
Pirate or Revolutionary? It doesn't matter, let's follow our Boss(Mc).

I just want to write my imagination, so don't wait too long. This is the story of Lisarb D. Sora, a prince of a kingdom who saw how rotten the nobles of the world are and when he realized that although the others knew were doing nothing, Sora then decided to fix things with his own hands. The cover is not mine, if the creator wants me to remove it, contact me and I will remove it. Thank you ^ - ^

Tennouji_Kotarou · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

A butler and two maids.

The king of Lisarb acted quickly, a patio was already set aside for Sora, a royal family has plenty of money to prepare land like this, everything was prepared, items and people to protect Sora from any attack.

Sora tried to take things as passively as she could, but things were going too fast, he barely had time to reason and he was already on his separate patio, protected by many men, everyone was big and strong, maybe any child of 5 years would be intimidated by this view, but Sora kept her face neutral and calm. At least, that was what he expected it to convey.

Sora barely started his plans to deal with slavery and the evils of the kingdom and was already so limited in the things he can do ... This is quite shocking for him.

Sora really wanted to meet with those three again, but the way things were going to be impossible.

And Sora's day went like this. With him trying to go as unnoticed as possible, always protected by many guards. There were a lot of bad things for that, but he cannot deny that he had the benefit of being able to study without interruption, and even more incredible was having access to all the books in the kingdom, only this promise was enough to liven up the little spirit that Sora had.

But then the night of the first day came ... And it was a nightmare .... Sora who was reading a book, felt a bad feeling and tried to warn the guard, but it was not in time, since a clean cut happened in his throat and he fell dead on the floor ...

Sora felt more and more people's pain, they were killed so easily it was scary. The assassins killed everyone, including the maids, and left only Sora alive. They didn't even try to attack Sora .... It looks like the attack was a warning ...

When the day came, and the guards of the next shift arrived and saw the bloody scene, where a boy was alone in a sea of ​​dead bodies, everyone got goosebumps ... Blood stained the walls of the land that was given to Sora ... It was quite scary what had happened ...

When king arrived and saw the scene, Sora delivered a letter that one of the killers left him. The king after reading the letter, issued a command in the city, that anyone who wants to protect his son Sora, will receive large amounts of money ... But they must be prepared, for death will come after them ...

The king's words were spread throughout the city, and each time it was passed from one to the other, that information was changing its meaning. The meaning of the king's word has changed so much that now they said that the king's third son, Sora, was cursed to find no one to protect him ... This all happened in one day, it was scary.

Some who didn't believe the rumor tried to take the easy money but ended up dead like the previous ones ... If what happened was a normal child, maybe they were traumatized, but Sora was different since the killers didn't want to kill him, Sora relaxed, and read his books ...

The problem with everything came when people stopped accepting this job, with no one to cook or clean the patio, Sora had to try to learn it on her own, wasting her time reading the books. Although Sora is very talented, he had no talent for housekeeping ... This he discovered shortly after trying to make an egg ...

Worse still was the cleaning of the blood from your land, which was very difficult to clean and especially time consuming, since the blood was spread all over the place.

This whole situation continued for 3 months, Sora couldn't take it anymore. Three months .... Three months he spent alone, without contact with anyone, since people did not even dare to set foot on this land, even the king and queen stopped showing up after a while ...

Well, at least his waiting time was over when he met three people. Two were small and one was bigger, they wore black robes on their bodies.

"You are ?." Sora asked first.

"We heard that you are hiring defense and general personnel, so we are looking to be hired." The biggest said, his voice was familiar to Sora ...

"You know it's a death mission, don't you?" Sora asked curiously, to which the man nodded.

"In fact, I'm not only here to work, but also to pay off a debt I owe you." The man in the robe spoke to Sora as he removed the robe from his face.

"Divided?." Sora was certainly confused by this, he does not remember being in debt to anyone. He had already done it with Akira.

After Sora asked this, the three removed their hoods and someone who appeared was someone Sora has known for three months.

"Gokudera, Altair, Neferpitou, you came to see me. I thought it would take even longer." Sora asked as she hugged the two girls happy to be able to see them again. He did the same with Gokudera, who responded by slapping Sora on the head.

"Did you say you want to work here? ..... I ..... I really want to accept it ... But no ... It's too dangerous and you can die ... So no, I'm not hiring you. " Sora said, with the same conviction as always, her eyes put enormous pressure on others.

"Calm down ... I am very strong ... At least stronger than those guards who protected you, these assassins cannot kill me." Gokudera said as he looked directly at Sora.

"And this is not just to protect you, it is to pay my debt to you too ..." Gokudera had been bothering him since Sora removed him from the celestial dragons. Gokudera is not ungrateful, Sora saved him from a hellish life, not only him, but also the two girls ... And right now, Sora needs not only help to protect him, but also to be social.

"So why Altair and Neferpitou are here." Sora asked as she looked at the two girls.

"I didn't say before, but we are both from a family of gentlemen ... So it is in our blood to protect those who are important to us ..." Neferpitou said as he hugged Sora.

"I already said that you can't be sticky like that, Neferpitou." Altaïr pulled Neferpitou out of Sora, trying to get her to let go.

"But she is right, Sora. We also want to protect you ... And it looks like you suffered a lot in that time." Said Altair, confirming what his sister said. About Sora suffering .... Well .... The house was half destroyed, and very dirty .... Even Sora looked a little bad, a little malnourished, with torn clothes and wild hair, nothing of the previous elegance, that the boy from Was 5 years old.

"I will not accept this ... Look, we are no longer accepting guards." Sora said, as if she had won the argument. The king of Lisarb agreed not to accept any more guards to protect Sora ... The three arrived asking for these things to show how determined they were to protect Sora. But Sora doesn't want to see them hurt, much less killed.

"If we cannot be guards, then I will be stewards and they will be your servants." Gokudera said as he dragged Sora into the house.

"What are you doing?. Hey ... Hey .... Gokudera ..." Sora tried to get rid of Gokudera, which didn't work out very well.

"You do not have the right to refuse, that is our wish. Neferpitou, Altair, take care of him." Gokudera told the two. Which they responded excitedly and dragged Sora into the bath, which they took a while to find ...

And that was how Sora got two maids and a butler to take care of him ... Although the two girls were Sora's age, they were different from him, they knew how to do things, they knew how to take care of Sora ... They gave a good shower in it ... It must have been a long time since he had such a shower and was so clean.

They even cleaned the house ... The two girls were almost as competent as the maids, and they were only 5 years old.

Gokudera also did his job as a butler ... He was way inferior to the two girls about looking after the house or Sora, but things like books and tidying up he was just as amazing as ...

At night, Sora was afraid that something might happen to the three of them, so he wanted them to leave, but they didn't. Sora then had to stay with them in the same room and hope that those killers left ...

The wish did not come true, as they came again and tried to kill Gokudera and the two girls. Sora hugged them both so that nothing would happen to them ... But something very surprising happened. Gokudera was able to fight the assassins that not even the guards were able to ... And he dealt with them easily.

"I said ... We are from a knight family, do you think we are going to let anything happen to you?. Gokudera said, while patting Sora on the head. Altaïr and Neferpitou were very happy with Sora.

"We are also strong, we can protect you .... We were only caught by the celestial dragons, because our opponents were very strong ...." And so, Sora got three great companions in his life .... Which he gained a lot of intimacy, especially with Neferpitou and Altair, since they took care of Sora, from the bath until bedtime, who lay down together.

Time passed like this, Sora, Neferpitou, Altair and Gokudera were the only ones living in this place and not even the king bothered to see what was happening. Because of this, Sora's plans began. Free this kingdom from slavery and evil ...

Hello people. Author here .... I am so sleepy when doing this chapter ... I speed things up, I don't think that extending this much will be fun.

Sora's ship will have more crew than Luffy's, so you can name which characters you think would be cool on the crew, whether or not from One Piece.

By the way, Sora is from West Blue.

Tennouji_Kotaroucreators' thoughts