
The Escape

Human thinking' "Human talking"

It had been eons since Typhon was free from under a volcano. His prison changed with the Mountain Olympus, only, under the nearest volcano.

He spent eons in pain from being trapped in lava and roaring in pain. Most thought that he was a mindless monster, strong yes, but still a monster and incapable of thought.

This was far from the truth, born from two primordials, Gaea, and Tartarus. He was rather intelligent. The problem was with his mother, who secretly gave him a potion that will drive him into an endless rage towards all life. He would use his power to destroy the Gods and Humans alike.

He kept his sanity, ironically, from being in constant pain. The pain forced his mind to focus and not be overwhelmed by anger or insanity.

Time continued to pass with Tyhon becoming bored and lonely. He was still connected to his many children, and saw them grow, kill demigods and what not, but he could not go and see them. Typhon, unlike most immortals, cared for his children, he himself was an outcast due to his parentage, power and looks, and he was not considered a true giant, like his siblings as he did not have the curse about having a demigod and a God needed to destroy them. He wasn't a God, Titan or anything, Typhon was something completely different. This difference caused him to be an outcast and alone. This is why he loved all of his children; they were the only things he really had. Enchidna, his wife doesn't count as not once had she tried to talk to him, visit him or anything. She just kept siding with those moron Titans against Olympus, and being killed over and over again.

All he could do was sleep or try to ignore the pain from being burned by lava.

'Well a good side effect to this is an incredible pain tolerance, and heat resistance.' Typhon thought to himself as he tried to come up with a way to escape, but not suffer from the anger curse. He knew that his body could not escape, that would attract too much attention, and he will lose himself in anger once more. He needed to escape with his spirit, and maybe inhabit another body. That could work, hopefully. He did want to see how the world changed over the years.

With this idea in mind, Tyhon channelled enough power to escape his prison, but not enough power to alert anyone on what he was doing.

He releases all the energy into his soul and cast it out, his body became limp, from not having something to control it, and the spirit of Typhon was launched in a volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens. A rather small eruption, so no one paid much attention to it, only those who lived near the mountain worried.

Unknown to the world, both mortal and immortal, Typhon, the father of monsters was free, and not trying to destroy all life. So he could do whatever he wanted. He just needed to keep a low profile, and use this time to learn about the new modern world.

First thing is first though, get a new body.

Finding a new body was easier than expected, all Typhon had to do was find a recently dead man, then once the soul left, his soul will take its place, the power of his soul will allow his new body to function, as long as he has the energy. Which will last about three years, before he has to return to the mountain.

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