

Find my other work on AlphaNovel App - Search Zarkia Blair WARNING: [MATURE CONTENT] This synopsis is for VOLUME 1. Anna, as a lecturer, isn't supposed to have a romantic relationship with students. However, one day, she meets Oliver, who is aware that Anna is his lecturer at the same campus. For Anna, it's love at first sight, while Oliver knows that Anna is his mate. After exchanging numbers in the store where they first met, Oliver invites Anna on a date. That's when Anna, at the age of 30, loses her virginity to 19-year-old Oliver, who happens to be a hellhound. Their journey begins when Anna experiences strange developments on her body and realizes the perks of being involved with a 19-year-old student who's a hellhound prince.

Zarkia_Blair · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs


"Our mate she's looking extraordinary, beautiful, we should keep an eye on her, because now I no longer trust any single man on this planet," hellhound mind linked Oliver who was still stunned looking at Anna, scrutinizing every corner of Anna's body, seeing her booty bump when she walks, he felt an excitement from his pant and also a slight of jealousy trying to succumb him.

"Where are you going my love?" Oliver asked and he was hoping that Anna could changer her outfit before going out.

"To the ocean of course, the weather it's great outside and it's still in the afternoon so I want to feel the water all over my body." I said whilst walking slowly toward him.

"Okay, can you wait for me to get ready also?" Oliver asked and flipped himself from the bed and to the shower.

While Oliver was taking a shower, I took out my sunscreen lotion to apply on my body, and it burns like hell, it threw it on the floor quickly while screaming, my whole body was burning. What it's happening to me? Is this what it feels like to lose a virginity at 30 years? Everything is changing on me; I should visit my parents when I get back.

Oliver got out from the shower without putting on a towel after hearing a loud scream from Anna, "Love are you okay?" Oliver's voice was colored with worries.

"I was just applying this sunscreen on my body, but it burns like hell, maybe it's expired," I stated, and Oliver picked it up on the floor.

"Babe it's not expired, maybe you are allergic to this product, we should buy new one I am sure here in the resort sells them," Oliver said, and Anna just nodded because this is the sunscreen she uses every day, so what changed now.

Oliver bought me the sunscreen while I was wearing my long white light net cardigan that has big holes and sky blue, brown flip flops. We walked to the beach, and I can tell you it looks so beautiful; my eyes were sparkling while I hear Oliver saying Wow! Twice. Then I took big towel and lay it on the sand then took out our two white towels put it on the edges of our side towel that we laid on.

"Can I apply this on you?" Oliver said and I said I can do it because I want to see if it will burn me first or not, so Oliver stood up, he was wearing a white very loose tank top with blue short that is printed with ocean prints and white flip flops.

He took off his tank top revealing his abs and tan skin that I felt a bit jealous that girls would be drooling over him, so I stood up also after applying a little sunscreen on my hand that burnt me with my expectations. I removed the cardigan and ran over to the beach, my feet were ready to feel the water on them, and the wet sand.

Oliver ran after Anna, while him and his hellhound could feel men's stare, then wrapped his arms around her body, however, Anna didn't like that because she also has right to expose her body the same way men do, so she pushed Oliver away from her but not dramatically, just sarcastically with a small laugh.

"Why did you do that?" I asked then splashed his face with water and he looked surprised at first before he also took more amount of water in his hands to splash them on me, and he did, I felt that force of water all over my body that I even flinched and let out my loud laughter while running away from him and he just stood there with a bright smile on his face, and the sun was reflecting in his eyes so well.

I was running whilst fluttering my each of my legs with water, it was an amazing feeling, until I bump and fell on a guy, hit his hard chest with my forehead that my lips kissed his hard bare chest.

"What the!!" Oliver hissed that he rapidly ran toward Anna with an evil look on his face, he was actually ready to rip the guys apart. "No one dares to touch my mate," he said in a low voice before reaching over to them.

He grasped the guy's wrist when he was about to touch Anna's butt and squeezed it tightly making the guy to whimper in agony while Oliver's hand pulled Anna away from the guy.

"Why do you want to touch my woman?" Oliver asked with a deep tone and wicked look not letting his tight grip on the guy's wrist and you could see his veins bulging.

"Babe, please leave him, let's go, it was just a mistake that I caused, he did nothing wrong, please listen to me," I grabbed his arm trying to loosen his grip and he was on fire, his whole body was burning up. "Babe, why are you this hot?"

"I am sorry, I just don't want anyone to touch my woman," Oliver said then hold Anna's hand to where their things are at. "Do you want to go inside?"

"No, I want to stay here a bit, the breeze relaxes my tense muscles," I said then looked at Oliver who flipped over and laid on his stomach then I found myself sitting on his butts massaging his back.

"You're making me to want to do wicked things on you right here," his tone sound hoarseness, and it turned me on so much.

I leaned close to his left ear and whispered, "Then do it."

He flipped over again so that he could face me while I was still on top of him, "Would you ride me here and right now?" he sounds disbelieved.

"Yes, I don't care about other people," I said it and I know I won't do it.

"Sorry, I can't, you're showing enough as it is, I don't want men to see the whole of you," his voice changed to low and sweet, and its kind felt nice knowing that he's jealous.

It was dinner time, our room got a room service with lots of food, different meat, fishes, fruits and vegetables and the smell of fish smell terrible to me, so I ordered the waiter to go back with plates that has fish inside.

"You don't like fish babe?" he asked, and I know myself loving fishes but these days, my body is actually rejecting everything.

"Babe, can we go back tomorrow?" that was my suggestion. "I want to visit my parents, please."

How can Oliver disagree seeing Anna's disgusted face at that moment? Oliver's hellhound linked him by telling him to tell Anna the whole truth because what she's experiencing it might be because Anna doesn't know truth about Oliver and that might be truth.

I couldn't ignore the changes I am coming across; they were too much for a sane person just to ignore like that.

After getting inside the car, I checked inside Oliver's car out of curiosity, then I saw a student and took it and looked it well, it was Oliver, Oliver Woods that's what it's written, and Wits university student, Biochemistry and the birth date on it.

"He's 19 years? and he's also a student where I lecture!" she gasped so hard, with heartbeat racing, trying to process everything she saw and she quickly put it away after seeing Oliver coming to the car, and she tried to put a genuine face.

But Oliver picked it up, he could sense Anna's emotions and hear her heartbeat.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked while starting his car.

My body tensed up; I couldn't move it even my lips to answer Oliver suddenly. "Yes, I just want to be home." I can't say anything now because I want to live, and I also want to get inside the plane and be home.

Oliver was linking with his hellhound throughout the whole driving talking about Anna, how he messed up by not telling Anna the truth about him and yet he still doesn't know what makes Anna to go through this.

I was so quiet in the car also with Oliver, it was a bit tense, and I was glad that I didn't take any pictures with him because this is a mess, if the dean knows about this then I am doomed. I will be fired or suspended from dating a student. Wit's regulations are very strict, to those who dates students they have to be discreet.

"Babe, we arrived," I was in deep with my thoughts when he said that we arrived at Cape Town airport and now we are going home, where I would ignore him like nothing happened because it's something that I should do, not matter how much I fight it.

I have never thought that I would lose my virginity to a 19-year guy and that he's a student in a campus where I lecture! wow!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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