
Perfect Desire

23 years old model Theo didn't expect his step father (the lover of his dead father) would find a new lover Mr Jeon so soon. What he most didn't saw coming was he and that Mr Jeon a man of the age of 46 year old to be involve sexually and Emotionally.. But their story together doesn't turn out only to be about lust or love... When Theo was this much insane and always want to win. The idea was to ruin his step father's marriage but he find himself being ruin by falling in love.

MadiHobi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


The brunette man walk inside his so call middle class house holding a plastic bag. He wasn't wealthy nor poor. His white mask on his face with a Duck stickers on the corner of it..

"You are finally back? And why are you wearing your overcoat .....it's summer Jesus! ",The older man said.

"Didn't knew my name was Jesus now... Urgh whatever ",he unbotherly walk towards their living room as he take off his overcoat, his father-well not really his father just his dead real father used to be lover ,Jae following him..

"Where were you Theo? ",he roll his eyes and turn around looking at his father without looking where he had thrown his overcoat.

"I was out on doritos dad.... Geez",His father eyes widenel seeing what he was wearing..

"What?... I didn't wanted to change so I just wore my overcoat over it",He sigh getting annoy before he frown hearing an unknown voice...

"O....k nice", the unknown man eyes him up and down sternly before meeting Theo's grey eyes. Theo was wearing his black booty shorts and a black crop top sleeveless .

"I f*cking know bro",Theo glare at him fixing his nose's ring.

"THEO! HE IS OLDER RESPECT HIM! and what are these clothes!! Go change! ",Theo gasp and glare at his father.

"I'm in my house! I wear what I want OK! Tell him to leave",Theo pointed towards the man who kept staring at him sternly.

"THEO! it's my house too and be respectful !",Theo clenched his jaw.

"It's my dead father's house not yours! ",His dad Jae glare at him..

"Well too bad you aren't 25 years old yet to claim the house... So legally it's my house, like Huyo mentioned in the papers",Theo look at the ceiling, breathing trying not to be angry....he rarely express himself but right now....

"FU*K YOU! ",he yell as he threw his plastic bag right beside the man sitting on the couch who dodge it.

"Woahh there, calm your angry ass down and respect your father", Theo scoff and glare at the man now, who was frowning.

"And who are you to tell me what to do!? ",Theo glare at him and didn't miss the small smirk.

"Jakob Jeon "....Theo look at him closely, the man look older and he had a few winkles. His black hair neatly slick back showing his thick eyebrows which was in a slight frown right now. Follow by a straight yet round nose with a mole on it and a faint small close hole on his left side...he had a piercing?. His lips were pinkish, the top one a little thin but that doesnt mean it wasn't temptating and now slightly in a mocking pout The man was wearing a turtle neck white shirt with a black coat over it ,yet he could see the buffed muscular body and that small waist..

"We got engaged last night.... ", Theo's eyes widened as he look at his so call father and at Jakob again.

"You what? ",he ask not believing it..

"Jakob proposed me last night and soon we will get married",Theo let out a sarcastic chuckle....

"OK... OK... So that's why you were not home yesterday ,busy f*cking ",Theo smile ,his sharp eyes on Jakob who just tilted his head a little and look at him.

"Theo!! What the fu*k!? ",Theo inhale before glaring at Jae.

"Exactly what the fu*k!? You can't just come and tell me you are engaged to this dude and getting married soon shit! ",He yell out..

"Well too bad for you... It's my life.... You should be greatful enough that I took care of you all this years after your father's death! ",Theo frown looking hurt. He knows why Jae Is still with him...just for money knowing well like his aunt told him. Once he turn 25 years old Jae will inherit a sum of money too.....

"Don't talk about him!! Took care!? Sure leaving me alone and wh*ring around is caring now", Jae scoff and was about to slap Theo if it wasn't for Jakob who stop his current lover.

"No violence Jae.... His skin is delicate.... ",Jakob look like he was in daze while staring at Theo whose sharp eyes stay on Jakob....

"What !?",Jakob blinked when Jae shouted. Jakob groaned and resist to smack his fiance for shouting in his ear... The fu*k you just said up there dude about violence!?

"Um I mean you said he was a model right? So don't give him a hard time Covering marks",Theo raised an eyebrow at him.

" Marks? Honeyyy you will have thrice as much marks if you ever leave a little bit mark on me....",Theo glare at Jakob who look amazed.

"Whatever, I will change then we can go for dinner ",Jae sigh loudly looking at Jakob who nodded.

"And you! I already ordered pizza for you ,the money is there ",Theo look boringly towards the coffee table When Jae left.

The room was filled with silence as Theo keep staring at the money. It was always like this... Jae just give him any type of food and vanished. He knew Jae see him as a burden, Yet the older can't leave Theo... It was said in the will paper of his father when Theo turn 25 years old he will own the house and the bank accounts. Jae will also get a small share of money ...but only if he take care of Theo until he is 25 years old...

But Jae never told Theo this, where he will also get money once he turn 25 years old. The younger had found out about it from one of his aunty ... Pfft and he thought Jae really loved him...but Theo being the "f*ck it all" boy never mentioned it to his 'dad'.

"The money might burn with the intensity you are staring at it... ", Theo shift his bore eyes on Jakob. The older had a soft smile on his lips, the wrinkles near his eyes and cheeks on view.

"If my stare could burn.... Your newly Fiance would have long be a burn snake... ",Jakob snickered at the comment.

"Don't be like that, he is still your dad", Theo mockingly look at Jakob from top to bottom and smirk.

"Aww does daddy feel bad when talking about his new yoyo toy? ",Jakob lick his lips and Theo love how Jakob seem irritated.

"No my new stepson...",Theo smirk faltered as he look serious ,straight into Jakob's eyes and take one step towards him. Jakob's eyes slowly travel to Theo's lips which was inches away then look back in his eyes.

"Ewww",Theo said boldly and slowly turn around leaving. Jakob's eyes like a royal puppy following his thic ass.

oh hell it was the start of a long adventure..

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