
Red painted ears

Marvin's alarm buzzed the morning after Jaimy's party. He stirred at the annoying noise that was assaulting his ears and he rubbed his sleepy eyes. He wondered why he set an alarm on a weekend and why his back was aching so much. He groaned in annoyance. He brushed his blonde wavy locks out of his eyes before pressing the stop button on his phone. After turning off his alarm he collapsed back into the mattress and pulled the duvet over himself, almost letting sleep take over him once again. But just almost.

He was just settling back to sleep when he felt something move behind him and something else was circling around his lower body. It was warm and it was holding him tightly. Marvin turned his head quickly and tingles shot down the back of his neck and all the way down to his legs. Lying behind him was Cole Grayson Fisherman, his best friend of three years. And his first love. Marvin was baffled and his brain quickly flooded with questions. "Why is Cole here?", "Why is he in my bed?", "Why is he cuddling me?", "How did we end up here and like this?", "What is going on?". These thoughts screamed in his head on a loop over and over again.

After freaking out for a time, Marvin stared at the sleeping boy who was lying in his bed. He couldn't help but think of how beautiful he looked when he was sleeping. His ivory face was still and the only thing that was moving was his mouth that was breathing slowly and gently. His midnight hair was in shambles and Marvin couldn't help but chuckle at thought of what it would look like when he sat up. His fingers unconsciously went to touch his beauty spot that was next to his right eye. He always thought that feature made him look more attractive than he could already be. His index finger gently brushed against the black spot and Cole's face scrunched up a little and he let out a sleepy groan at the contact. Marvin's hand retreated and he turned himself away with his face set ablaze. He didn't believe in god but this one time he prayed that he didn't wake him up.

Cole's eyes blinked a couple of times and he was now waking from his slumber. He yawned and Marvin's heart was thumping in his ears. He thought it might jump out his mouth and it started to make him feel nauseous. The bed creaked at Cole's movement and he was now sat up and looking at Marvin.

"Good morning. Did you sleep okay?" He rubbed the sleep from his weepy eyes and he couldn't help but yawn again. The simple question sent Marvin's mind reeling somehow. He was overwhelmed and he had no idea what to do. His hand gripped on the duvet and his face might as well have been on fire with how hot it felt.

"M-Morning." Marvin stuttered while nodding. His words were stuck in his throat and he felt mildly embarrassed that all he could say was "morning" and nod for his answer. Cole took his hands off his sleepy eyes and took a look at Marvin's back profile. His head was turned away from him and he noticed that his ears were stained a rosy red. His eyes took a focus of his back and neck. Desire struck at him and he wanted nothing more than to lay his kisses down his neck and back. But he held back. His lips curled when he looked at his red ears again and he knew he was blushing loads. Marvin felt a hand pulling his shoulder and his body delicately crashed into Cole's. He was stunned and he felt like he couldn't move. Cole was so close to him. So close that he could smell a mix of sweat and the same cologne he always wore, which was now rather faint and he could hear his heart beating in his chest. The sound soothed him and he felt that he could calm down a little. But he could only stay that way for so long because he realised something. They were skin to skin and Marvin quickly realised he was naked. All the composure he just acquired vanished so quickly and suddenly. Mortified and embarrassed, he sat up and pulled the duvet over himself. Cole was caught off guard and wondered what he was doing.

"Where are my clothes?!" Marvin asked desperately, still gripping the duvet and covering his upper half. Cole inwardly laughed at the sight. He acted as if he was a woman who didn't realise she was naked and was covering her top half. Marvin could feel sweat between his fingers due to how hard he was holding the sheets. His veins might as well have been sticking out with how tense he was. Cole simply smiled and gestured his head which pointed to the floor behind Marvin. He turned around and saw his clothes were there on the floor, but it took him a second to realise that Cole's clothes were on the floor too. Was he naked too? His head turned back to Cole who was now slowly drawing closer with his eyes closed gently. Their lips locked and heat rushed to Mavin's face for the umpteenth time that morning. Cole's hands cupped Marvin's cheeks and they pulled him closer. He pulled away from the kiss slowly, feeling the texture of their lips breaking contact and he looked at the person before him. Cole took his time to study Marvin's expression. His eyes were glistened and sparkly, brows were raised and high, his cheeks and ears permanently stained pink, and his lips raw from their kiss. It was factual that Marvin must have forgotten what happened between them that night and he needed to be reminded.

"You don't remember what happened do you?" he asked with a hint of tease dancing in his tone. Marvin stared at him and his brows scrunched in confusion and Cole's hands dropped from his cheeks.

"Remember what?" He stuttered and he flinched when he heard Cole chuckle. He really was too adorable. They stared at each other with complete opposite expressions. One was grinning from ear to ear and the other might as well have been a strawberry. Cole took Marvin's hand and he held it gently.

"We had sex last night." Cole said simply, his grip tightening slightly. There was silence between the two for what felt like ages. Marvin's lack of speaking worried Cole. He hoped that he didn't come to regret what happened. After all, he took the first step in the little dance. Marvin's mouth flapped uselessly, trying to find an appropriate answer to what he said. He wasn't sure if he was still drunk and he suddenly became delirious.

"A-Again please?" he squeaked without realising what he just said. His lips were in a thin line and his eyes were wide from shock. Cole's shoulders tensed up and his head hung low.

"We had sex last night, Marvin." He repeated anxiously. Marvin thought he was hearing things before but Cole just said that they slept together.

"We had sex?!" His thoughts screamed at him. "How could that have happened!" Denial clung to his mind but suddenly, everything that happened before now came flooding back.

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