
chapter 6-To go above the possibilities!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm too tired for this. Here is chapter six. I'm going to bed now. 


I fell to the ground in a crouch. I look at my surroundings and start walking. I then start speeding up, into a jog and then into a run.

The wind hits my face as I run. It feels freeing. 

I ran to the school and found the custodian's room. While running I notice a flashlight and hide behind a wall. The moment I notice that the light is gone I start running again.

Ramping up in speed the longer I run. I enter the room. I look around and open everything I can. Eventually, I was able to find some rope. I also found a hand towel that I can use as a blindfold.

I put the blindfold in my pocket and put the rope around me.

I eventually enter the woods and stop. I take in the beauty that is the Hudson River. I know I had a plan but I have an idea that seems plausible. I start walking forward towards the River. The good thing about being the son of Poseidon is the fact that I can choose if I want to get wet or not. Entering the River I fully submerge myself and stand at the bottom. Observing, waiting.

I see schools of fish go past me being excited over me being here. Trying to gain my attention again and again. I humor them at times while I watch. 

Eventually, I asked them to give me some space. They seemed sad at that till I explained that I only wished to learn how to use my abilities as the son of Poseidon. They then happily swam away.

I attempt to move the water surrounding me. I wanted to make a bubble that would allow air to stay inside. I would make the bubble to be put on the head. That way if there ever was a need to escape into the water and I needed to bring someone with me I won't need to make something up on the go. I try to do it but it's hard to keep it stable, it keeps dissipating. For the first few minutes, the bubble would pop every few seconds. I continued to put a small amount of pressure on the Bubble which allowed it to stay longer. Didn't last longer than three minutes. 

That's good but not good enough. What if I increase the volume inside the bubble? Never going to know till I try. I put that thought into practice. I put my hands together and pulled. I brought the bubble out and put the right amount of pressure. I then put volume inside the bubble. The bubble popped many times through this but eventually, I was able to perfect this ability. I was able to keep it longer than 30 minutes.

"It worked!!!" I shouted into the water. Doing so I scared the fish away.

"SORRY, didn't mean to."

One of the fish nuzzled my face and then swam away. I suppose they accepted my apology. 

I can't help but explode in excitement. I was able to succeed in making a sub-power. Something that I know breaks the laws of physics. Being a demigod sure has its perks, now if only monsters didn't hunt us down just for being born. 

While I'm here I should probably focus on my abilities in the water. When my superstrength shows itself I will focus on my spider physiology, and how could I forget the amount of knowledge of "Tae Kwon Do" I have in my head? Probably a bad idea not to focus on my more physical aspects but I need to focus on my more overpowered abilities.

I then turn to focus on speed in the water. I plan to eventually be faster than a torpedo. For now, I just need to practice, and with spider physiology and the increase of strength given to me by the water. I won't be getting tired anytime soon. 

I used the idea of how a Viltrumite flies with how they can make any leverage to fly. I imagined the water to be a solid object and pushed. I then propel into the ground. I tumble on the river floor. 

"I think I just went 59 mph," I exclaimed. 

This also ended up scaring the fish around me. Most end up just avoiding me. While some of the braver ones seemed to be berating me. Forcing me to have to stop that practice. I'll eventually be able to do this again, just not while they're mad. Son of the sea god or not this is their home. 

Now that I'm not doing that I should probably focus on being able to sense anything with water in it. Don't have a name for that just yet. I will but not now. If I call it water sensing it would be unoriginal and I am bad at making up titles. 

I get my blindfold out of my pocket, still dry as I the first time I found it. 'These powers rule.'


I then put it over my eyes, sit down, and attempt to meditate. Usually, when you attempt to sense things you need a clear mind. 

After a few minutes, nothing happens and I get impatient. I think to myself, 'Ugh it's not working.' 

I continued to sit there till I felt something. This tight feeling in my stomach. I try to reach out to it but it's too far. Eventually, I can grab it and I see everything. I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!! I can see up to what I think is 5 km with how far everything is right now. 'My head is starting to hurt.' Seems that seeing everything isn't good for the brain, who knew? 

I think it's time for me to get out of the water and focus on my spider physiology for now. I stand up and thank the fish for their hospitality and then leave while they keep saying that they hope to see me again. I hope so too. 

I walk out of the Hudson River and take off my blindfold. I then look for a log. Takes me a while to find a log but I do. I found it near the bank of the river. I grab it, hoist it over my shoulder and walk towards a tree that looks firm enough to tie the rope on with the log hanging off it. 

Once I finish doing so I make sure that the rope is tied hard and the branch won't break. I then push the log back and forth till it moves by itself while it increases in velocity.

I put the blindfold back on now that I need it. Now that I think about it I could have used the blindfold to train my senses. Next time I'll do that. For now, I'll be focusing on my spider-sense. 

I stand underneath the tree with the log. I end up getting hit. 'What, how? My spider-sense should have detected that! I wonder if my theory of the Spider-man abilities is fading into me instead of just coming into full power might actually be true. 

'Alright let's do this again.' I then crouch and get ready to stand up. I stand up and get hit again and again and again. Sometimes I manage to dodge but then get hit the next second. I keep getting knocked down, but I still get up. 

'I'm not giving up till I dodge five times in a row.' 

I continuously attempt to dodge the log. I do end up dodging the log 5 times in a row but I couldn't give in just yet. 

' This time I'll dodge ten times.' 

It felt ridiculous trying to increase the amount I could dodge in a row but to have my spider sense be so weak. Makes me feel mad and disappointed in myself. What I know now though is that the abilities don't seem to just fade in, but I can also practice to gain more power in the ability I'm focused on. 

Eventually, I'm able to dodge the log around 50 times in a row. I stop and take off my blindfold after that. 

"Haa, Haa, I did it. I was able to dodge more than twenty times, not a very impressive number. Wait, how did I know the exact numbers? I can't even see anything right now. Maybe I was practicing my water-sensing ability at the same time. There must be moisture on it that allowed me to be able to improve. Ha ha ha, I was practicing both abilities at the same time." 

I then look myself over and notice all the scrapes and cuts I have. 'I should probably go into the water. I may have the demigod and spider-physiology healing factor but I'm really tired and don't want anyone to suspect anything based on my appearance.' 

Thinking I agree to practicing some of the "Tae kwon Do" after healing up. Don't want to let that be forgotten. It's quite useful especially after all of the work I've done for my senses and working on my instincts along with it.

While walking to the Hudson River I heard a growl. I saw in the corner of my eye something in the shadows. It's shining red eyes ominously watching me. 

I start running towards the river while it chases after me. 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

<1,563words in text>

Short chapter for today

this chapter was shity. I could have done better. the power part was bad. especially with the fading in and practicing power thing. will do better next time

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