
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Ch 34

"What an excellent idea," I said, doing my best to hide the fact that Laura wasn't the only one that was feeling nervous at the suggestion. 

Penny had many good qualities, but unfortunately, a good balance was not one of them. I still remembered the small string of disasters she created during our first mission, when she tried to help me set up a temporary studio in her living room, only to create considerable chaos in the process. 

"But use this," I said as I passed my phone to her. "The camera is running low, and I need to charge it." I wasn't entirely confident as I gave her my phone as well, especially after seeing her trembling fingers, but it was better than risking my camera. The phone was both harder to break, and easier to replace. 

I didn't ask her to use her own phone, because I didn't trust her to leak them. Not intentionally, certainly, but it was for the best to be on the safe side when dealing with Penny. 

The short walk between my bag and the plug gave everyone some time to process the next step. Penny slowly overcame the effects of her recent climax enough to stand up on her feet, displaying her amazing curves freely. It allowed me to put a new plan on how to handle Laura, to teach her that her earlier aggression was not free. 

Laura decided to use that little time panicking about what was to come, her brown eyes widening beautifully as she realized her earlier moves, done in a momentary excitement, were more dangerous than she realized at the moment, escalating the situation with no benefit to her other than momentary satisfaction. 

Her gaze, locked to my midsection as I walked back to her, my robe a poor barrier to hide my raging arousal, showed her the exact risk she was dealing with. 

As I closed in the distance, I expected her to open her mouth and ask me to stop, but Penny chose to speak at that moment. "We can stop if you can't handle working," Penny said, her tone gleefully smug, clearly hoping that Laura would fail to take that step. 

"Nonsense," Laura answered, showing that Penny wasn't the only one that was fueled by vindictiveness. She even put her hands on her waist as she said so, displaying her body perfectly. 

Penny just smirked as she took a step, closing the distance. "Let's see if you can handle it," she said as she grabbed the strings of Laura's bottom, and pulled them free. It would have been a charismatic move if doing so didn't send my phone away flying, but the floor was luckily covered with a thick, decadent carpet, preventing it from breaking. "Sorry," Penny said, her blush cute.

"Not a problem, sweetie," I said, but I was certainly glad that it was my phone that she flung away. Even with the recent windfall, I doubted I would react well if it was my camera that experienced that unfortunate experience. 

Laura chuckled derisively as she watched Penny dashing back to pick up the phone, which died halfway as she felt me hugging her from behind. 

With nothing in between our bodies, I removed my robe while she was busy paying attention to other objects. 

"M-maybe—" she started, only for her words to die as I pressed my finger to her lips. A touch daring, I had to admit, but not as daring as my shaft lodged between her tight asscheeks. 

"Come on, sweetie. Don't change your mind on things that we already agreed upon," I said. While nowhere in our discussion we had discussed that I would be naked as well, I had no problem blurring the lines a bit. 

And with Penny returning, already taking pictures with her camera, Laura failed to clarify that point as well. And then, I used my hands to help her cover, one on her breasts, the other between her legs, the resulting moan enough to prevent her words. 

A touch excessive, maybe. Entirely deserved, certainly. 

"Try not to look so shocked, it looks horrible," Penny commented as she continued to take photos, showing that her surprising modeling talent certainly didn't carry over backstage. 

"She's right," I whispered to Laura's ear as my hips moved, rubbing against her ass. "You need to be ready to take if you're ready to dish out," I whispered, teasing her much more than I had been initially planning to, even after she had shown her naked pictures as audition photos. "Being my exclusive model is not an easy job." 

Fingering one of my favorite models — not the most favorite yet, as Penny was yet to take that position from Nicole — in front of me was certainly an interesting move. 

I let my fingers dance over her surprisingly tight body, suggesting that a busy exercise regimen was a constant part of her attempts to be an actress, my fingers finding her nipples, twisting, and teasing. 

"Exclusive model?" she whispered, her voice shocked. "Really?" 

Yesterday, it would have been a cruel statement, but considering the great amount of cash I had received and the urgent need to find new models to further leverage that popularity, it was just a reality. 

And I would certainly prefer to build my business over exclusivity agreements both in terms of the models and terms of the client. It was the way to build a proper business, even though it often came with lengthy legal battles. 

"As long as you're hard-working enough," I said. I wasn't trying to use any kind of innuendo, and was just trying to say that I was actually very demanding when it came to real business aspects. 

Laura clearly misunderstood what I was trying to say, a fact that I realized when she pulled her hips away, only to grab my shaft before pushing herself back, enveloping me inside her warmth. 

"Is this —" she gasped, interrupted by a moan as her wetness strained around my shaft, "hard-working enough?" 

I just chuckled even as I put one of my hands over her hips, while I grabbed her hair with the other, pushing her against the nearest surface, which was the dining table. "Let's see if you're hard-working enough," I said as I pushed deeper into her, entering her core properly. 

"I am," she gasped, but the intensity of the pleasure in her tone suggested that it might be something more primal than her dreams of becoming an actress, the unfamiliar situation enhancing her arousal to a ridiculous degree. 

It might have been an interesting discussion, but as I invaded her core aggressively, her ability to speak was temporarily lost, her mouth occupied by a loud string of moans, one that made me glad that the penthouse suite came with a very impressive autistic insulation. 

Insulation that didn't work just as well between the rooms, as evidenced by the sight of Nancy bursting out, carrying a modified bed cover in front of her, the only thing she had to hide her still naked body. 

"Really?" she growled as she looked at me, bending Laura over the dining table. "Again?" 

I chuckled as I caught her gaze, anger, and jealousy created a beautiful mixture. "Well, you're not the only model I work with that enjoys a proper warm-up," I answered as I picked up speed. "By the way, this is Laura." 

"Yes, I can see her," she answered drolly, while Penny didn't even acknowledge her presence as she moved around us — though, considering she was just holding her finger on the screen, it suggested that she started recording the show. 

"Don't be rude and say hi," I said to Laura as I slapped her ass, the clap echoing in the room. Penny's satisfied smirk was understandable considering their earlier scuffle, but Nancy had an even bigger one, considering the anal adventure of the night before only intensified her rough edge. 

Not that I was complaining. She had earned herself a lot of leeway after accidentally giving me the flicker I needed to trigger my career's resurrection, to blaze even stronger than before. 

"H-hi, I'm Laura," she managed to say, though, between moans, it took three attempts to utter that beautiful sentence. 

Nancy just nodded before turning toward me. "How long you're going to … warm up?" she asked. 

"Have you finished with the costume?" I countered. 

"Almost, maybe five more minutes," she answered doing her best to keep her gaze on my face. Her forced casualness might trick the girls, but I could see that it was just posturing, trying to act superior. 

"Good, I'll speed up then," I said as I picked up speed, only for Laura to tighten even more, signaling she was not exactly far away from a climax. "Assuming she could last for that much," I added with a chuckle…

Nancy's growl of frustration was beautiful, especially, even in the midst of her anger, she didn't bring her gaze away from the great show we were creating. I expected Penny to tease her about that, but a glance was enough to confirm that she was watching us, hypnotized by the view on the screen of the phone as she continued to record. 

Poor Luara, still bent over the table as I pumped into her from behind, blushed even more under the combination of the pleasure and the fact that she was being watched by two other people. "No need to be shy," I said, unable to keep my chuckle back as I spanked her ass. "They are your coworkers, after all." 

I didn't bother mentioning that they had gone through a similar experience, as their current state of dress — or lack of it — more or less confirmed that fact. 

I might not use sex as a condition, but it certainly didn't mean I would turn it down if the opportunity presented itself. 

"R-right," Laura managed to gasp as I picked up speed, her ass, and thighs jiggling with each thrust as her body moved back and forth, the sturdy table creaking under our weight. Nancy looked frustrated as she turned and walked back to the bedroom, but I didn't miss the fact that she left the door open, or the fact that she deliberately sat in a place she could watch the show. 

Since she wanted to watch that show, I decided to give her a proper one. I picked up even more speed. Laura grabbed the edge of the table, her grip tight as she tried to resist the invasion of pleasure, but her moans exploded soon after. 

She was lucky that the room she arranged for was a top-grade one, her tits sliding back and forth over the smooth surface of the table easily, making it a more comfortable experience for her than it otherwise would have been. 

Penny walked around us, bending, leaning, and otherwise moving to pick the best angles like she was an experienced cameraman, still doing her best to record the show. I wasn't a director, but there was enough overlap between our jobs for me to know that the angles and the distance she picked up were rather terrible. 

Still, seeing the beautiful enthusiasm on her face, I said nothing. Admittedly, it might also have a slight relation to the way her naked bosom was swaying as she pushed herself into difficult angles. 

Watching her buxom beauty as she walked around, unaware of the show she was creating — though whether she would care considering the mood she was in was another question. 

I continued to slam into Laura when a gasp rang in the room, one that didn't come from Laura. It was Nancy, who was currently sucking her finger, looking angrily at the needle she dropped on the floor. 

"You need to pay more attention to your job rather than watching us, needles are no joke," I said as I caught her gaze. 

"Shut up," Nancy answered, trying to look angry to hide her shame, though her anger was quick to turn genuine when she realized Penny started recording her instead. The growl she let out as she stood up was beautiful, enough to make Penny take a fearful step back, but rather than meeting with her, she just slammed the door close loudly. 

"That's Nancy," I said with a chuckle to Laura, who was busy moaning as the climax drove nearer, slowly losing her ability to pay attention to her surroundings, even Nancy's fiery display barely noticeable to her. That didn't stop me from explaining of course. "She has a tendency to act prickly, but don't worry, that's all for show." 

"Definitely," Penny commented with a chuckle, clearly still satisfied by the trick she had pulled the night before.

"I … see," Laura murmured, but only after I spanked her ass to prompt an answer, her tone suggesting she has not fully comprehended the question she had been asked. 

Not that it was a problem for me in the first place. 

I could help but chuckle as I continued, not bothering her more, leaving her free to grunt and moan. As I rammed, Penny walked closer, the camera still pointing at Laura to record her daze, but when she walked close enough to fall into my reach, I grabbed and pulled her to me, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. 

She deserved a reward after her success in warming up the brunette beauty moaning under me. 

Soon, Laura tightened, her dazed moan suggesting that she had already reached the edge, so much that, if I continued to push her without letting her relax, I would risk her turning useless for the upcoming shoot for Nancy's book and my own work. 

Luckily, pulling out of Laura didn't mean that I needed to stop. "Lay on the table, next to her," I ordered Penny as I grabbed the phone off her hands — planning to ignore the crack that was going across the screen, a crack that wasn't there when I had given her the phone.

Her sudden naughty blush even as she hopped on the table and spread her legs changed my mind. I didn't care about the phone, but I cared about the fact that she assumed I was blind enough to miss it. I slapped her breast, enjoying the echo it created. "Such a clumsy model I have," I said as she let out a sound that was a perfect mixture of a moan and a cry, one that was recorded by the phone I continued to hold. 

I didn't waste much time before sliding inside her, and she let out a pure moan to follow her earlier one, tainted by a dash of pain. One that was followed by several others as she threw her head back, her back arching beautifully, making me slightly annoyed that I was just using a phone to record the show. 

After the extended foreplay, her insides were slippery enough not to provide the slightest resistance as I invaded her core again and again mercilessly, my free hand alternating between slapping her breasts, swaying with each thrust, and her nipples, getting harder and harder with each push. 

Her legs soon wrapped around my waist, imprisoning me inside despite my upcoming explosion, not that I had any intention of pulling back. Penny was mine, and I had no problem marking that ownership in a more primal manner. 

Soon, Laura managed to stand up, her gaze filled with astonishment and arousal as she watched the show that was happening inches away from her. "How about some payback," I said as I passed the phone to Laura, whose smile widened even more as she grabbed the phone. 

I grabbed Penny's hips with both hands for increased leverage, and started slamming with a dangerous vigor, hard enough to shake the sturdy table underneath us, which was certainly not designed for the purpose we were leveraging it for. 

As I rammed, her tits shook beautifully, each thrust exploding louder and louder. Despite that, her legs got tighter and tighter around me, guiding me inside her. 

I would have loved to say that time and space lost all meaning as I rammed her for hours, but my body had limits, especially since I had been already challenged by the brunette beauty that was currently busy recording us, not to mention the amazing show I received preceding that. 

Luckily, I was not the only one suffering from overestimation, and Penny tightened in a very familiar manner before I could surrender, her tightness reaching a phenomenal level as I exploded inside her… 

Penny moaned deliriously as I pulled out, but before I could say anything, Nancy stepped out, already wearing her costume and wig while she carried the impromptu one in her hand, her expression not exactly charitable as she glanced at the situation on the table. 

"So, that was a nice warm-up," I said as I pulled the phone off Laura's fingers even as I wrapped my arm around her waist, and pulled her down. "Why don't you be a nice girl and put on the costume Nancy brought in, so we can start the real work," I said, enjoying the shocked expression on her face, especially when I whispered the numeration she would receive as a result, especially if she was willing to travel weekly for regular photoshoots. 

Yet, it was nothing compared to the unsteady look she gained when I whispered a second number into her ear, one to make her an exclusive model for my new agency. 

She was barely able to mutter a rapid yes before dashing forward and grabbing the costume in Nancy's hand and starting to change. 

Nancy looked at me, trying to look angrily, but considering she just succeeded in her lifelong dream to be a successful writer, years in advance — albeit through some dubious marketing campaigns — her anger was not exactly strong as well. 

Unfortunately, our next task was a long, grueling photoshoot rather than a proper, lengthy celebration orgy for success, one that missed the usual teasing tricks I embedded. 

Playing was fun, but I was experienced enough to know that working hard was a part of life as well. The shoot lasted for full eight hours — extending the room was nothing with the cash influx we received — creating an impressive number of pictures, some to be used for the official campaign, some to be offered on the official platform, but almost none for my private stash, which would have been a pity if the warm-up exercises resulted in some very treasured moments. 

And, after eight hours of the uninterrupted shoot, where both girls worked alternatively as a model and an assistant, the trip back lacked the excitement of the first trip. Exhausted by the grueling combination of work and explosive fun, the girls were quick to collapse, sleeping cutely even though we closed in the distance. 

It was already midnight when I dropped Penny at her home and went back to my fun residence. 

All around, an amazing day of victory…