
CHAPTER 1 The end of summer vacation

Consciousness stirred to the blaring clamor of an alarm clock. "Morning already?" the thought sighed within. "Why must this day beckon me awake?" But a familiar voice danced into my mind, a voice that shared my every waking moment. "You should not think like that, my friend," it gently advised.

"Shut up, Kodron," I retorted sharply. "Why did you have to reincarnate inside my body? Why couldn't it have been someone else's?"

"Cody, my existence within you serves some divine purpose," he reasoned. "An enigma concealed, yet a purpose nonetheless. Besides, it's time for school. Rise."

Reluctantly, I abandoned my bed's embrace, donning a black short-sleeved hoodie, matching sweatpants, crisp white socks, and my signature white, black, and blue shoes. I emerged from my rooms as my father poised to rap on my door, his knuckles instead finding my unsuspecting eyes. "Ah, Dad, what the heck!" I exclaimed.

Apology laced his words, "Oh, sorry, Cody. I didn't mean to do that."

"It's fine. The pain jolted me awake," I admitted, sighing. "Regardless, what's the time?" A glance at the clock spoke the truth, "7:44! We're cutting it close for breakfast!" With haste, I joined my father in the car, and off we roared.

Our destination: E.O. Coffman Middle School. "First day here, I'm actually excited," I murmured in quiet anticipation.

"Cody!" Kodron's voice pierced my thoughts.

I responded impatiently, "What now?"

"Wait a moment. I sense a presence," he intoned mysteriously.

A sense of skepticism clung to me. "It's just a school, Kodron. First-day jitters or something."

"No, don't be obtuse," he admonished. "A Panjien presence, familiar yet elusive. Let's proceed about our day but stay attuned."

"Fine, my day, not ours," I reminded him. The school loomed before us.

Inside the cafeteria, the seating arrangement appeared unfamiliar, the tables set in unconventional patterns. The morning menu offered the usual fare: sausage biscuits, chicken biscuits, cereal, and the like. Opting for a double serving of chicken, I sought a solitary spot, my senses acutely aware of the multitude of eyes trained upon me. About 15 to 16 pairs of eyes, each harboring their own thoughts - some inquisitive, some judgmental.

But one gaze stood out, different from the rest. It wasn't a gaze of judgment or pity, but rather one that carried an air of concern. The individual's long hair moved with an intriguing mystique as if it were choreographing its own enigmatic story.

He continued to stare at me even after I had taken my seat, an action that was somewhat disconcerting. His eyes, in particular, drew my attention. They transformed from their original brown into a striking blend of purple and green in a fleeting moment, only to return to their natural hue. It was a startling occurrence, to say the least.

Turning to Kodron's millennia-old knowledge, I couldn't help but voice my curiosity. "What do you make of this?" I asked.

Kodron replied, "I'm not certain, but he does seem rather peculiar. I'll employ my appraisal skill." As he delved into the task, it became clear that something was amiss. His lower-tier appraisal, which usually worked on most entities, failed to yield any information. "Very unusual. I'll attempt a greater appraisal; this should uncover more if he's a reincarnation. Normally, my lower-tier appraisal should have detected that. If he's not, then he might be a greater demon or something even more elusive, as they're the only beings impervious to my lower-tier appraisal. This might take some time, Cody, so perhaps you should carry on with your day while I analyze him," Kodron suggested.

Continuing to eat, I found the food far from satisfying, with the chicken being the sole exception, albeit partially synthetic in taste and texture. My meal concluded as the bell for the next class rang out, a typical, stereotypical school bell, unlike the soft chime at my previous elementary school. I glanced at my schedule sheet and noted that my first class was social studies, also known as world history.

Entering the classroom, a seating chart flashed on the screen. My assigned seat was at the back, next to the window - what one might call the quintessential protagonist's spot, I mused quietly. The layout of the classroom was somewhat unusual for a Southern Tennessee American school; it bore a resemblance to a Japanese school, with my seat situated by the window at the back.

As I settled into my seat, a much larger student carelessly placed his feet on my chair and made rude comments about my long hair. I took the opportunity to educate him about my Native American heritage and the significance of longer hair for some males. He responded with further rudeness, suggesting that I should return to a reservation.

I was taken aback by his ignorance and racism. The room erupted in laughter, except for one person who remained obscured due to the dimmed lighting. Suddenly, a voice cut through the taunts. It was the same individual who had been observing me earlier.

I turned to Kodron, eager for an update on his appraisal. He confirmed its completion, then proceeded to shed light on the enigmatic stranger. "He isn't a demon, as I originally suspected," Kodron explained, "but rather a category of being known as void-kin, originating from a different universe. It's quite complex, Cody, and could be much more troublesome, depending on his intentions."

Curiosity piqued, I asked, "What exactly is a void-kin?"

Kodron responded, "If you allow me to finish, I'll explain. Void-kin is a term Panjiens use for beings that originate from alternate universes. The majority of Void-Kin, approximately 57%, are known to come from a specific universe called Siriuth. The remaining 43% comprises void-kin from various other universes, with one of the most significant being known as Seraphim."

Contemplating this revelation, I couldn't help but voice my lingering doubts. "How and why did a void-kin just assist me? I find it hard to trust his intentions. Is there any other information you can gather about him?" I inquired.

Kodron reassured me, saying, "All I can discern for now is that he doesn't pose a threat, and my greater appraisal doesn't reveal any hidden agendas."

Despite Kodron's reassurance, a nagging suspicion lingered within me. Something about Abyss Seraph's unusually benevolent demeanor raised questions. I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his actions than met the eye. His genuine concern for me, similar to the way he had stared during breakfast, intrigued and worried me simultaneously.

My contemplation was interrupted as the teacher entered the classroom, his commanding presence silencing the room. He began distributing a document detailing the school rules and those specific to his classroom, which he referred to as a syllabus. One rule in particular caught my attention: no headphones or headgear allowed.

The new rule hit me hard, considering the constant stream of Kodron's thoughts inside my head. My headphones had been my refuge, a means to find solace amidst the cacophony of my mind. Now, it seemed I'd need to find a new strategy to navigate this relentless mental symphony.

"Cody!" Kodron's sudden exclamation felt like a physical jolt, causing me to wince. "There's something I just discovered with my advanced appraisal. His name is Abyss Seraph, which is quite unusual for a void-kin. He's powerful enough to be considered one of the ten legends, probably around 5th or 4th in rank. That's roughly half the strength I used to wield back in my prime on Panja," he explained.

I retorted with frustration, "So, why is that concerning, and did you have to scream so loudly? Now everyone's staring at me, probably thinking I'm crazy for reacting like this out of the blue."

Kodron's response was urgent, "It's concerning because if he's that powerful, I can't properly sense his emotions, which is a problem that needs to be addressed."

I replied with a touch of sarcasm, "Well, that certainly sounds like a terrible predicament, doesn't it?"

In reality, it was indeed a serious concern. The fact that neither Kodron nor I could decipher Abyss Seraph's true emotions posed a pressing issue. The ten legends, as Kodron had recounted, were the most formidable beings to have ever existed on their planet, with the title of the most powerful and oldest among them. Kodron was the second oldest but indisputably the most potent among them.

These legendary beings were stratified into ten distinct ranks, with the 10th being the least potent and the first the most formidable. What fascinated me most were the stories Kodron shared about his old world and the power dynamics in his realm. Though he lamented the loss of most of his powers, he had demonstrated some of his abilities to me, which always left me in awe.

Abyss Seraph's desk was right next to mine, and he initiated a conversation, asking, "Hi there, what's your name?"

About to respond, I hesitated as Kodron abruptly interjected, "Cody! Don't answer him."

Despite Kodron's objection, I decided to answer, "Um... My name is Cody."

"Good to know. My name is Ethan," he replied.

The teacher's stern voice interrupted any further conversation. He commanded, "I TOLD YOU TO SIT DOWN IN SILENCE!"

Abyss Seraph and I exchanged brief nods before turning our attention to the front of the classroom, where the teacher resumed his lecture.

As the class progressed, I couldn't help but feel a subtle sense of unease about the new presence beside me. Abyss Seraph's friendly demeanor and the mystery surrounding his true nature weighed heavily on my mind. Kodron, too, remained on high alert, though unable to glean any definitive insight into Ethan's intentions.

The minutes ticked away, and class eventually came to an end. With a polite smile, Ethan turned to me and said, "It was nice meeting you, Cody. See you around."

I reciprocate the gesture, albeit with a hint of apprehension, "You too, Ethan." 

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, the students began to shuffle out of the classroom, including Ethan. I gathered my belongings and prepared for the next class, my thoughts lingering on the enigmatic presence that had entered my life.

Kodron's voice echoed in my mind, a note of caution in his words, "Keep an eye on him, Cody. We need to learn more about him and his connection to Panja."

I nodded internally, determined to uncover the secrets hidden behind Ethan's seemingly ordinary facade. The day had only just begun, but it was already clear that my world had taken an unexpected turn with the arrival of Abyss Seraph.

The bell signaling the end of social studies echoed through the hallway as I gathered my books and joined the stream of students exiting the classroom. My next class was science, and I had little time to navigate the maze of lockers and bustling students to reach the next room.

As I entered the science classroom, I scanned the seating chart displayed on the screen at the front. My name was assigned to a desk near the middle, sandwiched between two other students, neither of whom I knew.

Taking my seat, I couldn't help but think about the peculiar encounter with Abyss Seraph in my previous class. The mystery surrounding him lingered in my mind like a shadow, making it difficult to fully concentrate on the lesson.

Kodron's voice, as always, offered guidance. "Keep your guard up, Cody. We don't know what secrets this school holds, and we must be cautious."

His words resonated with me as the science lesson began. The teacher, Mr. Harris, launched into an explanation of the day's topic, but my thoughts drifted back to the enigmatic student named Ethan and the world of Panja, which seemed to be slowly seeping into my own.

I jotted down notes and tried to engage in the lesson, all the while aware that my day was far from ordinary. The mysteries surrounding the school, the presence of Kodron within my mind, and the appearance of Abyss Seraph had all converged into a tangled web of intrigue.

The science class continued, and with every passing minute, the line between reality and the supernatural blurred further. My journey into the unknown had only just begun, and there was no turning back.

As the science lesson unfolded, it became apparent that my knowledge in the subject was far beyond the typical middle school level. This expertise was a testament to Kodron's teachings, rooted in a world thousands of years more advanced than Earth.

Mrs. Harrison, our science teacher, decided to assess each student's grasp of science with a series of challenging questions. My heart raced with anticipation as I knew I was well-prepared, thanks to Kodron. When my name was called, Mrs. Harrison asked, "Cody, can you tell us about the concept of quantum entanglement?"

I smiled confidently and replied, "Quantum entanglement is a fascinating phenomenon in quantum physics where two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of the other, even if they are light-years apart. It's a cornerstone of quantum mechanics and has potential applications in quantum computing and secure communication."

Mrs. Harrison raised her eyebrows in mild surprise before proceeding. "Impressive, Cody. Now, how about a bit of astrophysics? Can you explain what a black hole is?"

I replied, "Certainly, Mrs. Harrison. A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. This occurs when a massive star collapses under its own gravity. Black holes are fascinating objects that challenge our understanding of the laws of physics."

The teacher continued with more complex questions, probing my knowledge in various scientific disciplines. I answered confidently, demonstrating a deep understanding of topics ranging from molecular biology to theoretical physics.

As the questions continued, my classmates looked on in awe, some even taking notes. Mrs. Harrison leaned back in her chair, clearly impressed. "Cody, you have an exceptional grasp of science. It's not often we encounter a student with your level of knowledge in middle school."

I nodded, appreciating the acknowledgment of my abilities. Little did I know that my advanced understanding of science would soon become a pivotal asset as I ventured deeper into the enigmatic world of this school, where science and the supernatural merged in ways that would challenge even my well-honed expertise.

As Mrs. Harrison, thoroughly impressed by my knowledge, decided to take things a step further, she asked, "Cody, would you mind coming up to the front of the class? I'd like you to share some of the most fascinating and mind-boggling facts about science that you know. Feel free to write them on the board for all to see."

I felt a surge of excitement as I rose from my seat and made my way to the front of the classroom. Picking up a marker, I began to write on the board while sharing some of the most outrageous and awe-inspiring scientific facts:

1. "Did you know that a teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh as much as a mountain on Earth? Neutron stars are incredibly dense!"

2. "In the vast universe, there are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe. That's mind-boggling!"

3. "Ants communicate with each other using chemicals called pheromones, and they can form living bridges and rafts with their bodies to overcome obstacles. It's like nature's engineering marvel!"

4. "The longest time a human has gone without sleep is 11 days. Sleep is a mysterious and essential part of our lives."

5. "There's a phenomenon called 'quantum tunneling' where particles can pass through barriers that classical physics says should be impenetrable. It's like a real-life superpower for particles!"

As I continued to fill the board with these incredible facts, the classroom buzzed with excitement. Mrs. Harrison and my fellow students were captivated by the astonishing world of science I was unveiling before them. It was a moment that showcased my passion for science and ignited curiosity in my classmates.

As I continued listing intriguing scientific facts on the board in front of the class, I felt a sense of excitement and wonder. The students were engaged, and Mrs. Harrison appeared genuinely fascinated by the knowledge I was sharing.

With a dramatic pause, I decided to share something truly extraordinary. "And now, a little-known fact from my recent research, something not found in Earth's textbooks." I scribbled a complex chemical formula on the board.

"Behold, Quantafluxium-7, or QF-7 for short." I couldn't help but feel a bit of pride as I unveiled this secret discovery. "This, my friends, is a formula I stumbled upon during my studies."

The classroom fell into a hushed curiosity as they stared at the unfamiliar formula, their imaginations stirring with possibilities. QF-7 represented a rocket fuel beyond the realm of Earth's science, capable of powering spacecraft on journeys far beyond our current reach.

However, instead of awe and admiration, I sensed skepticism and whispers circulating among my classmates. They began to exchange amused looks and comments, clearly not buying into the idea that I had discovered a revolutionary rocket fuel.

Mrs. Harrison, although intrigued, raised an eyebrow. "Quantafluxium-7? I've never heard of it. What makes it so special?"

I tried to explain, "QF-7 is a marvel of advanced chemistry, a rocket fuel that defies Earth's current scientific understanding. It burns with unparalleled efficiency, enabling spacecraft to travel vast distances through the cosmos."

But my words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Laughter and disbelief echoed through the classroom, and I couldn't help but feel a bit deflated.

With that, the second period at E.O. Coffman Middle School came to an uncertain end. It was clear that the mysteries I carried with me from Kodron's world would face skepticism and doubt in this unfamiliar setting. As I prepared to head to my next class, I couldn't help but wonder how the challenges of this new world would continue to unfold in the periods to come.

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