

{Pennsylvania, April 3, 1987}

Within the outskirts of western Pennsylvania, in a small cottage laid a woman with a wet tile on her forehead. She looked quite young seeming to be 17, she had pitch-black eyes and hair, her skin was bronze-like yet held many scars, and her hands had many calluses.

Next to her stood a man who seemed quite old he had short white hair on the top of his head, and a short beard as well. What was strange about this man is how you get the feeling of drowsiness, just from looking at him. He stood over the woman with a stern expression but his eyes conveyed his true feelings of worry.

Soon a woman walked in yet she didn't look at the man that was beside the bedridden woman as if she couldn't see him. "It's about time to give birth if all your screams are to go by, just remember to push and breath."


TimeSkip: 6 hours later


Back in the small cottage in a small room, the bedridden woman was holding a child with a small smile on her face. As she gently rocked the baby back and forth in her arms she looked over to the man next to her and held out her baby. "Look at him our creation, our child, our fruit of love, he's perfect." She said with a huge smile on her face and love in her eyes.

The man sighed before looking to the front of the room next to the door where he saw the corpse of the nurse who helped deliver his child. 'Shame the mortal had to die but if any gods or monsters were to learn about me having a child, that I cared for then I fear what my enemies might do to him.' As he took his gaze off the woman he looked back at his son with a soft smile and picked him up before putting one of his hands above the child's head and sprinkling golden sand over him. Slowly the sand took the form of a rabbit hopping around in the air.

"Yes, he truly is perfect... but you kn-" "Shhhh, I already know but you will be able to visit him in his dreams. As long as he knows his father cares for him that's all that matters." As the woman said that she looked up at the man holding their child and said "Morpheus we must train him young at a young age since you are also an UnderWorld God your power will amplify and foster the powers of my grandfather. Plus if he suddenly develops other powers monsters will constantly be coming for him."

Saying that the woman and the man looked at their child with pity, but also the will to protect their child which was a strange look in the man's eyes since beings like him usually are deadbeats and go get mil- *cough* I mean don't stay around or care much.

The man suddenly looked at the woman he said, " What do you we should name him, Mary?"

As he asked this question, Mary looked deep into her child's eyes and kept her gaze there before finally saying, "Pitch... Pitch Black."


TimeSkip: 3 years


In a forest, a woman was surrounded by trees. The woman sat in a lotus position and had her eyes clothes, but what was off about this scene is the fact in her lap a baby with short pitch-black hair on his head. His eyes were closed just like his mother's as his face was scrunched up as if he was trying to concentrate.

If one were to look at the trees surrounding them you'd see that their shadows slowly stretching towards the duo. As the shadows stretched farther away from the trees sweat started accumulating on the woman, and the child slowly started twitching. As five minutes went by and the shadows went no further the mother-son pair opened their eyes and slowly started to relax. The shadows slithered back to their original positions.

The woman then picked up her child and made him face her. " To think you can control 4 different shadows and stretch them out as much as me, such talent and raw power many would mistake you for a child of Hade with that control."

The child stared into her eyes with coldness and calculating eyes but with hints of love. Mary then stood up and held Pitch in her arms as she started walking through the forest until she came upon a small cottage. As she went inside she went into what can only be called a small kitchen and sat the child on a countertop.

Mary was a beautiful woman with a slim waist and hips only a mother could have, she was wearing a silky black robe and black diamond earrings. Her skin was so smooth and bronze-colored with hair and eyes pitch black and slender eyebrows.

She slid the robe off herself and laid it onto the opposite side of the counter. There she stood in a matching pair of black braw and thong. She then started taking things out of cabinets and lit the stove up and started cooking. Off on the counter, Pitch was looking into his hands as black and gold sand that seem to be conjured out of nowhere, laid in his hand sometimes wiggling around a bit. Slowly the sand started moving up into the air making a small horse but halfway through it collapsed and fell back into his hand.

The child looked frustrated and like he was going to throw the sand but before he could a spoon was shoved in his mouth and the warmth and delicious taste of the food slowly spread out throughout his mouth and he suddenly calmed down. He then looked up and saw his mother give him a gentle smile as he gave one back to her before his mother started feeding him.


Timeskip: 6 hours later


Pitch lay in his mother's arms on a bed in a dark room with no lights besides the glimmer from the moon. As they lay there Pitch listened to his mother sing a sweet melody that put him slowly into a deep sleep. As he fell into the realm of Morpheus he saw his father looking down at him.

"Today lessons will be on History and psychological warfare if you get done early you'll get whatever dream you want." Morpheus had said while looking down at his child with cold eyes but Pitch knew all too well his father adored and loved him so he looked back up at him with a cold smile conveying his love and drive to complete his lessons. "Tell me what did we stop on during our history lessons."

"You last taught me about the ending of the titan war and were going over the 12 Olympians including Hestia and Hades each in detail. You already got threw Zeus, Hera, Ares, Demeter, Apollo, Hermes, and Hephaestus which just leaves Hades, Hestia, Artemis, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Dionysus, and Athena." Pitch replied all in one breath with a smile.

"Good, you remember these things very well. Now let us begin your lessons."

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