
People in Middle Earth: Slaying the Dragon at the beginning

When he woke up, Karl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, hobbits and other civilizations with their own characteristics. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaugs, Balrogs, Demon King Sauron, and even the existence of supreme gods. Just when Karl was weeping for the upcoming wars and battles in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he... Thus, in this middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread... Middle-earth people: "That man is a legend..." Gandalf: "F*ck legend, the most greedy and shameless person I've ever seen is Karl." Queen of the Elf: "Well... it's hard to say..." Elrond: "That bastard abducted my daughter!" Nine Rings: "Carl, it's a devil." Sauron: "I shouldn't have messed with him! .. pd: daily chapters are uploaded -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Ruthless Massacre

The goblins around began to yell, laugh, and spit out the most vicious words that could be imagined in this life to Karl.

They thought Karl was coming to bring disgrace upon himself, and that their king could not be defeated.


Because of Karl's words, the dwarves also loosened the long swords they were holding tightly in their hands.

They thought that Karl, who had rescued Bilbo, would go to war directly with the Goblin King, but they didn't expect that he would still fulfill his promise.

But will Carl compose and make music? Everyone is skeptical about this.

Although they can often hear Karl humming some unknown melody from time to time during the journey, they still have doubts now.

However, at the next moment, their doubts suddenly disappeared.

A clear and distant voice began to echo far away from where Karl was...

The whistling sound of the ancient empire penetrated far from the old brown bamboo tube in Carl's hand to the surroundings.

Wander through the caves of the entire underground kingdom.

The sound of the clear spirit jumping like a deep valley made the goblins who were screaming and cursing suddenly quiet down.

Different from the frantic confusion caused by the Goblin King's initial performance, listening to the haunting melody, the Goblins seemed to feel that they had returned to the prairie, between heaven and earth.

The sound of Xiao flowed through the grassland... There, they saw the vast green scenery, the autumn water and the blue sky were the same color, the white clouds were floating, the breeze was blowing, and under the mild sunshine, there were sheep jumping.

They seem to smell the fragrance of green grass and hear the whisper of their mother calling when they were children.

The ferocity began to fade in the eyes, the red light gradually submerged, and the killing heart that was stimulated by the blood gradually subsided.

They all fell silent, some closed their eyes, some opened their arms...all the goblins were intoxicated.

The Goblin King was also listening to the sound of the flute in a daze at the moment. It was such a rhythmless and imposing sound, but it made him feel an inexplicable panic.

How can it be? Such a melody doesn't have any sense of power, so how could he be afraid of it?

The Goblin King couldn't stop thinking.

However, this melody is really fascinating, it is simply impossible to raise the heart of resistance.

The Goblin King can even feel an inexplicable joy from his own body, yes, he is excited, his body is jumping for joy with this sound.

It was the most beautiful voice, the most beautiful performance he had ever heard. He could hardly contain himself.

He... Did he really lose just like that?

The goblin king felt panic and pain in his heart. Although his body was constantly jumping for joy, he still didn't want to admit the fact that he had lost in the field he was most proud of.

Yes, no, he can't be beaten, no one can beat him in this field.

The Goblin King's eyes suddenly glowed red.

"This is magic, this is vicious magic! My people, don't be fooled by this human being, he is leading us astray!" The Goblin King roared angrily.

The originally harmonious tune was suddenly disrupted by the shouts, and the goblins who had calmed down were also awakened.

They were a little dazed at first, but after a brief absence, their eyes began to reveal their original cunning and cruel colors.

Did this human use magic? They began to panic again in their hearts, hesitated and hesitated.

"Don't be afraid, my people, your king will lead you to eradicate heresy, and lead you back to the underground to live a dark life." The Goblin King began to shout again, "Now, come with me, "

"Whoosh!" A black shadow suddenly flashed past.


The Goblin King's words stopped abruptly. He glanced blankly at the arrow stuck in his throat, stretched out his hand, and wanted to pull it out, but the next moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart.

The feeling of powerlessness slowly hit his heart, he felt dizzy, his head became a little dizzy, and his body began to lose weight.


The surrounding goblins watched helplessly as their king was shot through with two arrows by that terrifying human, and then staggered and fell off the cliff.

Their king, dead?

Such thoughts flashed in their hearts, the next moment.

"Ah~" All the goblins became terrified, stared at Karl with wide eyes, and then started running behind.

Their kings were all killed, such great kings were all killed by this human being, how dare they continue to stay here?


"Want to run?" Karl put away Xiao, and picked up the bomb in his hand. The killing started again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of the explosion began to roar again, constantly resounding throughout the underground kingdom, the gunpowder began to burn, the rock walls began to heat up, and billowing thick smoke began to fill the air.

A red light suddenly appeared in the sky above the Misty Mountains, mixed with thick smoke and continuously winding upwards

This sudden scene attracted the attention of all the creatures around. They watched the thick smoke like a wildfire spreading, their eyes full of surprise.


Underground, the goblins were scrambling to escape in a panic. But there are too many of them, and the stone paths reclaimed on the plank roads and rock walls are so narrow, so from time to time, groups of goblins will scream and fall into the abyss.

They looked like drowning mice, crawling forward as hard as they could, just to seek a chance of life.

They are so pitiful, however, this does not prevent their impending fate.

For Karl would have no mercy or mercy for these dark creatures.

Goblins have different values from intelligent races such as humans, elves, and dwarves.

They don't have the good character and kindness that humans should have, but they have learned the despicableness and cruelty thoroughly, and for this reason they are even engraved in their genes.

These short, gray-skinned things take cruelty as their joy and tyranny as their nourishment, just like tigers and wolves are born to eat meat, and cattle and sheep are born to eat grass. Such a nature cannot be changed by education.

Therefore, Karl never thought of living in harmony with these guys, and never had the idea of wanting to let them go.

In his eyes, these goblins are just stepping stones for him to take a higher step... nothing more.

Gandalf and Thorin also accompanied Karl, constantly rushing forward.

They are not newborn warriors. After several battles of iron and blood, they have already understood what war is and how to stand firm.

In the face of interests, between life and death, to have compassion for the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.