half as a gigantic being appears in full view. A man with a long white beard wearing a crown as lighting courses through his very being then opens his mouth and begins to speak in a voice weirdly hearable by all creatures of earth.

"Fear not puny mortals, Your creators have decided to test you!" The being spoke as all humans have despair in their eyes besides Jason and Nick who currently have sparks in are eyes filled with excitement.

"Due to us being completely disappointed in what you mortals have become we were going to destroy this planet as it is merely only 1 in 1 trillion of all the planets under our control. But due to the goddess Gaia who spoke up about a truly fun game for us to enjoy." said the being with look that said he was speak to everyone.

As he said this everyone begins to become scared at the possibility of what the game is, and also that the gods people believe in are actually real.

" The Apocalypse is here! Rejoice! you filthy mortals for this your chance! At the end of this Apocalypse there will be a tournament hosted by we the gods as the remaining humans fight it out and the 10 winners will become gods! You will become a god in the pantheon of your choice!"

As this god said this Jason who was currently watching felt a spark in his heart. Filled with excitement and finally a goal in his life.

Looking over towards Nick with a smile from ear to ear, he notices the same smile and spark in Nicks eyes as they look towards each another and nod. As they do this they don't realize the looks of horror on the people around them.

The being begins speaking again "Us gods will be watching you! Some of us will even bless some of you, so do your best to entertain us as well as awaking your divinity!"

As the being left with the sky returning back to normal, everyone on earth felt a change in their body like something in the body structure changed. Many humans who were used to video games all thought of "Status" including Jason and Nick.

As he does this a golden framed window pops up in front of his eyes.

Name- Jason Huntsmen



Blessing Received- None

Strength Stat-13

Dexterity Stat-7




Potential points-




Jason begins examining his status, which he does quickly as it is all self explanatory. He quickly begins to think of other game like things, as he thinks of inventory.

As he opens his inventory he notices a weapon inside called "Wooden sword" he then clicks on details next to the "Wooden sword" icon.

"Wooden sword: A Weapon the gods have given the humans to help in their journey, only by using your fists or weapons created by the gods can you level up off of kills. Mortal weapons of your planet do not grant any exp."

"Hmm.. so guns or anything of are planet are useless.. got it." says Jason as he walks towards Nick while passing by the people currently walking in circles with looks of despair. When he reaches Nick he begins telling him about all the information he has learned so far, as Nick begins to tell his information as well.

"What I'm guessing is that some of us are born with special abilities, As what I got from you is that you have no special skills or anything of the sort. But I have a special ability." Says Nick while holding his chin while scratching his imaginary beard.

"You have a ability? tell me about it?" Asks Jason who is about to geek out in excitement.

"Yah bro its called "The Born King" says Nick who is currently smiling like he was in heaven.

"Bro! that's sounds awesome, tell me more about!" says Jason who is kind of jealous of his friends ability but is mainly very happy for his friend to have such a badass power.

"It says "The Born King" speaking words such as Kneel or words in a commanding way can influence a persons mind to obey your will." says Nick as he tells Jason with a look of yeah I'm awesome.

"Dude that's OP as fuck *Sigh* you have a heads start man haha" says Jason who is shaking his head thinking about the cockiness of his friend.

They then hear a slam as the door of the schools entrance busts open as zombies numbering in 20's begin moving towards the students as Jason and Nick take out their "Wooden Swords" while rushing towards the zombies with 0 fear but 100% pure excitement.